Friday, March 23, 2007

Who is your Favorite Mockingbird Character?

Who is your favorite Mockingbird Character?

Mine is Boo Radley. Even though he wasn’t in much of the book, I loved how he was mysterious throughout most of the book, but in the end he came in and Totally owned Bob Ewell. I think that he came into the book at the perfect time, and was the best character.

Throughout the book, he secretly was taking care of the kids and watching over them. Like when Jem’s pants were sewn and folded when he came back for them, and when the kids would always find cool gifts in the tree, Boo was always there to make sure they were okay. And at the end, he did the ultimate deed of protection, stabbing the man who tried to kill Jem and Scout, Bob Ewell.

Well, that is my favorite character, what is yours?

Post your favorite character below, and ill prove to you that Boo is better than any of them.

Peace out

Beefy manwich

another post about the ending to mockingbird

I am sooo glad i finished it.
i wasn't enjoyingit at all.
or at least until i got to the last few chapter,
it was kinda interesting and i kinda liked the ending.
now i am book-less.
any ideas???

In his/her shoes.......

A couple of the themes on the freshmanscholars site tie in together. The theme: most people are likable once you get to know them and the best way to understand a person is to "stand in his or her shoes," I think these saying just about the same thing and are very true.

Both of them refer to getting to know someone and understand why they are the way that they are. The theme "most paople are likable once youget to know them" is very true. I know that I have made consumptions of people before and thought one thing or the other. Some times I thought they were mean or rude or I wanted to become their friend because I thought they would be fun to hang out with. When I got to know them I sometimes thought the same, but a lot of times I have figured out that they actually are really nice and fun to hang out with or they aren't that fun to spend time with.

Just this year I have gotten to know someone a little bit more, who in past years I really didn't like. I judged the person before I even got a chance to know them.

The other theme "the best way to understand a person is to "stand in his or her shoes," I know for fact that this is true. I have often thought to myself why a person is the way that they are. I usually always try to get to know someone before I judge them and it usually helps them me know where they are coming from. I always try to treat everyone the way that I would want to be treated, because you never know what someone has to deal and what makes them the way that they are.

I really liked these themes because they are very true and if you would jusst take some time to put yourself in someone else's shoes and get to know them, I believe things will start to come clear.


I talked about it earlier. It's an awesome book. It tells about what he endured when he wanted to get his contract restructured after signing one a year ealier. Terrell Owens tells about how NFL free agency works, and how the whole "financial part" of the NFL. He explains how it is all a business so you always have to watch your back. It's really good so far. I highly recommend it if you love the NFL or just football in general. Whether you hate him or love him, T.O. is a great book to read!


I think that we all pretty much agree that Boo killed Bob in order to protect the kids. Boo is such a nice person, I wish that there would be more of the book so we could get to know Boo better. Boo is AWESOME!

Total domination by Boo Radley

I guess since everybody else is posting about the end of Mockingbird, so will I. I actually really liked the end of the book, because it had the action of a good killing. I figured Boo would come in and save them when they got attacked, but it was still good, even though it was predictable.

I agree with them when they donn’t turn Boo in, because doing that would defeat the purpose of doing the good deed, and “killing a mockingbird”. The reason the book was named that was probably for the story at the end, and I didn’t know why the book was called to kill a mockingbird, but now that the book is done, I get it.

Yeah, that’s pretty much it. And for the record, Boo totally stabbed the living monkeys out of Bob, and he had every right to do it. Boo Radley is the best!

Beefy manwich


Well that was definatly a dramatic ending. I loved how Boo finally came out after the long awaiting. That just shows that some things need time. Man, i dont like Bob Ewell. He is just holding a grudge and cant get over it and is harming others to make him feel better. I dont mean this bad or anything but i believe that Bob kinda got what he deserved. I like that Boo saved them, but Atticus kinda took it overboard when he thought Jem killed Bob. I dont know if Bob feel on the knife or if Boo killed him, but if Boo killed him them i think he was just pretecting them kids and im glad he didnt get in trouble. Well Harper Lee is a she stud and this was a good book. I just saw this site and it has some cool pictures from plays and then some pictures of Harper Lee.

Boo's Hiding Place

How does he do it?
How does Boo watch the children without getting caught? I think he has a secret underground tunnel he uses to sneak out at night. You'd think if he snuck out most nights that he'd get caught. Perhaps Nathan Radley knows, he's the one who filled in the tree. (or at least he said he was the one.)

The Death Penalty

A few days ago Ms. James blogged about the death sentence and what it would be like to live knowing that you are soon going to die. Honestly i dont think the death penalty is right it some cases. I do believe some people do deserve it. In order for it to be right I think the court should absulutely positive in everyway that that person indeed did kill many people. In some states they use the death penalty in too many ways. The link that Ms. James provided was actually kind of an eye opener. I wonder how it would feel to be wrongly convicted or have a family member that was later found non guilty but yet had already been killed for that crime. It would be horrible to be locked in a cell not being able to see all your family or friends before you die. I see it in both ways. I also feel that they deserve to be that way because they did commit a horrible crime. What if you knew that you didnt do it? You could say all you want to say but no one would ever believe you. Just in the last year Tookie Williams went through the lethal injection. He was on death row for all of the crimes he commited earlier in his life when he was the leader of the crips. Ever since he has been locked up though he wrote many books and had programs to keep kids out of gang violence. He even won a Noble Peice Prize. I think that he should be locked up for life but not put on death row. I found this writing of an Alabama inmate on death row. So what do you think of the death penalty?


