Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Search And Destroy!!!

I just got done reading a book called Search and Destroy. It was awesome! It is about an 18 year kid in the 70's during the Vietnam War. He is not drafted but decides to volunteer! That's crazy. Who would do that in the Vietnam War? Well it's because he wants to get away from home and his dad. He wants to experience the real world and prove to his dad that he is a man. Anyway he signs up and does really good in the camps. Eventually he is apart of a 6-man group who go in and do secret operations. They set up ambushes and are the best at what they do. As the book goes on he learns about the horrors of war as he sees his fellow comrades die. The book is a little graphic about gunshots to the head and the body being torn apart, but that's it. He learns what war is really about and comes back home different.

I won't tell you what all happens while he is in Vietnam because I don't want to spoil it.

It's a great book.

Read It!


AIR JORDAN 23 said...

Man you have been reading some really good sounding books. I think "Smack" looked like a really good book, but this looks like a sweet book to. I think that i might even like this book a little better, because i like books that are graphic and that have a lot of detail, i seem to stay more hooked. Well it seems like you got good taste in books so keep me posted on what your reading and i might wanna check it out. thanks!

kickin fin said...

This book sounds good. I like war books but they don't make enough.

Technolover said...

I really love war books, too. Who is this one by? It sounds really cool.