Friday, March 2, 2007

25 things about me

25 Things About Me

1. I love to cook! I bake cookies all the time, and when my friends come over we bake.
2. I love fruit, especially strawberries and oranges.
3. I do not like not being able to run or work out.
4. I have very high expectations for everything, whether it is school to sports, or just anything.
5. I have collected bears ever since I was a little kid.
6. I have gotten stitches twice, once across my nose and cheek, and the other time right below my eye. The first time I had to get 18 stitches and the second time I only had to get 3 stitches.
7. I play soccer for a club and for school.
8. My family and I go to Colorado every year to ski and sometimes in the summer.
9. My family and I also went to Destin, Florida and Disney World, and it was a lot of fun!
10. I love to play football when I get together with my cousins. One of them is actually going to college to play football.
11. I listen to a lot of music, but I do not like listening to music that has screaming in it, but most any other music I don’t mind.
12. Most of the books I read I get from my mom, and they are usually Christian fiction, love novels, they are great!
13. Once when I was in Colorado, my brother, dad, and I were in line to get on a lift. We started to move to get on the lift and my dad accidentally put his pole in front of mine, and I couldn’t move, so when the chair lift came around it knocked me over and basically dragged me with it, to where I fell off the stand! It was very embarrassing then, but now we just look back at it and laugh.
14. I would prefer to watch a war movie over a chick-flick, I really don’t know why, but I really like those kinds of movies.
15. I enjoy running for just because and to stay in shape for soccer. I do not like to run for a time, which is one of the reasons I did not run cross country.
16. I do not really have a favorite season, because they all have their ups and downs.
17. I do not spend a lot of time on the computer, unless I am on it to update my ipod or for school projects.
18. I want to be a pediatrician, because I love kids and I want to a career in medicine.
19. I have got a really small foot, I still wear kid sizes, and my fifth grade sister has a bigger foot than I.
20. I want to go to a D-1 college to play soccer.
21. I really do not like peppers or raw onions. Though, I do not mind onions cooked.
22. I love the outdoors! I love to hunt, fish, and work outside. I have gone on many hunting trips with my dad and brother, and my whole family all enjoy going on camping trips to fish and spend time together.
23. I have naturally blonde hair, and am not planning on dying it or any reason.
24. I love the color blue.
25. I have two hunting dogs, they are both English setters.

Hey Guys.

Here is....

25 Things About Me

I have a VSD, which is basically a tiny hole in my heart.
I broke my arm swinging from a jump-rope that was hanging in a tree.
I read the whole “Left Behind Books” series in one month when I was in 7th grade.
I have never played on a competitive basketball team, but I love to play and it is my favorite sport.
At all-city in 8th grade, I ran a 5:32:36 mile.
I have played soccer since 6th grade but I did not play this year.
I love listening to music and I listen to anything from rap, to punk, to metal.
I was born pre-mature.
I love basketball, football, soccer, videogames, food, family, and friends.
I do not know how to play an instrument, but I want to learn how to play the guitar.
I love movies of all kinds except romance movies.
I have never been to a Kansas City Chiefs Game.
I was born in Anaheim, California.
I am half-Portuguese.
Dwyane Wade is my favorite basketball player.
I love to travel, and I have been to Seattle, Washington once, and California over seven times.
I love to eat.
I love chocolate.
I only drink water, milk, and orange juice.
I have never drank one can of soda.
My favorite numbers are 1, 3, and 23.
The drummer, Ian O’ Connell, of Happy Endings used to go to my church and as a kid once baby sat my brother and I.
I love roller coasters and thrill rides in general.
When I am older I want to move back to California.
I am a Christian and I am not afraid to stand up for what I believe in.

There You Go!


25 Facts about Me

1. 1st birhtday cake ruined (dug my hands into the cake)
2. Same teacher for 3 years!!!
3. Can never keep a pet! (always kill it or give it away) :(
4. 1st dream was to be a marine biologist or a vet
5. Moved from Sacramento, California
6. Family has so many issues
7. Planning to be a Pediatrician
8. Love animals
9. Like to play tennis and soccer
10. Love to read books
11. Love anime/manga
12. My culture is Hmong (an Asain Culture)
13. Have 3 siblings-2 brothers & 1 sister
14. Love the weather when it is warm
15. Love to go to the bookstores
16. Love jewelrly & belts
17. Love to go on the net when possible
18. Love to learn other languages
19. Favorite color is navy blue or black
20. Love to read Greek stories
21. Love to read Vicking storie (ex. Thor, Loki, etc.)
22. Love to romantic stories
23. Not too fond of writing
24. Best friends are my cousins
25. Have so many siblings that I even forget their names (sometimes I don't even know half of