I just noticed what a difference homekeys can do.

Anyways, I have notice something about everybody. Before we read the whole book, we all thought it would be dumb and boring, but now everyone liked it, well, mostly everyone.

I can't read for a grade so it took me a lot of control to read it all, but then it got to the trial scene and I couldn't put the book down. I finished the book yesterday on the bus to my mom's work. It was awesome. My favorite part was thinking through a 7 year old's eyes. It was very new experience for me.

What did you all think of the book?

The Ending!!!

I am sooo happy that I finally finished the end of the book. The book really is interesting, especially the last couple of chapters. The book has so many morals that made me have a better understanding of what it was like back then in the old days. The ending was really good especially when I found out that Boo (Arthur) Radley came out of his house just to save Scout and Jem. What really made me excited was finally finding out that Boo actually came out of his house. It was really thoughtful of Scout try to comfort Boo into their house. And when I found out that Mr. Ewell had killed himself by tripping over the grand oak’s tree roots it surprised me. I was really confused of what was happening to Scout when the really bad event was taken place.

This made me think a lot of how it would be like to be in someone else’s shoes until you’ve actually experienced it. How would you know who that person really is after you’ve heard so many rumors? Would you think of them badly? Or would you wait until you know the truth first and then judge by that person’s character.

Well that’s all I have to say! Have a good spring break! (Because I’m not.) :(
Click on the image above! It’s hilarious. I edited it myself!

Seem like today is the end for alot more than just To Kill A Mockingbird.

It's true. To Kill A Mockingbird was a good book. As I said the book became less confusing to me as I read on. I loved how at the end, they stood on Boo Radley's doorstep to see his perspective of the world. Did everyone like the book? I did. Well, it wasn't bad. But it still wasn't my type of book. I finished Notorious. It was such a good book. I didn't like it in the beginning, but I really did in the end. Also, The True and Outstanding Adventures of the Hunt Sisters. I don't like it that much:/. I don't know if I'm gonna finish reading it or not.

Courage means fighting for what is right, no matter what the cost. I believe this, and I wish it was true for everyone. When I was at the hospital last night, one of the nurses asked Austin a question. His parents we're gone, and I was crying. She knew why, so she asked him. Do you want to your life to be easier or better? Did you really want to lay down on the ground where no one could find you on Monday, or do you want things to be hard for a little while so you can have everything like you really want it? He said he wanted his life to be better, not easier. I hope with everything I have that that's true. The best way to understand a person is to "stand in his or her shoes." I also believe this is true, but clearly in my situation standing in his shoes would be dangerous. A part of me wants to spread to everyone how I feel. To tell everyone how I feel so they can understand NOT to do drugs, and do this to people who care about them. But another part of me wants to mess things up for myself as much as they are for him, so I can understand.

Wow, I really need something to make me not think about this so much. Have a good spring break..


What do you guys think about the time change after spring break? I think it is not much of a big difference. The only thing that bugs me is that we dont have late start for two weeks and that means we cant stay up late on tuesdays. bummer! What about the changes for next year because of the bus routes? i think that is so dumm! i dont wanna have to go later to get out later because that means less time for home stuff to do. Why do we go to school so long. we spend a big part of our lives at school, school last for most of the day, we barely see our parents, we spend more time at school then we do in our own homes. Also we have homework what is the point when we were just at school and we need that time at home for other things. so yeah everybody leave me comments about what you think of times and school changes♥ P.S Have A Fabutabulous Spring Break!!!!♥♥♥♥

What Books Are Good, and What's Going On For Your Spring Break?

Alright, I'm really, really bored, but I have a new book to read! It's apparently A Million Little Pieces, and I'm so happy because I actually got it now! Heehee! Anyway, I'm only on chapter 2, but it's already mentioned vomit a couple of times. I know, sick, isn't it? More of he, but oh well. lol Stupid joke alert.

Anyway, if it shows up saying
, I'm sorry! I'm trying to get it to work, but oh well. I'm also reading HP and the Order of the Phoenix. And the Old Testament, and now a driver's manual, and that book! -->
I finished reading 'A Walk To Remember', and oh my gosh was that a sad book! I was laughing really hard at the beginning, but by the time I was done reading it, I had tears rolling down my cheeks! I don't cry that much. I don't know why, but I just lock everything inside. It's a really long story, but I was actually crying. It's really, really sad.

Well, I have a feeling that something better is going to happen after school, but you never know what happens in life! Stinks, don't it? Anyway, that's going to be more exciting than my spring break. Which, by the way, I'm going to do nothing but get online and read... and listen to music and read. lol And also write my book! Yes I'm writing a book, but that's not the point! lol

Do you guys know of any good books? I need some ideas because I'm starting to run out of them and I've already read almost all of the books in my closet! I refuse now to read Little Women, so that does NOT count! lol


yeah :]
pick a topic!

The End

Well, I"m really glad at least scout got to meet Boo. i was beginning to think that they were gonna go throughout the whole book without Jem or Scout meeting him. I think it would have been cool for Harper Lee to have a sequel to this book. See if maybe Boo would come out again. And i also think that boo was the one to stab Ewell. I think he did it for self-defense and protecting Jem and Scout. This book wasnt so bad after all. :)

"It is a sin to kill a mockingbird."

In my opinion, Boo killed Bob. I mean, Bob was probably drunk so its possible he fell on the knife. But Boo was protecting "his" kids and wouldn't a father or older brother kill to protect his children? I'd like to think that that was what happened.

