Friday, April 27, 2007

Love... is it real?

I have never thought love was real. Like, there are certain levels of love, and i don't doubt that people love eachother, it just doesn't seem quite real to me that someone could love eachother with their whole heart. This includes unconditional love. Which we don't see a whole lot of in our world today. Marriages are broken apart by hatred, lust, cheating, and even killing. It seems a little weird to me that people decide they are in love, go get married, and break up some years later after they get sick of eachother.
I am a hipocrit in this way. I say I love everyone, even though I really don't. The only people I truly love are my best friend, mom, sister and brother. And even I recognize that this love is not unconditional. Sometimes I feel like I hate them, and get so sick of them.
You could think I am way out of line? It is just my opinion.
What do you think?


Justin has FINALLY found his imaginary dog.
He was so relieved to find him sitting under a tree.
I wonder if crazy kids like that just put on shows to get attention. Listen to how this sounds... "Mom, I lost my imaginary dog. Can I use the car tonight?"
It just sounds a little un-convincing to me...


I think we are about to read Shakespeare here in a few minutes, I am starting to really appreciate the language that they used to speak.
After it makes sense, everything starts to tie together, and the poetry suddenly becoms more beautiful.


I'm leaving for little rock in exactly two and a half hours! YAY for dance!!

Comment me on what you think !


Colten said...

You sometimes get mad at the people you love, but when you really love someone, you can forgive them for it.

kaybee395 said...

I agree.

This also makes me think of when someone is fake and says "ohh, i love love love you!!", and then the next day they're talking smack on you like they've never spoke to you in their life.

I also agree with the whole marriage topic. It really doesn't make any sense when people divorce because they're "sick of each other." I mean it's understandable if an uncontrollable life event happened that influenced it, but you can't get sick of someone that you love enough to completely forget about how you felt so strongly in love with them before the controversy, right?

Laura Stevens said...

Yes, that is true, which leads us to realize that you cannot be in love at all if you get sick of some after 2 years.
I wonder how really old people deal with stuff like that? It's not like they could find someone younger...

kaybee395 said...

Haha true. And it's sad that they're may not be that many older couples when we're older, because people will be divorcing all the time :(!

theBEST_bj said...

I 100% believe that you can love somebody unconditionally. With your whole heart, and with everything you have. Here I am at 15 years old, and before I met the boy I am with now, I would get sick of the boy I was dating after a month or so. I'd be totally rude to them and mean to them jsut because they annoyed me. But now my view point has totally changed. Over the past year I have seen every side I could see of my boyfriend. EVERYTHING. and there isn't one thing that would make me not love him anymore. He may get on my nerves every now and then, and he sure as HECK stresses me out, but just being able to spend 5 minutes with him is worth it all.

SO, I do think you can love someone unconditionally.

BUT I am guilty of saying "I love you" to some people I don't really love. Like A.M. or J.S. if you know who I am talking about. I know who I love now and that won't change:). Do you think it will?

theBEST_bj said...


blondie said...

i believe love is real and that there are couples out there who truly love eachother with all their heart. but what i dont get is when like people think they love eachother and they HAVE to get married. its like thats the only way to prove that they love eachother and its not true. thats a bad idea in my opinion, you should take your time. :)

Laura Stevens said...

Good for you BJ :D

Laura Stevens said...
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MyFallOutRomance said...

I believe in love, but I don't really think people our age know mucha bout love. I thought I fell in love once. But it turned out he wasn't into me at all. I still really like him, but love is mutual. You can't fall in love with someone who doesn't like you like that.

The only love I have truly been in was a pet-caretaker love. And I still miss my puppy.

MyFallOutRomance said...

And when you truly love someone, forgiveness comes easy. That's how you know. you don't care what they do.

You just don't want to be mad anymore.

Laura Stevens said...

well, you cant exactly ignore and forgive after your husband cheated on you... lol

m1012 said...

You know I believe that two people can love one another forever and that it is with the whole heart. I know that my parents do and they have always told me to not marry someone that I can't live with for the rest of my life. I think a lot of parents get seperated because they don't do this. I am very fortunate to have parents that are still together. Just recently I have found out that my used to be best friend (before she moved away) that her parents got a divorce. I didn't know what to think really except that how blessed I am to still have both of my parents living together in the same house and still in love with eachother as much as they did when they got married. Well that is mostly all that I have to say about this subject, so see later. :)