Monday, May 21, 2007


Sorry, I just need a catchy title:). But that is my topic today. Yes, marijuana.

Now I went to this website and read all the issues, the arguement for why marijuana should or should not be legalized. I don't completely agree with all these statements. One of those statements being, "By legalizing marijuana, more people will use the drug and as a result, become addicted." Marijuana is not addictive! It's a plant, it's natural. Now alcohol, or pills on the other hand, are not natural. You have to add chemicals and crap, but it's all legal? Asprin, cloriciden, delsym, dramamine are all types of medicines you can get at practically any grocery store or gas station that will give you a major high of some sort, or kill you, but they are all legal. That makes no sense to me. Another issue is that it will raise the violence and crime level. Now I have a test for you. Send a really drunk person and a really high person into a bar, restaraunt, or any other public place. Tell me which of the two is first to start a fight or become destructive. It will be the drunk person. When you're high, you're just chill.The side effects are: hungry, happy, sleepy! (Katt Williams) Now please don't read this and think I'm just a no life stoner because that's not it. But my best friend has gone completely downhill because of stupid over the counter pills, but he's on probation and in rehab and all kinds of stuff because of weed. His familly, his probation officer and everyone else think that weed is ruining his life. It's not, but that's not how anyone will look at it. I've told him he needs to stop smoking because it doesn't matter what he thinks about marijauna, its what the law thinks. See, whenever you're underage, your parents or the government can do WHATEVER they want with you. But he keeps choosing to fight the system and what he believes is right. I agree with him though. I've done the research, looked it all up, smoking marijauna may no be the healthiest thing. It IS better on your body than smoking ciggarettes, drinking alcohol, or taking pills. I guess this is a really touchy subject because A LOT of people will disagree with me. That is my opinion though. I think marijauna should be legalized and pills should be locked up!

ALSO! It is not fair that be people who have cancer get to smoke but no one else can. If it's legal for them, than it should be for us!

TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! Because I know a lot of you are gonna have something to say about it:!


Laura Stevens said...

wow BJ, i can tell you have thought a lot about this...


omgzitsjenkins said...

very well said, BJ (:
i completely agree with everything you siad!

theBEST_bj said...

Yes I have, I think it should be legal! It'd just be way to hard to legalize it because of all the risk of high driving and whatever. I DUNNO!

Also, thank you omgzitsjenkinds:)

Anonymous said...

You have some really good points here.
and i agree. =]

theBEST_bj said...

haha YEEAH!

kaybee395 said...

Okay so I agree with the things that you said very much so bj.
BUT I've realized that all mood altering chemicals (unless they're being used for medical purposes) are pointless. Why do we have them? "because they make you feel good" and i know that you know me, and you know what I've done before to get that "feeling" but what I've realized lately is that being sober is the best way to go. When you're sober, you're YOU, and you're not the high version of you, or the drunk version of you.. you're just yourself and that's it. I think that all drugs should be banned including alcohol and cigarrettes! All they do for drug users is hurt them....!

theBEST_bj said...

Yeah I agree with that too. We should have to use drugs or alcohol to be happy, BUT some people do and I personally don't see marijauna any different from alcohol. I would rather have weed lagal than alcohol. I don't know if that's because I'm touchy about alcoholism or because of the crap that has happened due to alcohol through the past few months or just because I'm crazy, but that is just how I feel. I really just wish everyone was happy and Austin would stop getting in trouble and taken away from me just because the law doesn't agree with smoking.