Wednesday, May 23, 2007


So i am a vegetarian and i dont know what your views are on eating animals but i think it's terrible.
So i decided to blog about it.
my 10 reasons for being vegetarian:
1. saving the animals
2. Super healthy
3. more energy
4. weight loss (fer bigger people, not me)
5. lesser chances of getting cancer
6. You dont need to drink as much water to break down fat
7. live longer
8. there's less of a risk of parasitic diseases such as hook worms, and things that make your intestines go byebye
9. more food for the hungry people. (Cows and othe animals eat 1/2 of the U.S.'s food production. that food could be going to the people that need it.)
10. Helps the environment

If you wanna know more reasons just comment and i will answer all your questions.

Also i checked out the health concerns you find out if vegetarianism is safe and the only problem i found was "that feeding infants soy-based formula can disrupt normal development and cause early puberty". And you can always breast feed anyways. =]

i Also found that "One observational study in British Medical Journal found that high childhood IQ was associated with vegetarianism in later life. According to the study, "Higher IQ at age 10 years was associated with an increased likelihood of being vegetarian at age 30. IQ remained a statistically significant predictor of being vegetarian as an adult after adjustment for social class (both in childhood and currently), academic or vocational qualifications, and sex". Haha.

There are some great bands that support vegetarians too.
just check out this cd:
Liberation: Songs to Benefit PETA.
it's great

ALso check out these awesome sites fer more info:
safe way fer kids

If none of this changed your mind watch this video


Phasma said...
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kdizzle16 said...

I tried to become a vegetarian when I was in 4th grade, but it didn't work, so I decided I would be one at age 12. That didn't work out either. I'd really like to become a vegetarian because of all of the reasons that you listed, but I just love hamburgers too much. I think what you're doing is great, and I only wish that I had the willpower to do it. What kinds of food do you eat that replace the protein from meat?

Phasma said...

Hmm... I believe that I commented someone about a very similar topic... for my views please feel free to glance at a post entitled "Carter Says 'Ello". However, a word of advice: It's cool if you've gone veg-head (I have been for three years now), but you may wish to consider letting people approach you for info rather than soliciting your personal beliefs. People generally don't appreciate being told that something they do is "terrible", and will be more inclined to be accepting of your beliefs if you are first accepting of theirs as they are. If someone enjoys animal products, that's awesome. If not, that's great, too.

Peace and Love.

Technolover said...

How does becoming a vegetable--I mean a vegetrian (haha)--help the environment? Not trying to be obnoxious, I'm really curious.

Phasma said...

Clarification: I commented the post "Carter Says 'Ello", I didn't make it (thought that may have been unclear).

And to Technolover: It's been some time since I've read into such things, but to the best of my knowledge, animal agriculture requires more resources such as water, fossil fuels, gasoline, etc. to produce and causes more topsoil erosion than does plant agriculture. You might do some research of your own though for specifics.


Anonymous said...

hey kdizzle16,
thanks for the support =]
For protein i pretty much eat more legumes like grains, nuts, peanut butter, beans, peas, and soy beans.
All that yummy stuff.

Anonymous said...

phasma pretty much answered that question.

i totally understand what your saying about the whole "People generally don't appreciate being told that something they do is terrible" thing but that's exactly why i wrote, "I dont know what your views are on eating animals but i think it's terrible". I was just writing what i believe and i made sure to do it in a nice way. I am not afraid that someone will be offended if i think something like killing animals is bad. It's a gorey subject and people cant hide it.

theBEST_bj said...

I've tried to be a vegitarian before because I watched a video of all these animals in slaughter houses. It was SOOO sad. But then I realized that I like McDonalds too much to be a vegitarian. AND it wont make a difference whether or not I eat meat because animals will NEVER stop being used for food.