30 Things About Me......

1. I'm obsessed with a Finnish band named H.I.M.
2. I've had 35 stitches in my head.
3. I've gotten my head gashed open to the skull.
4. I'm in love with Ville Valo.
5. I've broken my right arm.
6. I skateboard.
7. I play guitar, but I'm not good at it, but i learn fast, I've been playing sence i were 7.
8. I have a black cat.
9. I'm allergic to band-aids on my face.
10. I, unforunatly have an actress name.
11. I hate my name
12. I've been to two H.I.M. concerts, and both times, were AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
13. I've been to St. Louis twice.
14. I've been in the arch.
15. I consider myself Norigen-American
16. I'm the oldest child.
17. I'm not close to my mother.
18. I have never had a father.
19. I hate to talk on the phone.
20. I get annoyed easily.
21. I suffer from severe depression.
22. I can't spell
23. My mother wouldnt let me see my Aunt before she died. And I will never forgive her.
24. I have one best friend, whom I've known all my life.
26. I was a Jedi
27. I'm a Vampire
28. I'm a sith lord.
29. I want to be a Tattoo Arist.
30. I ran a cell phone bill of $300


The Jump

I just finished a great book writen by Ian O'Connor. It is about a high school basketball player out of New York City named Sebastian Telfair. He was trying to capture his dream of leaving high school and going straight to the pros. There is only one problem he's a point guard at 5'11 and no other point guard has made the jump. This story also gives you a different look at the inside of college basketball recruiting. This is a great rags-to-riches story about a teenager that is about to enter the real world fast. I would strongly recommend it for any sports fan, especially basketball..

14 Things about me

1. I have played football since I was in 1st grade.
2. I like dogs hate cats
3. I like the out doors.
4. I am good at swimming.
5. I have fractured my left wrist twice, and both times my parents did not believe me.
6. I like to go paint balling with my friends.
7. I like to go pheasant and quail hunting with my dad.
8. My favorite animal is a frog
9. My favorite color is green
10. I go fishing almost every other weekend.
11. I am a little bit of a pyromaniac
12. I have been to nine different states.
13. I go cliff diving every summer.
14.I like to go canoeing.

hi everyone:].

AYEEE! First blog. Neat stuff, huh? Well since you all probably don't know who I am.. here are a few facts about myself that will most likely give me away, if my display name hasn't already. Ch-ch-ch-check it out bloggers:]

1) I have a sister, she's autistic. I also have a 20 year old brother, but I didn't get to grow up living with him so we're not as close as we should be:/.

2) I have scoliosis, sway back, and a piece of glass stuck in my foot from this summer, haha.

3) I have a boyfriend and I really like him:]. Haha.

4) I hate the sound of styrafoam and when it gets rubbed together.

5) I’ve lived in Missouri, California, Iowa, Colorado, Arizona, Oklahoma, and Nebraska. I'm not even sure if that's it, there may be more:].

6) I’d rather be in middle school than in high school, simply because it was so much less dramatic and complicated there. Everyone knew everyone and it was so easy to just have a good time. The only think I really like about high school is that I’m closer to getting my license, and closer to moving to NYC:D.

7) My cats’ names are Durr & Mini Durr:]. Mini Durr just ate my pet mouse & it was sad

8) I fell out of a tree once when I lived in [edited for content] and had to get rushed to the hospital because I couldn’t breathe, and the only reason I cried that day was because when I came home all the pizza was gone:[.

9) I wrote on my foot with a red sharpie when I was 8 and it’s still there.

10) I JUST lost my last baby tooth.

11)I absolutely FREAK out when people touch my neck. I don’t know why, but when people or things are touching my neck I feel like I can’t breathe or move:[.

12) I have two guitars, but I don't play much anymore:/.

13) My (step-)grandpa is bald, tan, has a Harley Motorcycle, and like 7 tattoos:].

14) I had nightmares after watching ‘The Patriot’ and was totally and completely convinced that China was going to attack us. I watched the News everyday and I was in 4th grade. Everytime I heard an airplane over us, I'd think it was the Chinese ready to drop bombs so I'd pray and and tell God to tell my family I love them.