On another note, I think it was so awesome of Heck Tate how he kept on proving the worry-stricken Atticus wrong. And also how he refused to punish Boo. I thought that was really cool and I love the connection to "It is a sin to Kill a Mockingbird".

Terminar el Libro

I finished up the book Wednesday night. I would have liked it if the ending was different, and if there was more to the book. But I do like the fact that Scout finally got the meet Boo. I like it how Boo saved Jem and Scout. I also like it how the chicken wire in Scout’s costume provided her with protection from Bob. Boo seems to be a real nice guy underneath it all. He always manages to watch out for Jem and Scout.

The END!

I have finally finished Mockingbird, it was beautiful! I loved the end, and how intense it had gotten for a second! What troubled me was the fact that Atticus was set on making Jem out to be the killer. Even after the sheriff told him it was not his fault, Atticus was determined on putting him to blame. I understood that he wanted a clean name for his son, but it went to drastic measures! (to me)

I loved Boo. How Scout was totally acting cool when she finally, after such a long time, saw him. She just ever so casually said, "Hey Boo." I thought that was cute. And when she was on the Radley porch with Boo, I thought it was adorable how much she thought about what it was like to be him.

I was really sad about Jem, especially when they made you think he was dead for a second. Then I remembered, no one could make a character like Jem die.

Another weird thing I thought about was how Boo found them. If he never goes outside, and never interacts with people, then how and why did he find them so fast? Which makes me think... he was watching them? If so...that's creepy?


But guess what?! Spring break is in about and hour :D

I don't know about you all, but I will be having the best time of my life!


What did everyone else think of the book?

Of Bob Ewell's death?

Or about Atticus basically wanting his son to be the murderer?

Have a nice night :d

Finally I Can Talk About The End!

I have been done with To Kill A Mockingbird, but now for the first time I'm able to talk about it. I thought the ending was great. How Jem and Scout get attacked by Bob Ewell. And how Boo Radley comes to their rescue. It was a great ending and really was the best part of the book. I think the saying from Ms. James' post, Most people are likable once you get to know them is very true and relates to this book in a big way.

For the whole book Jem and Scout stayed away from Boo Radley's house and always thought of him as a bad dude who never came out of his house. But when Boo Radley saves them from Bob Ewell Jem and Scout see the first good in him they have ever seen. Then as Scout talks to Boo back at their house she learns what a nice man he actually his. This just goes to show that people really are likeable once you get to know them. That is why I think that statement is very true when applied to the book, To Kill A Mockingbird.

The book I am reading right now is called T.O. It is about the Terrell Owens, an NFL football player who has been through lots of controversy. If you like sports or football its an awesome book to read because you get to see his story and not what the media told you. I don't know if there are really any settings, themes, or characters like the ones in To Kill A Mockingbird, but T.O. does talk about his faith in God and his confidence and hard-work ethic. But it is a really good book!

I hope everyone has a great springbreak!!! I know I will!!

To kill a mockingbird.

Okay yesturday I finally finished the book To Kill A Mockingbird.It was really slow and boring at the first but it got alot better the more i read.The last couple of chapters were the best.They were exciting and suspensful.In chapter 28 a man has grabbed Scout and Jem and chases after them and we find out Jem is unconscious and has broken his arm.Also we read that Bob Ewell is lying dead with a knife in his ribs.That is why I think chapter 28 is the best chapter in the book because it is shocking and suspensful.And in chapter 29 we find out that the man who carried Jem home was none other than Boo Radley who never comes out of his house but for some reason he came out to help Scout and Jem.In chapter 30 Atticus argues with Heck Tate that his son Jem must have killed Bob Ewell and he doesnt want Jem to be protected from the law since it couldnt have been just an accident.In the 31 and final chapter Scout realizes " Atticus was right. One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Radley porch was enough."She suddenly understands Boo Radley and sees things from his perspective.

I think

that Boo stabbed Ewell for self defence for him, Scout, and Jem. I think so because Boo never said anything really, and neither did Scout when Tate and Atticus were talking about who stabbed him. And Scout didnt tell Atticus because I think that was another metaphor or w/e for not killing a mockingbird.

I think

that Boo stabbed Ewell for self defence for him, Scout, and Jem. I think so because Boo never said anything really, and neither did Scout when Tate and Atticus were talking about who stabbed him. And Scout didnt tell Atticus because I think that was another metaphor or w/e for not killing a mockingbird.


well. I'm finally done with to kill a mockingbird and i ready enjoyed it. This is going to be one of my favorite books I've ever read. I really like how it ended. I wish that she would have made more books, because this book is great. I am going to tell more people to read this because most people don't even know what it is about.

This really sucks because it is raining out and I don't know when it's going to stop because I was going to go fishing after school.


have a good

Wow. I Did NOT Want The Book To End.

I'm so glad that Boo came out of his home. My theory is that maybe he has that wierd allergen to the sun. people do get that. or maybe he's albino. It would make sense since he is only out at night.

I'm wondering what Bob Ewell did to break Jem's elbow in that kind of way. It confuses me because if he barely got him, wouldn't he just barely hurt him? It says that Jem was pulled off and then Scout heard him scream and then it was quiet.

I remember when I was her age, I'd run through people's yards at night because I figure that if someone would want to kill me, I could scream and I'd be saved by a loyal neighbor.

