Friday, April 13, 2007

"Think with your brain, not your emotions!"

The title is a quote from one of my favorite books, Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment. I love this quote because its so true. I am naturally logical (some would call me unemotional) so I get annoyed with extremely emotional people who are either depressed or utterly in bliss all the time and have to let you know either subtly or not. Argh! I like Benvolio in Scene One, because he tries to reason with Romeo and get the lovestruck fool to push aside his emotions and just look at things realistically. But of course, Romeo is just one of those people--at least in the beginning. Anyways, does anyone agree with me? Or am I talking to a class full of emotionally uncontrolled people? If it's the latter, I'll start writing out a formal apology right now.


Micaela said...

I agree with you to a point. I think it's stupid to be so love struck to where you can't think. But on the other hand I think that being emotional is good...but I do agree with you on the point that it's not good to be emotional to the extent of Romeo in the first part of the play, especially to be so far in love with someone who doesn't even like him. It wouldn't be as bad if the girl actually liked Romeo.

Beefy Manwich said...

you guys don't understand love in its truest form.

you can't contain love, you just have to let it roam free.

besides, it isn't like being love struck would change anythig, because when do i think anyway?

Anonymous said...

I disagree with this quote.
If you dont act on your emotion then you are never gonna learn from experience and then you wont have any brains to protect you in the future. You wont know when to go for someone you love or not.
Anyone else get what i mean?

kaybee395 said...

I partially agree with you. Emotional people do bother me at times, but then again those people have had alot of feelings about things, so they can most likely give you good advice when you're in a situation that they've been in. I'm a semi-emotional person i guess you would say, so don't worry about me being too emotional in my posts:)

Colten said...

Living without emotions isn't as fun. Sure, you need to control your emotions, but its fun to let loose for a little bit and act silly. Some people that that is being stupid but it actually works. At least for me.

Technolover said...

I'd like to clear something up about this post, but I don't wanna go through the trouble of editing. When I posted that quote, I wasn't saying we should all become emotionless zombies. Emotions are good, but its not good to think with your emotions. That's why God gave us logic and reasoning, so we could work out our problems without screaming and sobbing and saying "Oh woe is me". Emotions are warning signs of our mental state. Logic is our problem-solving tool. Thanks for commenting though, guys! ^-^