15) I’ve seen Leann Rimes, Christina Aguilera, 98 Degrees, LFO, Counting Crows, Goo Goo Dolls, Lynyrd Skynyrd, 38 Special, Anberlin, June, Emery, UnderOATH, As Cities Burn, Poison the Well, Angels and Airwaves, Shinedown, Playing with Matches, and Happy Endings in concert:]. I’m going to see Prince, U2, Cornerstone, & Fan Fare this summer:]. OH and Set Your Goals this Saturday:]!

16) I’m running track this spring, and I love to read and watch Lifetime.

17) I have a really big birthmark on my back, and a “stork’s bite” between my eyes.

18) I can snowboard, and I am pretty good ha-ha. I go to Colorado every year with my dad, sometimes my mom and sister. It’s a nice time.

19) I really like scary movies, dark rooms, loud music, and Bunny Tracks Ice Cream.

20) I love summer and being able to chill/stargaze on the golf course all night.

21) I love people who are nice to my sister, and if you’re mean to her I won’t like you at all. I might hit you:].

22) I don’t know if this is appropriate, but I don’t EVER wear pants. Unless I’m forced to because I’m in public, haha.

23) My dad is never home. He travels a lot for work and is usually home a total of about 1-2 weeks for everything 2 months. He lived in Australia for 5 months last year, as well as South Africa for a few months.

24) I love taking pictures, and when I grow I want to be a photographer. I want to move to New York City and take pictures there.

25) MY NICKNAME IS BJ!!!! :)

Have a nice weekend 'errrbody, peace!

Some things about Mua

1.I have a grey spot in my hair

2.My favorite color is Turquoise, because I like blue and green, and it is a mix between them.

3.I have an 11 year old sister. She likes volleyball and being weird with her friends in our neighborhood.

4.The only sport I really like watching on T.V. is football, because it is the most exciting. I do like watching the Olympics when it comes around every 2 years.

5.I am half Norwegian and half German.

6.During the ice storm of 2007, my whole family stayed at our house (26 people).

7.My ancestry dates back too Norwegian Royalty.

8.I am a faithful Christian and let God lead my life. Woot!

9.My whole family works for a charity and disaster relief organization called Convoy of Hope. My Uncle started it and we have been helping people around the world, and teaching them about God.

10.I also like playing golf, and will go enjoy nine wholes whenever it’s nice outside.

11.I have 2 Shih-Tzu dogs, and they are the coolest pets ever and could beat any other dog in a cuteness contest.

12.I am proud to say that my favorite T.V. show is Avatar, the Last Air bender on Nickelodeon. It is amazing and if any of you make fun of it, I will hunt you down.

13.Me and my friends play online video games, and although I think I’m the best, I couldn’t win a game of anything if my life depended on it. But it is still fun.

14.One time when my family was snorkeling in Cancun, Mexico, I was on a floatie and looking into the water and a sting ray twice as big as me swam right under me. It is the most scared I have ever been, and had to have broken the record for biggest sting ray.

15.I have only broken 1 bone in my body ever, and that was in a football game in middle school when a big huge kid fell on me while I was running the ball.

16.The first time I went to the princapal’s office was in kindergarden, when me and my friend were playing Power Rangers on the bus and I punched him in the face (he was the villan and I was the green power ranger. I won.)

17.One time I pushed my sister out of a paddle boat on the lake and into the freezing cold water during the winter at my grandpa’s house, just because she said my shoes were ugly.

18.The first birthday present I ever got was a plastic green tractor that I could ride, and it is the best present I have ever had.

That’s pretty much all you need to know, that isn’t too personal for me to post, so Ummmmmmmm………gigidy gig

25 things about me

25 things about me
1.I have been inline speed skating for six years.
2.I have two sisters and our names all start with the letter K.
3.At the end of 7th grade i broke my arm in three places.
4.In skating I have won first place in quad and nira nationals.
5.I have been to the olympic training ceneter to train for skating for three days.
6.Every other year my birthday falls on Thanksgiving.
7.For the first seven years of my life I lived in Joplin.
8.I am the oldest child in the family.
9.I know people all around the U.S because of skating.
10.My favorite show is Mad TV.
11.I like to listen to music all the time and I like all types of music.
12.When I get older i want to be in the olympics for speed skating.
13.I have decided for my career I want to be a lawyer.
14.I was named after my great grandma.
15.I love to eat chinese food.
16.My favorite food is pepperoni pizza.
17.My favorite drink is Dr.Pepper.
18.I love to eat all types of ice cream.
19.My favorite subject in school is History because you get to learn about the past and what people had to go through.
20.My least favorite subject is math because I don't like having to memorize the formulas.
21.My favorite book is ME AND EMMA because of the suprise ending.
22.I have twenty fish in my fishtank at home.
23.I had to go to the emergency room once when I was three.
24.I have met the olympic speed skater Chad Hedrick and he signed my helmet.
25.I have a white belt in karate but i had to quit because of skating

