Friday, April 6, 2007

Just In Case

I am reading this book. The beggining was a little weird. It starts out with an immediate almost-tragedy. This guys brother is one years old, and thinks that he can jump out a window and fly. His brother Chris, jumps to his save at the last second, it is quite tense!! haha

A few pages later, it talks about how this little one year old is noticing that his old brother is miserable. He is trying to figure out why, becuase he sees pictures of his brother earlier in life when he seemed very excited and happy.

I'm sure at all where this book is going to go. Hopefully it will be good!!

Meanwhile, Mockingbird is FINALLLY done. Well, it has been for a while, but we just finished the test. It was not to difficult...I found the last question a little challenging. Like, i knew the answer, i just wasn't sure how to describe what I was thinking in words.

What did everyone else think?!

This week has been intense, poms try-outs are coming up! Its exciting to get ready to start our sophmore years. Actually, I am not to happy for another year of school, but it will do! :D

I hope you alllllll leave comments! :D

1 comment:

kaybee395 said...

That book sounds pretty odd haha:)

I'm sure you'll make poms mann.
I'm actually kinda pleased to be a sophmore, I'm sick of being "just a freshman."


Well, have a nice weekend my dear:]!