I have had many off childhood experiences. Kind of like Scout's, really. My older brother would be Jem and I'd be Scout. We used to have a tree nearby that we would always climb and, once, we found this guy, Chance, in the yard next to ours staring at us playing Cops and Robbers. I always liked to be the robber, but then so would my brother. Ao Chance came and it was kind of like Dill and Scout and everything was all childish and sweet. Then he moved.



I'm glad that Scout got to meet Boo. I mean, seriously. It's about time, don't you agree?!

I'm also glad that Bob died. He was a crappy character. Well, at least to me. Haha.
But do you think that Bob really fell on the knife, or do you think that Boo killed Bob?
I hope that Boo killed Bob. It would just be kinda like, 'Boo's finially out, and he killed someone! POW!' Yeah. Haha.

I think this was a good book, but I think I would have enjoyed it more if it hadn't been assigned to read.


I finished Mockingbird on Monday, so I've been resisting to post until today. :)
I didn't understand why it wasn't brought up a whole lot that Boo saved Jem and Scout. It was mentioned, but when Atticus, Heck, Boo, and Scout were all on the porch, Boo just sat there and then went home. I realize that he's not a very social/talkative person, but still.
I liked the book, but I thought it would have ended differently and more dramatically. It was a good ending, but not what I expected.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Emmett Till

WOW! The story of Emmett Till is amazing. I cant believe that you could hurt, let alone kill someone and not get in touble for it...but that was back in the day, in the south and Emmett was black and the murderers were white. The site I went to was really cool, and it was pretty interesting. We learned about it in History class this year and we watched a video about it. What they did to the body of young Emmett Till is unbelievable. The beat the boy so much that he was completly unrecognizable. The thing that was the most upsetting was that when the case was over the murderers got paid to tell all about how they murder the boy and got away with it. It is scary to think that those people got paid, got paid to kill a boy. WOW! This site was a great site you should check it out! Emmett Till


YAYY I finished to Kill a Mockingbird:)) --> that's Jem and Bob Ewell, and you can see a little of Scout back there.

The end totally caught me off guard. I ddin't think that it was Cecil following Scout and Jem again, but I wasn't quite sure. It's so surprising that Boo Radley saved Scout and Jem, after he hadn't come out once since they'd seen his house. I realized after a bit that, Bob Ewell's "revenge" that he declared was trying to kill Scout and Jem, but thank goodness they were saved by Boo. I'm so glad that we're finished with this book now!


o0o0h yeahh.



What I am now writing online today is going to be about politics and/or discrimination and the really sad part about the what happened in the past is so cruel that it makes me wonder why people hate another being so much. I mean come on, we have a lot of things that are similar to one another. We share the same sky, the same earth, the same stars, and even the same air. So what could possibly so different about us? So why couldn’t people accept people for who they truly are? I mean even now it’s kind of hard for us teenagers, if we are too big, some people look at funny. And if your too thin, the people still look at you funny.
And if your nerdy of if your preppy or even stuck in between, it shouldn’t really matter about the looks or how much money this person has. It should only really matter about that person’s personality. Some people might even try to act cool in some places so that they could be in their ‘group’, but then at the end if that person finds out who you really are, it’s going to come with some consequences, good or bad. But, hey, if that’s what you want to do, then go for it, feel free to in fact. But what makes me sad is how society is trying to provoke people to be skinny, just like in some magazines. But who I really look up to are people who are themselves (or trying to be at least) everywhere they go.
~~I have a few questions for you:~~
~1. If you were with the ‘popular’ kids at school and they did crack, or weed, or whatever, would you do it too?
~2. (Referring to question # 1.) If they pressure you to do it, would you?
~3. Are you choosing the right kind of friends?
~4. Are you unhappy about it?
~5. What would you do if you were stuck in a life or death position between your family or your friends, what would you do?
~6. Do you think that your friends are going to help you?
~7. If you were stuck in jail, which one do you think will be most likely to get you out? Family of friends?

What I am trying to do is get through to you is that what your changing about yourself good for you or bad? Does it really matter what other people think? Because it really shouldn’t. And I none of the questions refer to you then good for you, your doing the right thing. Does it matter if someone calls you fat, even though everybody knows that your skinny, and you try to change yourself to be even skinnier by starving yourself or some other crazy stuff? Does it really matter what everybody thinks? Even the smallest discrimination like calling an Asian person really smart or calling an African American that they are dirty or that blondes are really stupid can really hurt somebody. I know from one of the experiences But what I want to get across to you is be yourselves no matter if your really ‘popular’ or not.


I liked the part about Jem and Scout coming home in the dark. I never thought that Cecil was the one chasing them after Scout’s pageant. At first I imagined that the guy attacking Scout and Jem was Boo, but then I remembered how Bob wanted revenge. And this would be a good way for Bob to Atticus back. Chapter 28 is my favorite chapter because it is suspenseful. It has some action in it that the rest of the book really doesn’t have. I finished the book last night, but I’ll write about the ending later tonight, so the rest of you can read it first.
~Do you guys like the picture I took of the book?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sarah Dessen

(<-- this is the book i want to read really bad!!) Sarah Dessen has written some of the best books ever! (In my opinion) All of her books are so deep. She writes about high school life, she doesn't sugar coat it or make it seem like the fake clicky stuff in the movies. The way she writes it, is how I see it. My favorite book of hers is This Lullaby, about a girl that lives with a mother who has a tendency to get around, and have several different hushbands. The crazy thing is that her dad, one of her mothers many lovers has written a lullaby about her. Everytime she hears it, she questions why her dad left her.

