Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Due Wednesday..

We are supposed to have our 3rd draft turned in on Wednesday. My first paper was on what we value most. As i was revising this paper, i decided to completely re-write it. My new paper is about my family. I was describing each person i full detail, on how I view them, how i feel about them and what they are like. This really helped me to put my home back into my own perspective.

What does everyone else feel about their families? Do you think they are crazy, or perfect?

Ya, so anyways

I am reading To Kill A Mockingbird. I am VERY behind, but will get caught up tonight. So far, what i have read has been intense. One part i don't understand is when Jem tells Scout and Dill to leave, and they go sit under a tree. I don't know what they were talking to that man who had soda about. That whole page didn't make any sense at all to me. Then after that scene, when they went back into the court house, Atticus was giving his final speech.

I think Atticus is one of the best lawyers i have ever seen. He is very knowlegible, has very good manners, and confuses the witnesses to the point where they are forced to tell the truth.

These qualities are seldom found in lawyers. I would deffinetely want him to defend me!

What do you all think?


Take it easy :D


blondie said...

hey...on the famliy thing. my family would definitly qualify as completely CRAZY!! i love them do death its just crazy. lol. first of all its huge. on my moms side alone i have 45 first cousins. and then theres a whole lot more on my dads family. and to top it off theres drama goin on all the time...my family could make its own soap opera. the thing is...i dont think anyone's family is "perfect" or even close. every family has at least one family member that has done something. but i wouldn't trade my family for the world..i love my family!! :P

Laura Stevens said...

yaaa thats totally how i am!!

Katiedogg said...

My family's not perfect either (no one's is), but thank goodness I have them, and they have me. When you describe your family, don't forget any furry friends you might have! They are important, too!

m1012 said...

The part in the book that you are confused about is actually quite simple when you read it over a couple of times. So I am not meaning anything mean by that, because it took me a couple of times to get. Well when Jem told Scout to take Dill out, it was because Dill was crying because of how Mr. Gilmer was treating Tom Robinson. And the guy drinking soda with a sack around it was Mr. Dolphus Raymond. Who got kicked out of the courthouse for yelling a comment in defense for Tom Robinson. Mr. Raymond gave Dill a drink of his coca-cola, to make him feel better. The whole time that Scout and Dill were out there they were talking about how badly the white people (particularly Mr. Gilmer) were treating Tom Robinson and accusing him of something that he clearly did not do. Mr. Raymond said that is why he perfers to be with the black people. When Scout and Dill go back into the court, the missed most of Mr. Gilmer cross-examing Tom Robinson and Atticus was giving his final speech to persuade the jury that Robinson is inicient and that it was truly Bob Ewell who beat Mayella Ewell.

On the family thing, well I agree with "blondie" in that no one's family is perfect, but i think that is what makes them perfect. I would never trade my family for anything! Though sometimes they get on my nerves and all but if families didn't tease eachother and there wasn't occasional drama, then i think that would just be boring. So once again, I Love My Family and wouldn't trade them for anything!