Friday, March 2, 2007

Hey Guys.

Here is....

25 Things About Me

I have a VSD, which is basically a tiny hole in my heart.
I broke my arm swinging from a jump-rope that was hanging in a tree.
I read the whole “Left Behind Books” series in one month when I was in 7th grade.
I have never played on a competitive basketball team, but I love to play and it is my favorite sport.
At all-city in 8th grade, I ran a 5:32:36 mile.
I have played soccer since 6th grade but I did not play this year.
I love listening to music and I listen to anything from rap, to punk, to metal.
I was born pre-mature.
I love basketball, football, soccer, videogames, food, family, and friends.
I do not know how to play an instrument, but I want to learn how to play the guitar.
I love movies of all kinds except romance movies.
I have never been to a Kansas City Chiefs Game.
I was born in Anaheim, California.
I am half-Portuguese.
Dwyane Wade is my favorite basketball player.
I love to travel, and I have been to Seattle, Washington once, and California over seven times.
I love to eat.
I love chocolate.
I only drink water, milk, and orange juice.
I have never drank one can of soda.
My favorite numbers are 1, 3, and 23.
The drummer, Ian O’ Connell, of Happy Endings used to go to my church and as a kid once baby sat my brother and I.
I love roller coasters and thrill rides in general.
When I am older I want to move back to California.
I am a Christian and I am not afraid to stand up for what I believe in.

There You Go!



A_Band_Geek said...

Wow... are you serious about the soda? I don't drink it all that much, but I do... Woah, that's like awesome! I love the last one too!

Technolover said...

I love soccer, I love music, I am OBSSESSED with movies, and I am a Christian! Dude, this is awesome!