25 Things About Me

1~I was born with blond, straight hair, then it went brown and wavy
2~I've owned too many pets to count
3~I had a sixth grade reading level in second grade
4~I'm able to read over 400 pages in a day
5~I'm a flute and piccolo player, but I want to play the trumpet
6~I get headaches almost every day at the same time every day
7~My name came from a soap opera character, and my name originated in Shakespeare's time
8~I'm a writer, and working on a trilogy at the moment
9~One of my favorite bands with the strangest name is Barenaked Ladies
10~I have the most and thickest hair out of anyone in my family
11~I was the smallest baby out of four, the youngest pre-mee, and the oldest child in my family
12~I used to think my Gramma was a vampire
13~I think I have partial OCD since I have to have some things perfect, I'm terrified of touching dish rags in sinks, etc.
14~I've moved 17 times in 14 years and been to 10 new schools before (only finishing 3rd, 5th, 8th, and soon to be 9th at the same school)
15~Almost all the babies in my family like me
16~I'm left-handed
17~My nickname and my friend's I came up with last school year (Mine's Fluffy and her's Biskithead)
18~My favorite elementary school teacher was the strangest one and also the son-in-law of Greeley, Colorado's first millionaire
19~I've been to 13 states and lived in only four
20~I have had a llama try and eat my hair before
21~I cross-stitch, read, write, practice flute and piccolo, and get online when I'm bored
22~I used to be able to say my alphabet faster backwards than forwards
23~My initials make up my nickname
24~I was knocked unconscious before riding a bike. I almost slid into the Boise River, but my Gramma saved me
25~I don't believe in "Love at first sight"

That's my 25 things!



1. I love my parents and all my family…a lot!!!
2. I love Casey!!!
3. My parents are divorced.
4. My mom and step-mom are named Rhonda.
5. I love Football.
6. I play basketball.
7. I don’t really like school, but I do good in it.
8. I ride horses.
9. I am a quarterback.
10. I like scary movies.
11. I am athletic.
12. I like watching sports on t.v. and live.
13. Girls basketball bores me sometimes.
14. So does volleyball.
15. I have a half brother and a half sister.
16. I have been to 5 Kansas City Chiefs games.
17. I have only had one real job- landscaping.
18. JC is my homie!!
19. My favorite college football team is the USC Trojans.
20. My favorite college basketball team is the KU Jayhawks.
21. My favorite color is red.
22. I don’t like to read very much.
23. My name is COLTON!!!
24. I scored 30 points in a basketball game against a 6 foot 7 inch kid.
25. I had 15 touchdowns this season in football.

There is 25 things about me, enjoy!!!

21 things about me

1 I like fishing.
2 I like hunting.
3 I like the outdoors and camping.
4 I once jump off a roof on to a trampoline.
6 I spend two days out of the week at Bass Pro.
7 My Indian name is kicking fin.
8 My favorite music is rock.
9 My second favorite music is country
10 I’m a country kid not a city slicker.
11 I hate the city and want to live in the country when I grow up.
14 My birth day is in the summer.
15 My parent are divorced, but it’s cool it has almost been nine years.
16 My family hasn’t been anywhere in like ever.
17 I’ve only been to one state outside Missouri.
18 I grew up along clear creek.
19 I once told a kid it was okay to drink out of the spring at clear creek, but he didn’t get far enough back in the spring and got deadly sick. Don’t worry he lived.
20 I don’t plan on moving away from Missouri.
21 My family is known to be funny.
23 My Mom, Uncle, Grandpa, and Great Grandpa have all been in law enforcement.
24 I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.
25 I’m a really good friend and fun to hand out with.
:) Sorry guys had to take some out because of my name :)

