Sunday, April 15, 2007


Since I have nothing else to talk about, I think I should talk about society. And the cruelty that they put people in. What I really want to talk about is the state of being wrong or right in society. For an example (and don‘t judge me for this): why not let their be gay marriage? I know that there are many religion beliefs that do not accept this, but why let the person merry their love? And why is it strictly forbidden that there be only a straight marriage? Because I know that this is one of the major issues in society today.

And another example is about models today, and how magazines provoke young girls to be skinny just like them. And this is really hurting the big girls who are in society today. Another thing is the fast food that is causing all the obesity all around the world. This makes me think a lot about the ones who can not help them selves. Another thing is how people smoke in the U.S. and how it is killing millions and causing a lot of problems like lung cancer and second-hand smoke. I mean why sell the product if it is only going to kill the customer?

Another thing that bothers me is how in school there is the “Popular,” the “Goth,” the “Skater,” the “Geeks,” and the “Jocks.” I mean why so many different classes for the people who are just people? And even in the past there are classes such as royalty, the all rich and mighty, the mediocre people, and the poor. I mean why put so many classes for the people who are just people? To my main part of this is why separate people? And why can’t we just accept people who are truly them and why act like you’re that person when your not?


kaybee395 said...

Wow. Your posts are always so good:)

I definitely agree with all of the things you pointed out. Especially with the girls that are pressured to be skinny to be "the model type" so many girls are self concious about their weight, so why make them feel like they should be 110 pounds to be beautiful? I also agree about the smoking subject. Smoking is addictive for those who use it, and just harmful to those who don't and are around it. So I agree with you, why sell it if it's not doing anything positive for anyone?

Thanks for the post:)

Ashley said...

Thanks a lot for your post comment I really appreciate it. And if you’re wondering why I posted it up there was because I didn’t want to talk about Shakespeare like everyone else and get to a matter that effect everyone. So then it brought me to what was really out there in the world because most of us have not experienced what the true world out there. And my resources have mostly been my mom who is trying to show me how the real world is like and she tries to help me get ready for it. But what I’m doing is spreading the word out and to make a difference in the world by hoping that someone who is kind enough will help.

And I really appreciate you saying that I’m a good writer because I try to make it simple for everyone to understand what I am saying. But thanks for your comment again and I’ll try to comment on one of your posts.

omgzitsjenkins said...

i agree with the whole gay marriage. yes, there are different religions that say gay marriages are wrong, but it's not up to the government to decided who someone can and cannot marry. that's just so dumb. plenty of people belong to religions were it doesn't matter. so for the government to discourage what they beleive in isn't fair.

the whole model thing is just as dumb. there are plenty of beautiful plus size models, but no one really seems to care about them as much as the ones that are a whole big 80 pounds. wow.

the whole stereotype thing really bothers me. i get called a poser because i like some screamo music. but that doesn't mean i'm a poser. if i was a poser, i would listen to it because i thought it was 'cool' to do so. but i actually like the music.

you're a really good blogger (:

theBEST_bj said...

I agree so much with your post. This is all so true and I think you are a very smart person for posting this! I think I'm going to post a blog just to agree with you.

Ashley said...

Wow! I wasn’t expecting that many comments about my post, but thank you. I really do appreciate all of the comments and how other people see my post differently. And society really is cruel to people who just want to fit in and be like everyone else. And sometimes I wonder why there are so many problems in this world that we just can’t fix and when we can fix them and how long will it take to fix them. But for now I admire the people who actually do help society, even if it’s a little. And hey I help society too, by helping out with the neighborhood. And it makes me feel a little better about myself.