Monday, June 4, 2007


Ok guys, so first I was going to do my blog post on addiction, but then I thought maybe I should do it on suicide. My conclusion came to do suicide..

Although I’m doing my blog on suicide I’ve read a lot of books about addiction and it’s very interesting to me because no matter how serious of an addiction it is…from drugs to biting to your nails, its everywhere and almost everyone experiences the feeling of addiction. Addiction is relapsing condition characterized by abusing something compulsively and long lasting chemical changes in the brain. Almost all of the books I’ve read this year have to do with addiction. For example, A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. Also Impulse had to do with addiction but I didn’t get to finish that one. I still think addiction is very interesting so if you want to take a look at some cool facts about addiction here are some sites to take a look at.

The reason that I decided to do suicide is because almost out of all controversial topics…this would be the one I’m most interested in. I’m definitely against it and wanted to learn and talk to you guys about why people do such a horrible thing.

Suicide is the act of causing ones death. This will definitely be a hard topic for me to talk about but I want to talk about it because I think that everyone should know how awful of an act it is. Now, about a month ago my very own cousin decided to take his life. The thing about suicide is that there are so many questions. You have to wonder why they would do that, how long they’ve been thinking about it, if they regret it. I’ve been thinking about all of this because usually when you think about suicidal people you think about people who don’t have a job, don’t have any family and are pretty much in a clinical depression. But the thing is, that’s not always the case. With my cousin, he had a job, he had a beautiful 3 year old daughter, and more family than one can ever imagine. Not only did he have all of that, he seemed so happy. You can ask anyone who knew him and they will all say that he was always the one to cheer you up with some jokes. Suicide is the 11th leading cause of death, and last year there were 29,199. There are a lot of interesting facts about suicide at this SITE. Although it can be difficult you can find symptoms of a suicidal person such as history of mental disorders, family history of abuse, family violence, previous attempts of suicide and the most important one is depression. But for those people who don’t really show their feeling look out for things like if they mention things about suicide often, giving away possessions, and pulls away from people. To look at some signs and symptoms look at this website. All in all, don’t ever think that your life is worth taking away because there is always another solution. Don’t even think of suicide as an option because its not. I know you think that your just doing everyone a favor but the truth is that suicide is one of the most selfish things people can do. Ever think about the impact on the persons’ family? How hurt and confused they’ll be, and thinking they did something wrong. It’s not fair to anyone and is way more trouble than anyone could possibly ever be in.


theBEST_bj said...

I feel pretty strongly about this topic too. I just don't know if I'm for it or against it. Throughout the past year I've delt with so much crap that had to do with suicide. My boyfriend attempted suicide three times and when he went to rehab he tried to kill himself, again. SO he went to lockdown and all he could talk about was dying and I hated it. It made me and his family feel like crap because NOTHING we could do was enough to make him want to live. That is why I am so against it because I never wanna feel that way again. Buuuut on the other hand, since I've been dealing with this crap lately I've had some pretty scary thoughts. I can't deal with my boyfriend being in lock up for 9 months but I have no way out of so suicide seemed like the best solution. But my boyfriend talked to my mom and my mom got me help soo everything is OK now. You know you can't really help it when you get those feelings and your cousin maybe have been the happiest person in the world for all everyone else knew.. but sometimes nothing is reeeally right.

omgzitsjenkins said...

wow, Liz.
this is really good (:
you should be proud for writing such a good, deep, blogpost (:

i love you, and i'm really sorry about your cousin.

omgzitsjenkins said...


kaybee395 said...

I replied to someone else's post about this topic recently.
I'm against it greatly, like you are. I know that yes, people have problems that make you feel like nothing you do can make everything okay again, BUT ending your life because of it, what does that solve? Those problems that you were experiencing? What about your mom, your boyfriend/girlfriend, your pet, your everyone else that loves and cares for you? I think the feeling of suicide is common in alot of people, but most people wouldn't ACTUALLY do it, some people just say stuff like that for attention and affection. But i'm sorry that you had to go through that with your cousin, no one deserves to go through it.

Good post:)!

A_Band_Geek said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A_Band_Geek said...

Oops... I didn't meant to do that...

blondie said...

bj: yea i get wat ur sayin and i get having those feelings of wanting to do that but to actually go through with it is something totally different. lol. anyway i get wat ur sayin to.
JENKINS: umm..nice cover up sammi:)