Saturday, May 12, 2007


I'm done with another book. It was called After. It was cool. The book started out when these kids at a high school found out about a school shooting 50 miles away at a school. So for their school, a guidance counselor is brought in incase kids need helping coping with the tradegy at the school 50 miles away. That's understandable. The rest of what happens it not. This guidance counselor dude basically takes over the school. Soon the priniciple supposably retires, and all these new rules are made. Like you cannot wear red, also they install medal detectors, they search backpacks daily and even ask for random drug tests because the school "wants to be extra careful so a school shooting doesn't happen there. The story follows mostly these four friends who all play on the basketball team. The get curious and start figuring out what's going on. Well I won't tell you what happens, so read it!! The only kind of bad thing about the book is how it ends. I don't really like the ending.



1 comment:

Micaela said...

I would hate it if there were rules at our school, like the ones there. No wearing red, you have to go through metal detectors, your backpacks are searched, and all the other crap. But, I guess all of these things(except not wearing red) could help prevent a school shooting.