Right now, I am trying to get my hands on, A Child Called It. Everyone who has read it has told me that it is deffinetely worth reading. I love books that show deep feeling, and hurt. I don't really relate to them, but they are on the top of my list!

We are just about finished with Mockingbird. I am a little behind, but will get caught up later tonight! I has really gotten good. to be honest, I thought this was going to be a totally pointless book to read, but I have been proved wrong!

Well, I will update later.

Have a nice night :D

I don't know...

I don't know what to write about because I'm done with To Kill A Mockingbird. Well I will say this. In class today we went over our essays and edited/corrected our fellow student's work. I thought it was interesting to see what everyone had wrote about. I'm glad we are finally turning them in because I have three copies and I want to get a grade for them. What all did everyone write about?

I'm just curious.

Leave comments about what you wrote about!

Convicted for 30 years and Then........

I went to the site of on Ms. James blog about today. It was really interesting. I read about the case of June Siler and Robert Wilson.

June Siler was waiting for a bus on February 28, 1997. As she got on the bus this short black man got on with her and asked her how long she had been waiting for a bus, and before she got a chance to answer, the man cut her throat and face many times with a box cutter. This gave me the chills. To think that a woman got cut up so randomly and horribly and to think that she sentenced the wrong man to 30 years in prison.

Later, while I was reading, the court decided that Robert Wilson was giving no chance to prove that he was innocent by providing evidence. Judge Ruben Castillo granted Wilson a writ of habeas corpus and said that he was to be retried within 90 days or released.

Robert Wilson was not allowed to provide evidence that Jerryco Wagner was the same height dressed in black, was 21 years old instead of 41 years old. Wilson said that Wagner had confessed to making similar attacks like what happened to June Siler during the following couple of weeks. One was against Manuel Guzman and four others against women.

June Siler said that she had been second guessing herself about Wilson's age and that he didn't wear nor had possession of Velcro shoes and that her assaulter was wearing Velcro shoes.

So at the end of the further exploration, Wilson was released, and Jerryco Wagner had already been put into a mental institution, because he had said that the police God had told him to hurt all these people.

I thought this was a great example on how many people who are sentenced to prison or the death row and that there could actually be a chance that it was not them at all and that there was false convictions.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

♣♠♥Just Finished Reading!!! (9:56 p.m.)♥♠♣

♣♠ I’m so happy that I have finished the book of “To Kill a Mockingbird”!!! It also makes me sad because I have read the entire book, believe it or not. What I was most happy about was the resolutions in the end that ad got my attention the most. It was really suspenseful when I was finished reading the end of chapter 28 that it had made me want to read the rest of the book. ♠♣

So what I want to say to the reader’s who is actually reading the book is that keep on reading until you have reached the end of chapter 28 or the beginning of chapter 29. But once you have start you won’t start. I really want to say more stuff about the book but unfortunately I am limited to those who are still reading because I really hate it when people spoil the end for you so I won’t spoil it for you readers. I have a good feeling why the book is called “To Kill a Mockingbird” and it tells you at the end. Sorry but that’s all I have to say until Friday when everyone finishes reading it. Bye, bye.

so i guess what i wrote wasn't good enough

but i do need help about it if you saw it.

I never really realized the way other people think about discrimination, but I DO have a story to tell. When I was in the fourth grade, the twin towers were hit. My whole class drew pictures all day about the people who survived. Before school had started, I went with my brother to go drop off his books at his classroom (he was in the 5th grade). There was this African American girl and a Muslim girl standing there. The African American girl told the Muslim girl "I can't be friends with you anymore because you are a terrorist and you tried to bomb me." I was so offened by this. I am as white as milk is and I could not even believe this. Just because one thing happened doesn't mean every one of that nationality is involved.I hate discrimination. We are all equal. Colors and races don't matter.

true story.
I know it's sad, but it is true.

I guess my last post wasn't relevant?

SO I deleted it.
To Kill A Mockingbird is good, now.

Yup, bye.

I went to the Face to Face link, and I listened to the many stories that those people had to say. The main stories that caught my eye, or ear so to speak, were the stories that the men and women told about 9/11. There was a women talking about how it was after the 9/11 attacks. How after that day, she was judged by so many people. Just think if you were Arab or Muslim after the 9/11 attacks, and you were completely innocent, but yet you were still glared at by people that haven't even spoke one word to you. I know that the terrorists that attacked the World Trade Center, and the Twin Towers should be judged and disliked by Americans, but those other people that just LOOK like terrorists, but are completely innocent, shouldn't be hated by Americans. Most of the time when you see a Muslim person today though, you do tend to judge them, due to the dumb people of their race that ruined millions of Americans' lives. I thought this was a great topic to blog about, soo I did:)

I'm so glad it's sunny!!
I hope you all have a great afternoon & night tonight:]!

Mockingbird Trials

So the trial was quite upsetting to me, but I suspected that Tom was going to be found guilty, because he was black and the book is set in a time a where the people were very racists.

I felt bad for Jem, because he got into the trial and was positive that there was no way that the jury could find Tom guilty. All through the trial he would say "We got 'em now" and other things like that. These couple of chapters about the trial shows how Jem is growing up and is understanding a lot of things, but still has a lot to learn. He said he thought that the citizens of Maycomb were the best people he had ever known and he didn't understand why they allowed Tom to be found guilty.

