Thursday, May 3, 2007

Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe
In Lake Tahoe
swim in the water
from the snowy ice covered mountains,
but down below
in the warm summer sand
you can sit with your best friend,
not even realizing hours had gone by.
People in every lounge chair,
but as time goes by
you don't even notice it,
because you finally figure out
the amazing time you both are having.
When the day is gone and done
you know it was one of those days
that would stick with you for a lifetime...
All because of your best friend.
So, what did you guys think of my poem?


blondie said...

awwwwwwwwww...i like it alot. its really good. was this is ur friend from cali?

student1127 said...

yes it is. and she still lives there lol.

Laura Stevens said...

that was goood! I think its weird how it can be hot, then there is snow behind you in the mountains... BUT i liked it :D
have fun this weekend, ilu!

MyFallOutRomance said...

omg. no way.

i went there with my best friend too!

and we're from cali too!

except we were in both california AND Nevada!

crossoverflash03 said...

Ha I've seen this picture before.

Nice poem to.