Friday, March 2, 2007

24 Things About Me

24 Things about Me
See how many hints it takes to guess who I am.
1. I share my birthday with my cousin who is about 10 years older than me. Missouri became a state and the Battle of Wilson's Creek was fought on my birthday.
2. I lived in Sikeston, Missouri for three years.
3. I often do stupid things to be funny and to get attention.
4. I can play harmonica.
5. I love to fish.
6. I am left handed.
7. I played soccer in middle school.
8. I have had braces twice.
9. I have over 300 miles on one pair of running shoes.
10. I have two older brothers and a sister.
11. I have climbed 3 14,ooo ft peaks in Colorado.
12. I have curly hair.
13. I make lots of home movies.
14. I like to camp and hunt.
15. I can tie about a hundred knots in rope.
16. I have been to Canada, Mexico, and Great Britain.
17. I knew how to read words before I knew how to say all of the alphabet.
18. I have a recurve bow.
19. I wear glasses/contacts.
20. I had neurosurgery. (skull fracture) I got screws in my head and 20 staples.
21. A week before my skull fracture I got nine stitches in my right knee.
22. I am said to be smart, but I have a hard time acting like it.
23. My nickname is Cotton.
24. My other nickname is De Fur.

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