I found it kind of funny when Jem would say something concerning the case and Reverend Sykes would say that he shouldn't be talking about that in front of Scout, that she doesn't need to be hearing about all that and Jem would say that she had no idea what they were talking about because it was over her head and she wasn't old enough to understand. Scout being who she is would say I most certaintly do know what you are talking about and either Jem would decide that she was just saying that to try and prove that she was older or he would stop talking afraid that she really did understand.

I thought it was really nice for all the supporters of Tom Robinson to send Atticus and his family food for his efforts to help Tom Robinson.

What are your thoughts on the trial?

lets talk!!!!!!! im tired of blogging about to kill a mockingbird because everyone else has pretty much said what i think about it and i dont have anything to add. and i'm not reading another book because i'm trying to catch up on TKM so people talk to me!!!!!!!! :P


My older brother is a ranger in the US Army. He is what I'm writing about for my essay in this class.

To tell you a little about what I'm writing all start by saying that it's about his life and what he has done in Iraq... (a lot of life and death situations) =(

I hate writing about him because it always makes me really sad.

His name is Steve, and he is twenty-three years old.

I just found out last night that he is being sent back to somewhere in the middle east in September (he's not allowed to tell anyone what country, the army wont let him)

Last time he was in Iraq he was there for 16 months.

I hope it's not for long...

well my paper is about him and i was just letting you guys know :)

what is everyone else writing about?


i think that's funny.
i think it's an actual book too.
but it's like the cover of.



Emmet Till......

I have heard a lot lately about the Emmet Till case in the last few years. I know that in May 2004 the Justice Department reopened the case. Even though we cant bring him back I think it gives a lot to our community. I think his case still affects us a lot today. Its kind of scary that someone could be killed for jjust saying hey to a girl. Its also scary that the killers were found not guilty and that they even confessed after. It shows a lot of the justice system back then.

Since the reopening of the case the exhumed the body and performed an autopsy on the body that found a bullet in him. Also they found the court transcripts that were thought to be missing.I think his case has also done alot for the court today. In 2005 the "Till Bill" was passed which made a unit in the justice System to investigate old Civil Rights Cases. We are still waiting the closure of the case by the governme. Which the information will be sent back down to Mississippi for the closing prosecutions and indictments.

I find it very interesting that a case can be brought up and go back into court. I think it will bring a lot of the truth to Emmet Till's family.

Favorite movie--Amazing book

Hi guys! Isn't this a sweet picture? This movie is one of my favorites (I bet you can tell becuz i've blogged about it twice today ^-^)
Anybody seen or heard about the new F4 movie? Comments welcome!

♥Spring Break!!!!♥

Hey everybody what are you doing for spring break? leave me comments and tell me all about it! This spring break me and my family might go to Branson and stay in the Hilton hotel and go shopping at The Branson Landing also we might got to Silver Dollar City. I think my mom got Season Passes because we got this envelope in the mail and it said on the front that be careful special material inside. idk? My picture is of a Hilton Hotel not the one in Branson because this one looks way much better as you can see. I wonder what were going to do can you give me some ideas? This spring break we were going to go to St. Louis but my family up there had spring break this week so that was a bummer! well remember to leave me some comments pleazzzzzzze. Thanx♥


To Kill A Mockingbird has been getting a lot better in the last few chapters. I hated the fact that Tom Robinson didn’t win the court case, but I pretty much knew that there was no way that he would win due to the time period. I think that the evidence from the case shows that Tom was innocent, but the jury was stuck on the fact that Tom is Negro, that they couldn’t even let justice play its role. I think it is funny how Bob Ewell had to spit in Atticus’s face to make himself feel good. I love the fact that all Atticus has to say about Bob spitting in his face is, “I wish Bob Ewell wouldn’t chew tobacco.” I think that Atticus was very smart in how he acted after Bob spat in his face. I think that him acting so calm angered Bob even more than if Atticus would have fought back. Do you guys think that too...or am I the only one?

Racism and descrimination!

Okay so the links Ms.James gave us to go look at on her blog are pretty interesting!The face to face one is good because it tells you what it was like for Iraq and Afganistan people after the 9-11 attack and it tells how things changed for Japanese people after Pearl Habor and during World War II.It shows what it is like to be an american with the face of the United States enemy.In the link to the Emmit Till case a black man was brutally beaten and murdered because he whistled to a white woman.It is really sad how the jury,who were all white, didn't convict the men of murder and after the trial they confessed telling how they murdered Emmit Till and then laughed about it.Overall the links just tell about racism and discrimination through out american history.If you haven't taken a look at them I suggest you do because they are pretty good links and give you more of an idea of in the time period of To Kill A Mockingbird what life was like and why they say the things they do.

Who Likes Fantastic 4?

Okay, so I borrowed about four books from my bookworm friend that I've never read before. The one I'm reading now is Fantastic 4. It's the "official novelization" of the movie. The movie is one of my absolute favorites anyway and the book is amazing. If you love the movie, you should read the book. On a sidebar, its kind of funny because the movie is based on a comic book and the book is based on the movie. ^-^heh heh.
But anyway, read it if you like the movie.


I can alread see this. It was nice all last week and this week it is raining. I tell you what it better not be raining all this next week becuase we have spring break! I'm going to go fishing and camping all week so the rain is going to ruin all my plans. I think that everybody has plans that week so all we can do is hope that the sun will shine. I don't know about you but i think the rain can wait another week. It did rain but once last year and now it's catching up with us. If you guys get a chance will you comment me back and tell me what the weahter is going to be like.


