Monday, June 4, 2007

Aileen Carol Wuornos

That is Aileen Carol Wuornos. She was born February 29th, 1956 in Rochester, Michigain. Her father, Leo Dale Pittman, was a sociopathic, psychopathic, child molestor and her mother, Diane Wuornos, was a teen mother who really couldn't handle being a mother. Being the daughter and product of a totally dysfunctional marriage may have been what led her to be the world's first female serial killer.

Aileen's mother up and left her and her older brother, Keith, when she was almost 4 years old. They were adopted by the mother's parents soon after. Thinking they'd been saved from their crazy parents, the children were very happy. They soon found out that their adopted parents were in reality their biological grandparents and that Lauri (the father/grandfather) was sexually and physically abusive and that Britta (the mother/grandmother) was an alcoholic. When Aileen was only 14 she got pregnant. She claimed her brother Keith was the father because he as well had molested her on more than one account, but no one believed her. Instead she was sent away to a home for single mothers and her baby boy was given up for adoption immedietly after he was born on March 23, 1971. After her baby was born she returned home to the death of her alcoholic grandmother and her grandfather insisting that she and Keith leave his house as soon as possible. She was arrested once for drunk driving, another time for 'disturbing the peace' when she attacked a bartender, and then led her life of hitch hiking as a prostitution and murder. She married a rich man named Lewis Fell in 1976 but was soon divorced when she returned to her ways of bar fights and assault charges. After all of this her brother died of throat cancer, she spent the entire $10,000 that she got from the divorce on a nice car that she wrecked soon after purchasing it, and continued on a downward spiral of prostitution, forgery, theft, armed robbery, and assault.

This was only the beginning for Wuornos, though. Long story short, she met: Richard Mallory, David Spears, Charles Carskaddon, Peter Siems, Eugene Burress, Dick Humphrey, and Walter Antonio. All picked her up on random highways looking for a good time, and ended up naked and shot dead on the side of the road. Whenever police started to notice similarities in these murders they got a couple leads and everything pointed straight to Wuornos.

She was tried and found guilty and sentenced to to death on all 7 cases. She declined the traditional last meal that most people on death row get right before they are 'killed' and instead got a cup of cofee. Her last words were, "I'd just like to say I'm sailing with the rock, and I'll be back like Independence Day, with Jesus June 6. Like the movie, big mother ship and all, I'll be back." All in all, she got very famous for these murders. Many books were written about her and you can find the movie about "The World's First Female Serial Killer" called "Monster" at pretty much every movie rental around the world. On October 9th, 2002 she chose death by lethal injection and it was carried out at 9:47 am. Her body was cremated and buried in her hometown.

So my question is was Aileen Wuornos a cold-blooded murder or just a victim of an abusive childhood? Was she prone to turn out the way she did because of what she was and what her childhood turned out? Is anyone with that type of childhood prone to turn out the way Wuornos did? And why did her 7 murders not make everyone frown upon her but instead leading Charlize Theron, the actress that played Wuornos in Monster, to win her first grammys?



Technolover said...

Wow. That is fascinating. I'd heard of the movie "Monster" but didn't really know the story. In my opinion, her abusive childhood definitely played a major part. If she hadn't had such an awful past, she probably wouldn't have turned out the same way.

omgzitsjenkins said...

this was really good, and i really enjoyed reading it (:

anyway. i think that the fact that her childhood was so messed up, really did make a difference. considereing that's all the was used to growing up, she's not gunna know the difference of that being right or wrong, until she gets older, but by then, she probably coudln't be stopped.

again, good job (: