Saturday, May 26, 2007


an 11 year old boy killed this 1,051 lb. wild Feral hog, The pig was over 10' 7" long. it was in Alabama. that link has more on the story and more pictures if you would like to look. ( if i was that kid i would be way to scared to be in the woods with that HUGE hog.) ......................... check out my link =]


Phasma said...

I'd be a little unnerved, too.... that thing is massive. I've heard that wild pigs are a tad violent, to say the least, although I don't know whether that's true or not. But still.

Do you know whether a pig of that size is just a freak occurrence, or do most get fairly large?


Colten said...

We have wild pigs in Missouri now, too. But I don't think they get that big here. I saw a picture of Hogzilla, it weighed like 800 pounds.

Apparently they are really destructive, and once they are here, it's hard to drive them out.