Monday, April 16, 2007

Also, I agree SO much with..

SHORTIE'S post. About society, and just everything. One main point was gay marriage. What I have to say about that is: WHO CARES? If a man wants to marry a man, HOW DOES THAT AFFECT YOU?! If a woman wants to marry a woman, HOW DOES THAT AFFECT YOU.. OR THE GOVERNMENT?! It doesn't! So let than be. It just ridiculous that some states have gone as far as to make gay marriage illegal just because of THEIR religon and THEIR beliefs. Ridiculous. Christians are supposed to accept people, not judge them. It's funny that I'm not really even a christian, and I know that.

Next main point was all those fashion models showing off stick models which makes teen girls want to be just like that. I think it ridiculous, and even a little bit gross that models are that skinny. Yeah, I like to be skinny, but when your ribs are sticking 6 inches out of your skin, that's just a little bit icky. But the blame shouldn't all be on the fashion industry. Yes, they display all this stick-thin models. Yes, they encourage people to buy their stuff and get all pretty and skinny. BUT teen girls should also learn to be more comfortable with themselves. No one is making them not eat, or shove their fingers down their throat. So the blame is really on all of us.

Anyway, I just wanted to vent for a while and realy saying GOOD JOB to sHoRtIe for his or her really really good post:).

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