KĪČĶĺŃ fiń

Who wants to see BLADES OF GLORY?

Blades of Glory acutally has nothing to do with my post, but that movie looks awesome. That is what we need to see if we get to see a movie during the long chief time thing during MAP. But anyway, back to what my post is about.

People were so racist during the olden days it makes me SICK!!!!!!!!! I am still in shock that the court would actually make Tom Robinson guilty. All of the evedence suggested that Mr. Ewell beat his daughter, but NOOOO, the mean jury had to be RACIST and still make Tom guilty, not because of the evidence presented, buth because he was black and only for that reason. This makes me furious and reminds me of another case.

The other case is the Emmit Till case. All he did was say hi to a white woman in a convenient store, and that man killed Emmit, just because he was black and had supposedly "sexually harrased" his wife. Of course, in our corrupt justice system, the man was innocent, even though afterwards he said he did it.

That makes me really mad at our Justice system, but also glad that that doesn't happen anymore, at least I don't think.

Anyway, on a more random note, check out this Russian Dude as he does some sweet flips and stuff. It is crazy.

that is all for now

Beefy Manwich.

p.s. ( that guy in the video is ME )

Chapters ahead!

I read Chapters 20, 21, and 22 last night. Today in chief time I read chapters 23, 24, and 25. So I am ahead. I don't want to give any thing away, something big happens. It has to do with Tom Robinson. But I won't tell you.

Let me tell you my views on the trial so far. I like how Atticus is so patient with everyone. I like how he asks question after question as you gain more insight on the victim/witnesses. The trial "scenes" of To Kill A Mockingbird are very interesting to me. Even though I already know what happens the part of the book still remains one of the best in the book.

Tell me what YOU THINK!!!

Science Research Project

Tomarrow I am bringing a chick to class for a science project in general biology. I am trying to see if i can get the chick to think that I am its mother/guardian. I am going to keep it until the end of spring break and by then it should follow me arround everywhere. I am getting the feed and chick from Mr. Moore, my teacher.


I'm reading A Million Little Peices. It's a really good book so far. A lot of people have been asking what it's about.

It's about this guy named James who is a drug and alcohol addict, and the story is him six weeks in rehab.

It's a really graphic book, so if you don't like a lot of details, then this isn't really a good for you.

Let's talk :]

Due Wednesday..

We are supposed to have our 3rd draft turned in on Wednesday. My first paper was on what we value most. As i was revising this paper, i decided to completely re-write it. My new paper is about my family. I was describing each person i full detail, on how I view them, how i feel about them and what they are like. This really helped me to put my home back into my own perspective.

What does everyone else feel about their families? Do you think they are crazy, or perfect?

Ya, so anyways

I am reading To Kill A Mockingbird. I am VERY behind, but will get caught up tonight. So far, what i have read has been intense. One part i don't understand is when Jem tells Scout and Dill to leave, and they go sit under a tree. I don't know what they were talking to that man who had soda about. That whole page didn't make any sense at all to me. Then after that scene, when they went back into the court house, Atticus was giving his final speech.

I think Atticus is one of the best lawyers i have ever seen. He is very knowlegible, has very good manners, and confuses the witnesses to the point where they are forced to tell the truth.

These qualities are seldom found in lawyers. I would deffinetely want him to defend me!

What do you all think?


Take it easy :D

Nyah-nyah! I finished Mockingbird!!!!!

Ha-ha, yes, I've finished To Kill a Mockingbird. For obvious reasons, I can't discuss the ending in a post. But if you have finished it too, pleasepleaseplease comment me so we can talk about it. I also rented the movie and saw it. I'd just like to say that Dill was perfect, Jem and Scout were adorable, and Atticus was cool. The movie follows the book pretty closely though. I have to say that To Kill a Mockingbird is on my favorite book list.


GO KU! I got the Kansas Jayhawks to win the National Championship. They have broke there curse of losing in the first round for the last two years. That was increadable for two years in a row they lost to really low seeds in the first round.(Bradley and Bucknell) I think it is a "B" thing. Well this year they were a one seed and they killed Niagara in the first round and they beat Kentucky in the second round. Now they have to play a good SIU team that stars Jamal Tatum who is a stud. He will probaly have a good game but I dont think that SIU and match up with the high powered KU team. KU schedule They are now 32-4 and heading into the SIU game strong!

Monday, March 19, 2007

What happened at the End!!!

Just kidding! Lol !!! I just wanted to get your attention! Actually I haven’t read it to the end of the book yet, but I’m getting close and am one of the people who are apparently. I just wanted to tell every one that this book really is interesting because the book is just filled with morals that make you understand what is right and what is wrong. The reason why I like this book is because Scout is so innocent and doesn’t know much about the rest of the world that makes me fall in love with the character (in a companionship way, of course). And it is the understanding that she has to take to learn about the world, back then when racialism was a big problem that I like about her. She is also fearless and is very tomboyish. She is also not afraid to asking things that she does not understand. What I also like about her is the constant fight against what she thinks is right or wrong in the world that she lives in.

What I also like about the book is how Atticus Finch tries to make the court room believe him that Tom Robinson really is innocent and did not do such deed to Mayella Ewell. He is also good at trying to get to his point through the court when it comes to witnesses and there answers. I like him because he uses a technique that will get you unexpectedly and will make try to get to his point no matter what. I also appreciate how Atticus tries to do his best with the Robinson case. He is very courageous and tries to make his children why the people in their town treat them the way they do. He also wants to make his point through even if he knows that he won’t win the case because he wants everyone to know that Tom Robinson is innocent. He is very good at explaining to his children how the things in the real world work and mean. ex. When Scout asked Atticus what raped meant.

