Friday, May 4, 2007

True Believer

Soo I finished Beauty Queen, and it was really sad:/ I have a friend that likes to read Nicholas Sparks books, and I've read one of his books already, The Notebook, SO I decided to read True Believer. I don't really know if I like it that much so far, because it seems like it's going to be a harder book to read because it has alot bigger words and it's kindof more of an adult level of reading? Haha I don't know. BUT, I'm going to give it a chance:) I hope all of you are enjoying your books and such:)
Have a great weekend mkayy?

1 comment:

A_Band_Geek said...

Ok, You definately need to read A Walk To Remember. When he says that you'll laugh at first and then cry at the end, he's right. You would love it! It's depressing but really really good.