Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The road of the dead.

This is the book I'm reading. It starts out strange. A 14 year-old kid is talking about the murder of his sister. Later on his older brother and him head back to the town where she lived to find out what happened. That's about all I know so far, but I hope it gets better. I've only read about 32 pages. It's supposed to be a suspenseful story. I hope it gets really good.



A_Band_Geek said...

It does get better. It just a real long time.

soccerstud23 said...

I still haven't read like half of the books I said I was going to read. Like code read and running with scissors. I will probablt have more time during the summer though. I just haven't really had enough time because of homework and studying and stuff.