Friday, May 11, 2007

Animal Testing

I know that animal testing is a touchy subject, but I felt the need to post about it since shortie posted about the controversial topic of global warming, and also because I am strongly against it.
Animal testing refers to the use of animals in experiments. Vivisection refers to the act or practice of cutting into or otherwise injuring live animals, especially for the use of scientific research. I don't believe that either of these things should occur, because animals have just as much right to live as we do, and test results are often misleading.
Animals have different reactions to substances than humans do. For example, Tylenol is deadly poison to cats, but okay for humans. Chocolate is a favorite candy for a lot of people, a lot of people like onions, and a lot of people like seeded fruits. However, these can all cause paralysis, comas, seizures, or even death in dogs.
Animal tests include, but are not limited to, LD50 and acute toxicity tests. Lethal Dose 50 tests are where a group of animals are fed (or force fed) a substance and are monitored until 50% of the group dies (hence the name, Lethal Dose 50). Acute toxicity tests are most commonly used with rabbits, who are restrained to where there can be absolutely no movement...the rabbits often breaks their necks or backs to escape the pain. A substance (such as liquid, flake, granule, or powdered substance) is then put into the eyes of these rabbits, which are then monitored for 72 hours to see the reactions. When results are recorded, the rabbits are disposed of.
The animals used in experiments range from fruit flies to non-human primates. Commonly used animals are Beagles, because of their sweet disposition and lack of resistance. The people who test on these animals are taught to "desensitize" themselves by not forming relationships with the animals they are testing on. I forget where the place was, but somewhere some scientists decided to desensitize themselves by tattoing a monkey's name on the monkey's forehead...the monkey's name was "CRAP". How sweet...not.
There have been several movies that have tried to raise awareness about the cruelty of animal testing. My personal favortie is Legally Blonde 2, where Elle is trying to get this cosmetic company to release Bruiser's mom so she can come to Elle's wedding. It might sound silly, but the movie actually has a great moral. You should watch it.


Micaela said...

We had a BIG discussion about this topic in class Friday. It is a very touchy subject, just like other big issues around today. I don't like animal testing, but if it is going to save my life by testing a prouduct on an animal first...then I might feel different about the entire thing.

Phasma said...

Personally...and this is only my own humble opinion... I agree that animal testing is wrong in most cases, simply because it causes other living things harm when plenty of alternatives and research already exist. However, I can also see the point that it might be a necessary option where testing a potential life saving medicine is concerned, provided that there were no human beings willing to undergo experimental treatment. The door swings both ways. But ultimately, I think the best idea to live by is to try to tread upon the Earth as lightly as possible, and to always seek peaceful solutions. Now, I don't know what that would be in this case, but I'm sure that one does exist.

Anonymous said...

WOW i totally agree with you.
i am completly against animal testing. I am also a vegetarian and i hate all forms of animal cruelty. I was actully about to post a blog about being a vegetarian when i saw this blog.
So i tihnk it's awesome you posted this. Check out my blog when i post it. =]