24 Things About Me

24 Things about Me
See how many hints it takes to guess who I am.
1. I share my birthday with my cousin who is about 10 years older than me. Missouri became a state and the Battle of Wilson's Creek was fought on my birthday.
2. I lived in Sikeston, Missouri for three years.
3. I often do stupid things to be funny and to get attention.
4. I can play harmonica.
5. I love to fish.
6. I am left handed.
7. I played soccer in middle school.
8. I have had braces twice.
9. I have over 300 miles on one pair of running shoes.
10. I have two older brothers and a sister.
11. I have climbed 3 14,ooo ft peaks in Colorado.
12. I have curly hair.
13. I make lots of home movies.
14. I like to camp and hunt.
15. I can tie about a hundred knots in rope.
16. I have been to Canada, Mexico, and Great Britain.
17. I knew how to read words before I knew how to say all of the alphabet.
18. I have a recurve bow.
19. I wear glasses/contacts.
20. I had neurosurgery. (skull fracture) I got screws in my head and 20 staples.
21. A week before my skull fracture I got nine stitches in my right knee.
22. I am said to be smart, but I have a hard time acting like it.
23. My nickname is Cotton.
24. My other nickname is De Fur.

first blogggg

25 Things About Me
1. My Nickname is KB.
2. My dad moved out when I was 11.
3. I’ve never broken a bone.
4. I hate the sound of Styrofoam rubbing together.
5. I’ve never eaten an orange
6. I’ve ridden an elephant.
7. I hate vegetables.
8. The sight of blood makes me nauseous, and so does talking about the human body.
9. I’ve been to 10+ states.
10. I’m scared of the dark, and being alone in it.
11. I cry easily.
12. I love smiling and laughing.
13. I’ve almost drowned.
14. I like watching Disney Channel.
15. When I’m mad at someone I act like they’re not there, and I ignore them.
16. I’m double-jointed and pretty flexible.
17. I’m very warm natured.
18. When I was little my family was robbed.
19. I’ve had surgery on my ears.
20. I love the outdoors.
21. I haven’t drank soda for 9 months.
22. I’ve never passed out.
23. I have a great imagination.
24. I’ve never sang by myself in front of an audience, but I love singing.
25. I'm almost always hyper,

Some facts about me and a good book

1. I am 97% identical to my oldest sister, but we are about 10 years apart.
2. My whole family background has to do with drugs.
3. I am mostly Italian.
4. I am a good poet, but I can’t write anything happy.
5. I relive most of my dreams.
6. I went from prep to emo within ways of when I moved.
7. I am a strong debater.
8. I have the hugest fear of bugs.
9. I have so high a metabolism that I gain pretty much no weight.
10. Every pet I have owned as died on some sort of sequence of 9/11.

If you are looking for a good book, I suggest The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen. It is a very good book about a girl who is spending the first summer after her father had died. Her sister decides to change things, her mother decides to have a nervous breakdown, but her new friends save everything. I'm not going to say much, but it is by far the best book i have read in 2007. It's also the only book so far, but no one has to know that.


13 Things About Technolover!!! (The luckiest number!)

1. I LOVE techno music!
2. I want to travel the world.
3. I journal every night.
4. My aunt and my grandpa both died almost exactly a year apart; both of them in the week of my birthday.
5. I sometimes read the dictionary if I’m bored.
6. I really do eat an apple every day.
7. I have an awful British accent, but most of my friends like it—maybe just to laugh at—and it’s a habit I can’t break.
8. I firmly believe that soccer rocks out over football any day! XD And I will argue to the death about that. ^-^
9. I like using big words.
10. My two greatest fears are than I won’t be able to get published and that no one will even notice my writing(s).
11. I love being slaphappy. The best feeling in the world is laughing so hard that my sides ache, I can’t breathe, and I cry hysterical tears.
12. I love plays, friends, movies, books, writing, and daydreaming. If they could all be combined, that would be amazing.
13. I absolutely love my youth group! Rock out!

So people, if you know me, please don’t blab it. I’d really like to remain anonymous. If you want to address me, call me Technolover. For that is who I am on this thing.


Hey everyone this is new. This is my first blog. So I have been reading a lot lately for school and some of the books I'm reading are really good. Some of the titles were Slam!, A Rip In Heaven, and Tilt just this week! Its crazy I've read three books in one week so far!

Right now I'm reading Shadow Club Rising.
Its a sequel to Shadow Club but it is written by a different a different author. The author had to have permission to write the sequel. Any ways I just started the book today so I'm still just getting into it. It's about this group of kids who formed a group that played pranks on kids they didn't like or who got first place. The members of this group always get second in whatever they do and they are jealous so they play pranks on the "first place kids." It gets out of hand and the continuation of the story is what I'm reading now.

