Wednesday, March 7, 2007

I finished it already!

So you know the book I blogged about Monday? I got the book 4th block on Monday, and finished it today in 4th block. It was such a good book, I pretty much read it non stop the past two days. Alot changed as I read. In the beginning it was mainly from Hilary's (the girl in the neo-Nazi gang) point of veiw. But as it went on almost all of the chapter's were from Chana's (the Jewish girl in the ghetto) point of veiw. She went through SO much. Her little sister was sent to live with people who weren't Jewish so she could live. Her and the rest of her family was torn from their home and sent to live in the 'ghetto'. 6 people living in one TINY room. They we're barely fed. Eventually Zayde and her grandfather died. So two new people moved in with them, but they were very rude. The husband was fat and in the middle of the night got up and stole their food. He, later on, got sick and died which led to his wife jumping out a second story window and killing herself. Then they called for all children under the age of 10 to get sent to other camps. They ment Chana's sister had to go, and her mother went as well to take care of Anya. That left Chana, her 'bubbe', and her brother alone. Her brother made an excape plan for them. They made it out and got away then ended up getting sent to Auchewitz (sp?). It goes on and on but in the end Hilary understand that her hatred for Jews is ridiculous. She tells the cops where the Simon boy is and they all live happily ever after:].


A_Band_Geek said...

Wow... It must be a really, really good book! I'm definately going to read that after Harry Potter now! =]

Laura Stevens said...

sounds like a book i wouldnt like..
i like death, destruction, hurt, pain nad most of all broken hearts

nahhh im just playin which you
im gonna go read that now :D