This is all I have to say (type) now but do not say the book is boring or bad just because it is not to your liking. What you have to do is think outside of the box and think of what the characters are going though in the book. Thank you for reading about this blog and I hope that you will comment me on your opinion about what I have stated earlier.
Well, for one thing, this is not how I picture Atticus. I just think it's a good picture.

I just got done reading chapters twenty to twenty three. Wow. I'm really upset that they found Tom guilty. I don't think he was.. I don't think that they put into consideration that he was married and had kids. I mean, I know that wouldn't stop a lot of people, but still. I bet he was happy with his family, and had no reason to rape a nighteen year old girl. Seriously.

I also think that they didn't have enough evidence to find Tom guily; there was just as much evidence proving he was innocent. But then again, I don't think the Mr. Ewell did it, either. I think Tom would have done it before Mayella's own father. But still, I don't know for sure. I hope we find out later in the book who really did it, because I still don't think that Tom did it.

I really like this book. I think it really keeps us (well, at least me) very open minded about the stuff that goes on, and the kind of stuff that happend back in the days.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

seventeen through nineteen

I can't think of a picture that I can put on this post:/ ohh well. i finished reading chapters 17-19 which were all about Tom's trial. I don't think Tom raped Mayella, I think Mayella is just being a brat and accusing Tom of this so maybe her family will be able to sue Tom or something and get some money, since they're in need. I definetely think that Bob Ewell raped her, because he seems like a creep that would do that. Also, the fact that he's left handed and Mayella's right side of her face was bruised and beaten. I think Tom Robinson's story is much more believeable, saying that Mayella was all over him when he was going to fix the door. I don't see how or why Tom Robinson would rape Mayella, so i think he should have for sure been not guilty.
I hope you all had a good weekend:) Mine was pretty good I suppose, I pretty much just slept all day today:] haha. I'm a lazy bum:)
School tomorrow, bleh. I'll see you all then!

To Kill a Mockingbird

That makes me really mad that Tom Robinson was found guilty. None of the evidence said that he did it. It was only Mayella and Ewell's word against Tom Robinson's. The court case showed Mayella for what a mean person she really is. I don't see how you could be that selfish. She made him do a bunch of chores for her that she could easily do and then she repays him by accusing him of raping her.
That was really wierd when Mr. Gilmer said a bunch of really rascist statements to Tom Robinson. No one said anything at all. That should have at least been badgering the witness or something. I was also suprised that more people didn't share Dill's reaction. I would definately go wack Mr. Gilmer for talking like that. It is just really wierd that people just accepted that back then.
I would have thought that Atticus's speech would have gained more support. He told everyone exactly why it was wrong and yet they still found Tom Robinson guilty.


I'm not quite finished with the reading for this section(I'm on page 175) but the case is getting heated up!!!!! I think that Atticus will use the fact that the Ewell's and the others never got a doctor for Mayella to his advantage in the case. I don't think Atticus will win the case just because of the time period and everyting...but because of the facts that he will probably pull up, he should win.

Double Helix

I read this book at the beginning of this semester. I would give this book a 8 out of 10. It is about a boy named Eli. He applies for a job at a trans genetics lab. His mom has a disease called HD. There is a mystery about why his mom and dad both knew the researcher that is now Eli's boss; and why his dad hates him. There is also a very good surprise ending. Even I wasn't expecting part of it. If you like mysteries and or science this would be a great book for you. I would defiantly recommend this book.


Alright, I have to admit: I thought this book would be the worst thing to read since... I don't know, but now, I LOVE it! =] I love all of the characters (except for Bob and Mayella), but what I love more than them is the ending! Yes! I have finished the book!

I know that most of you aren't quite at the end, so I won't ruin it for the rest of you. You all will LOVE the ending! Heehee! Like Mrs. James, I was sad that the book ended. I wish that Harper Lee would have written a sequel or something.

Ok, I can't stay for long, but I just wanted to inform you all that the ending is absolutely fantastic! Talk to you all later then! =]

i finished This lullaby =]

yay for me! ! !

i love the feeling you get when you finish a good book.
And this was a really good one.

it had a good lesson about love.
That you need to just take chances.
I got a lot outta it
and it has actully thought me to just go for it.

So you should totally read it. =]

dribgnikcoM A lliK oT

I was gone on Thursday and Friday because I had to go to Nebraska for my grandpa's funeral so I'm just now catching up on the reading for this week. Right now I'm just on page 153. I thought that it was really funny when Scout was trying to kick some guys shins, but ended up kicking a little too high. OUCH!!! I really don't feel sorry for the guy because he seems really rude, and he is probably going to beat up Atticus, or do something else bad. I'll post later when I'm finished reading!!!

~The rest of you have fun watching basketball while I'm in my room with my nose in mockingbird.

On Trial!

This weekend I read the assigned reading for To Kill A Mockingbird. The three chapters covered the trial of Mr. Robinson. Attitcus seems to handle his job very calmly and as the trial goes on you and him find out more about the victim and the events that occured that night the girl was raped. As I finished reading these chapters I wondered what it would be like to be a defense attorney and be able to ask questions like Atticus did to find out more information as the trial goes on. I think To Kill A Mockingbird is a good book so far-now I just want to know what happens in the trial.