So far that's all I know.


Me, Myself, and I

1. I have one big sister (Meghan) and one older stepbrother (Matt).
2. I have an “L” scar on my forehead from game of tag gone wrong J.
3. I love horses and dogs…and all other animals.
4. My favorite color is blue, but I like purple a lot, too.
5. I have lived in five states – AL, MO, KS, CA, and AZ.
6. I have visited AK, OK, IA, NB, SD, NY, TX, LA, and HI.
7. My favorite actresses are Reese Witherspoon, Scarlett Johansson, and Rachel McAdams.
8. My favorite actors are Robert DeNiro, Matt Damon, Chris Evans, and Morgan Freeman.
9. My favorite foods are pizza and grilled chicken, but my desert of choice is always el chocolate.
10. My favorite season is summer because it’s so warm, school’s out, and you’re free to just chill.


Hey everyone this is new. This is my first blog. So I have been reading a lot lately for school and some of the books I'm reading are really good. Some of the titles were Slam!, A Rip In Heaven, and Tilt just this week! Its crazy I've read three books in one week so far!

Right now I'm reading Shadow Club Rising.
Its a sequel to Shadow Club but it is written by a different a different author. The author had to have permission to write the sequel. Any ways I just started the book today so I'm still just getting into it. It's about this group of kids who formed a group that played pranks on kids they didn't like or who got first place. The members of this group always get second in whatever they do and they are jealous so they play pranks on the "first place kids." It gets out of hand and the continuation of the story is what I'm reading now.

So far that's all I know.


10 Things About Me

Instead of writing all 25 things about me I'll just give you a sample of only 10.So here they are...

1. My dad was 6'8 and my mom only 5'4.
2. Most of my family lives in New Mexico
3. I went to Game 3 of the 2006 World Series
4. I met Greg Oden
5. I wear a size 15 shoe
6. I go to a different high school than my brother
7. I have been taller than my mom since 5th grade
8. My brother is 15 months older than me
9. I went to the game when Mark McGwire hit his 70th home run
10. I play AAU basketball with the Missouri Titans

26 things about me.

1. I have cheered for two years for school.
2. I Have done gymnastics since I was two years old.
3. I have played the piano for eight years.
4. I have never broken a bone.
5. My first bloody nose was from cheerleading, just a couple of bball games ago.
6. My favorite drink is chocoalte milk, and I drink it every morning at breakfast.
7. My brother is in R.O.T.C. for the air force at KU.
8. My freshman cheer squad won second place at regionals.
9. My hamster died during the summer when I was at camp :[
10. I had the flu when I was at cheer camp.
11. I'm one of the few girls on the freshman squad who can tumble.
12. I went to Disney World with my family, and my friend and her family.
13. I vacation every summer at Bear Lake, Michigan.
14. I've only been to seven states.
15. I've never left the country.
16. I'm going to Jamaica in November for my uncle's 50th birthday! :]]
17. My favorite song is Alone, by Sanctus Real.
18. I was born on groundhog's day.
19. I have a botson terrier named Boston, who was a runaway dog from Georgia.
20. I have a xanga and a myspace.
21. I was to because a social worker/teacher thing when I grow up.
22. I crack myself up, and I laugh at myself when I'm alone.
23. I get confused very easily.
24. My favorite book is Burned, by Ellen Hopkins.
25. My favorite movies are We Are Marshall, The Original Top Ten, and Twelve Angry Men.
26. My dog is my best friend :]

♥24 Things About Me!♥

♥ My favorite food is Chinese food.
♥ My parents are separated. My mom and us girls left him 4 years ago.
♥ I got braces in the sixth grade and got them off in ninth grade.
♥ I have green eyes.
♥ I have twin sisters who are in the fifth grade and are ten years old.
♥ My mother is a twin and her other twin is my aunt Jan.
♥ My dad had a stroke last year early January.
♥ I have a nanny/maid named Marilee.
♥ Last summer my mom bought me a car. 2002 Jeep Liberty it is grayish blue.
♥ Since the sixth grade I have had four cell phones.
♥ My grandma had 12 kids so that means I have 12 aunts and uncles.
♥ In the seventh grade me and my best friend got in this huge fight and stopped being friends for like a year and a half. Then one time at the movies my friend Alisha helped us get over it and now she is one of my best friends.
♥ When I was around three I went to Disney World in Florida.
♥ I’ve been to Six Flags four times.
♥ My family and I just moved in our new house last summer and we also received a trampoline.
♥ Just last week I bought my own computer.
♥ I have an upcoming rappers phone number and yesterday my friend called it and he answered and they talked for a hot minute.
♥ I like to listen to Hip Hop, Rap and R&B music only and occasionally pop.
♥ My favorite color is pink because it shows femininity.
♥ My name was thought of by my dad because it was the main character in one of his favorite movie.
♥ I am fifth-teen years old and I haven’t got my permit yet.
♥ Almost all the girls in my family have the middle name marie including me.
♥ Sometimes I wish I was a twin like my sisters.

