Friday, March 23, 2007

What Books Are Good, and What's Going On For Your Spring Break?

Alright, I'm really, really bored, but I have a new book to read! It's apparently A Million Little Pieces, and I'm so happy because I actually got it now! Heehee! Anyway, I'm only on chapter 2, but it's already mentioned vomit a couple of times. I know, sick, isn't it? More of he, but oh well. lol Stupid joke alert.

Anyway, if it shows up saying
, I'm sorry! I'm trying to get it to work, but oh well. I'm also reading HP and the Order of the Phoenix. And the Old Testament, and now a driver's manual, and that book! -->
I finished reading 'A Walk To Remember', and oh my gosh was that a sad book! I was laughing really hard at the beginning, but by the time I was done reading it, I had tears rolling down my cheeks! I don't cry that much. I don't know why, but I just lock everything inside. It's a really long story, but I was actually crying. It's really, really sad.

Well, I have a feeling that something better is going to happen after school, but you never know what happens in life! Stinks, don't it? Anyway, that's going to be more exciting than my spring break. Which, by the way, I'm going to do nothing but get online and read... and listen to music and read. lol And also write my book! Yes I'm writing a book, but that's not the point! lol

Do you guys know of any good books? I need some ideas because I'm starting to run out of them and I've already read almost all of the books in my closet! I refuse now to read Little Women, so that does NOT count! lol


Colten said...

Have you read Ivanhoe? Its a little boring, but if you like knights and stuff you might like it. Robin Hood is in it.

Katie said...

I have heard A Million Little Pieces is a good book so im gonna try and get it to read!Oh and I read this book called Jude by kate morgensroth.I think it is a really good book and has some really shocking twists!

omgzitsjenkins said...

i'm not too far in it, though.

A_Band_Geek said...

I haven't read Ivanhoe, Cotton de fur, but I'll try and find it! I love knights and fairy tale things! The reason though is a longer story, so yeah...

Katie, I shall try and read that as well. I love twists, but I hate mysteries! I'm wierd, I know

How far are you, omgzitsjenkins? I'm not far either as I've already said.

Anonymous said...

i thought about reading that book.
i am also looking for some good books to read.
i was actully just looking for some on barns ands
i found a buttload!
some of the titles are:
Flipped, Born To rock, fat kid rules the world, born blue, heavy meatal and you, and cut.
they all sound really really good.
so you should check them out too.
anyways lemme know if that book is good. =]

A_Band_Geek said...

Alright, Anna at the disco, you'll be my first friend to know! =D

Anyway, who names a book Fat kids rule the world? LOL That's pretty funny... I don't know why, but it is