Thursday, May 10, 2007

Global Warming???

Is anyone concerned about the environment around you? And how it is quickly fading? The reason why I chose this topic to discuss was because I think that it is a very important problem in today’s health globally. I think that the U.S should help a little more because all the countries are helping (including China) are trying to prevent Global Warming. Did you know that there are holes in the atmosphere? They are caused by too much of the ultraviolet radiation (sun’s rays) hitting the atmosphere around us and causing the greenhouse gases and is quickly growing larger. And this is one of the many causes of Global Warming.

So we should try to reduce using vehicles. We could also buy fluorescents light bulbs that reduce your electricity bill and if every American home replaced just one light bulb with an ENERGY STAR, we would save enough energy to light more than 2.5 million homes for a year and prevent greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions of nearly 800,000 cars. And yeah, it does make a big difference to the rest of the world that cares.


Technolover said...

Okay, global warming is totally fake, but I do agree with you that we could do better to take care of this planet. You wanna know how much total the average temperature has gone up in the past decade? ONE DEGREE.

Beefy Manwich said...

I agree with technolover. The tempurature has risen, but it has been 5 times as hot on earth as it is right now.

we do need to protect the environment, but not because of global warming, but becase we want to help our environment

Ashley said...

I think that it really matters about how much carbondioxide there is in the atmosphere than what the temperature is. Have you ever seen the movie "The Inconvienient Truth"? Well I think we should also care about Global Warming because it does affect the enviroment.

kdizzle16 said...

I think global warming is really sad, especially since humans are the "superior race", so we should definitely be the ones to do something about it. Ford is coming out with an Escape Hybrid, and I'm excited, because I like Fords. Have you seen Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth"? It has nothing whatsoever to do with his political party, so for people who are Republicans, don't just not watch it because he's a Democrat. Anyway, in that movie it shows how much the Earth's temperature has risen since WAY back in the day. Ten years may sound like a lot to us, but if you look at that in relation to how the long the planet has been around, it's really small in comparison. So if the Earth has been around for, say, 10,000 years (hypothetically, of course, not actually based on fact), then that means the temperature would have risen 1,000 degrees. Why exactly do you, technolover, believe that global warming doesn't exist?

kaybee395 said...

I don't really have much of an opinion about Global Warming because I don't really know much about it, BUT i deffinetely agree about saving our environment. There are many iggnorant people out there that have no idea how to help save our world, let alone do they care..PSH. haha. Recycling is also very good!!:)

soccerstud23 said...

I'm think that global warming is real. I also think that we should start taking better care of our environment. Other states have started doing alot like recycling and I think that Missouri needs to start some new environmental reform things too. That's what I think. Also Shortie you may want to reread what you write before you post. I noticed a couple of errors and its kinda distracting.

Ashley said...

Oh, heh heh heh. Sorry about the errors. Did you mean on the comments or the post? I always open windows and use spell check to check on my spelling if I mispelled anything worng. But on the comment I just use the blog. And I think that we should use something that would make a difference in the world. Like using the light bulbs I suggeted in the post. Ha ha ha.

Colten said...

I think that global warming is happening, but it isn't rising very much and the cause isn't man-made. Man-made C02 is a very small amount of the atmosphere, climate is affected more by sunspots and cloud cover. In Dr. Crooke's class we watched a movie called "The Global Warming Swindle." It explains how an increase in temperature causes an increase in CO2, not the other way around. It's a little hard to understand because it's made by a bunch of British scientists, but it makes sense.

Colten said...

I think you can see the movie on the Internet, it may be blocked, though.

gonfishen said...

I dissagree that global warming is fake. I agree with kdizzle 16 and if you go off fact and not some bologna you hear you could see that global warming is an issue. Scientists have gone back and looked at alot of archeological facts and predicted that the average temperature on Earth has only risen five degrees since the last ice age. If that's how much the world has changed in just five degrees, think about what will happen in the next five degrees. Look at current events - we have had forest fires in the past but nothing like what they have been in the last few years. Over in Europe the buds used to make beer have been blooming earlier and this is causing them to grow less vigorously during the rest of the season, causing shortages. Weather patterns are being messed up because the temperature of the ocean has increased causing current changes. Its been a while since I have looked at what the ocean patterns might become if the ocean temperature increased but it is something like no more rain forest, some places flood (kind of like how the mississippi is flooding now), and places that were vegitated might become deserts. Our first hurricane of the season has already been named way before the season. The hurricane season normally lasts from June 1 to November 30. Because of the increase in sea temperature, coral reefs are starting to die. this wipes out hiding areas for smaller fish and turns the ocean floor into a dead white barren zone. So the food chain breaks in many places, which causes there to be no life where the ocean life once flourished. Maybe me, other people, and many scientists are wrong and we are just paranoid. maybe we are just on a one hundred year cycle. But in my opinion too many things are happening at the same time with one idea in common, global warming. If you want to you can research it and decide for yourself. But just dont go around with out facts saying it dosen't exist.

gonfishen said...

Beefy if you can get a web link that shows when the Earth has been over 5oo degrees in the last few million years I would like to see it.>D

Ms. James said...

I heard on the news that Google now offers a black screen (more froogle...hah) since it saves energy as compared to the white screen. Just think--our blog template you chose saves energy!

Ashley said...

WOW, you have ea really good point there gonfishen. I'm just impressed on how many different people believe in it or not. Well I really like it when there are many people on the same topic.

soccerstud23 said...

GLOBAL WARMING might not be man made. It could be just another one of the Earth's cycles. All of gonfishin's stuff shows that global warming is happening, but i don't think that it is neccesarily our fault. We might contribute to it but it could just be another cycle. For instance the earth goes through ice ages and then warms up again. How do we know that the Earth wouldn't warm up without human's influence.

Colten said...

Yeah, there have been a lot of forest fires in the past couple of years. But the climate can change on Earth, it's not like the date when grapes bloom is set in stone. The glaciers have been melting since the last ice age. According to theory, almost the entire U.S used to be covered in ice. So if all that ice melted, then Greenland should melt eventually too.

Beefy Manwich said...

I exxagerated a little on the 5 times thing, but it has been alot warmer in other ages, such as the mideval times, and the tempurature rises first, causing the co2 to follow, which totally defeats all of al gores arguments. Ive seen the inconvenient truth and i've seen the great global warming swindle, and the swindle responds to all of al gore's arguments and defeats them. You can see the swindle if you search it on google video and it isn't blocked.

You guys can watch both videos and decide for yourselves, but I believe that it is all natural and all just a cycle.

Ashley said...

Out of cuoriosity (I hope I spelled that right) beffy_manwhich, what would happen if there was another ice age that was coming? And how would we prevent ourselves from freezing? What would happen if all man kind was swept away with this humongous ice age?

Beefy Manwich said...

we can talk about "ifs" all day, and another ice age may happen, but it will be natural, and there is nothing we can have done about it besides try to adapt as well as we can. And if we all die, oh well, i know where I'm goin.

Colten said...

WERE ALL GONNA DIEEE!!!!.....someday. We can't stop it and might as well live with it, and I know where I'm gonna go too.