Friday, April 6, 2007


Right now, I'm still reading A Million Little Peices, but I need to think of the next book I'm giong to read.

I think I'm going to read Impluse. Has anyone read it yet?
It's by Ellen Hopkins, and her other two books, Burned and Crank, are really good, so i figured this one would be, too.

I got those three books for my birthday, so I don't have to worry about how to get it.

But please, anyone who's read it, tell me what you think :]

Oh; and anyone with book suggestions, let me know. Thanks.


blondie said...

hey jenkins!!
i just started reading impulse yesterday and so far its pretty good. i'm only on like page 50 but its good.
how do you like a million little pieces??

theBEST_bj said...

I want to read that reeeally bad! I need to go to Barnes and Noble to get it. I also wanna read 'Cut'. I'm not sure who wrote it but I heard that it was a good book.

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

I had that book on hold in the library a month ago. i hate the librariens so much. i need to go down there and have a talk with them. even the public librariens are bad, everytime i call and have a book on hold, they always give it to someone else. i think they all should be fired for being so stupid.

student1127 said...

i loved this book the ending was the best! i think you should highly consider it for your next book!

omgzitsjenkins said...

BLONIDE: it's really good. i'm not that far; i'm at the part where James gets the coloring book to color. hahaha.
i think that would be a fun task :P

BJ: hahaha. i called you BJ for the first time today :P
Cut is really good. i read it last year.
Patricia McCormick :]

MRS. VALO: hahaha, i know what you mean! the librarians here always give my books away :[
or they never order them for me from other schools like they said they would.
psht. whatever.