Sunday, April 8, 2007


I'm reading a book called this. It's quite a long book at 360 pages. But it's about a guy named brian who is a high school senior. He plays basketball. But what it's really about is how his girlfriend Amanda is murdered along with her brother and mom. The authorities assume it was the father. The book is really hard to explain because their is so much details and everything is connected. Like Brian has a class assignment about how history repeats itself. The students pair up with someone assigned by the teacher. The randomly get a assignment. Brian's is about how a guy is convicted of murdering a girl even though he didnt commit the crime. He is executed. They have to talk about how the justice system is unfair. And the strange thing is that the case is kind of like how Amanda got murdered. Because that day Brian was shooting hoops. The cops ask him questions about anyone he saw and he can't remember details about a jogger who he saw before the crime. Also Amanda's dad is being unfairly convicted so that is how the stories are related. There is a ton more, but it's too hard to explain. So far it's a great read!!!


m1012 said...

Sounds like a very interesting book. Who is it by? I would like to know how it turns out. It sounds a lot like that the case that brian is studying about is trying to tell him something about what truly happened to his girlfriend and her mom.

AIR JORDAN 23 said...

Man, you read some of the coolest books. I dont know how you read like three books at a time and keep up with all them. I have a hard enough time finding time to read one. Well that sounds like a great book. Let me know who the author is cause i would like to try to read it. Thanks talk to you later!