First Blog!!

Aye Everybody! :D

This is my first blog, as is everybodys! I think this is an awsome way to talk about what we are reading and what is going on in school and everyday life!!

Some things about me (the assignment we did in class) are listed below

-I am naturally dirty blonde, but highlight my hair
-I have lived in A LOT of different places
-I am a good student and care about getting good grades
-I LOVE LOVE LOVE to dance... to me it is the best sport in the world!
-I like watching basketball a lot, but it isn't quite as creative as dancing!
-I have a sister and brother who i adore more than anyone
-I have two dogs named Sadie and Apple. I don't like Apple at all! She is the most annoying puppy in the world!! But i do love Sadie (hence the name =])
-I love to watch Nick Lazzarini dance, he is BEAUTIFUL!
-I love to watch Summerland, Will & Grace, Still Standing, and Nip Tuck
-I love little smiley faces like :D =] and ;) (get use to me doing it)
-My favorite singers are people like Jason Mraz who have amazing voices and make music more than worth while to listen to, and most rap is pretty good.

Those are just a few facts about me that you should know!

I'm very excited about this blog spot, and to learn a lot more about what everyone is up to and reading!

Can't wait ;)

The Road of the Dead

This is the title of the book I just finished reading. I rated it as a "7" on a scale of 1-10. It was about these two brothers who were trying to get the body back of their recently murdered sister so they and their mother could bury her. The youngest brother, Ruben (14), can sense and feel things, almost like telepathic communication, from other people. He gets the strongest feelings from his older brother Cole (17). Cole is a very in-your-face kind of guy, and is not afraid to use strength to get the info he needs to find his sister's killer and her body. The thing I liked most about this story was the bond that Ruben and Cole shared because it reminded a lot of the relationship that my sister and I share. My sister and I are very close, and would do anything for each other, much like Cole and Ruben. This was a good book, but not a very challenging read.


1) I cracked my head open due to my imaginary friends.

2) My head was super glued together.

3) My favorite sport is volleyball.

4) I used to be our English teacher's neighbor.

5) My cat got ran over on my brother’s 18th birthday by my sister.

6) My favorite color is purple.

7) I have blue eyes.

8) My siblings and I were all born in the summer, on Wednesday, in the morning.

9) My favorite college volleyball team is Nebraska Huskers!!!

10) My lucky number is 10.

11) I sleep with my fan on every night.

12) I love High School Musical.

13) I’m Catholic.

14) My grandpa is the funniest person I know.

15) My sister has brown hair, my brother has red, and I am a
16) Dried cow pies make the best frisbees.
18)And just so you know I would rather be a fish than a snail.
19) I've only been on a plane once in my life and I would prefer to eat glass than ride in a plane again.

Test of the Great Bow

This was my group's story, and we ended up acting it out instead of using puppets. It was pretty cheesy, to say the least. The script was brought up to date, and was pretty straightforward as far as the plot. Penelope came up with an impossible task for the suitors to perform, one that only Odysseus could perform. If one of the suitors could string Odysseus' mighty bow and shoot it through an ax handle, then she would marry that man. Dressed as a beggar, Odysseus accomplishes the task asks Eumaeus and Philoeteus to back him up and help him out with "taking care of" the suitors who were "trying to take [his] woman". This then leads into the next story Death at the Palace.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Welcome bloggers. I hope you'll see this space as an opportunity to make literature discussion your own, making connections with other bloggers. Feel free to post questions, comments, pictures, illustrations, and to discuss related outside resources, passages, and whatever comes up in your reading. I hope you'll learn more about your reading, yourself, each other, and the world out there. Go ahead and dive in!Here are the guidelines you guys created and voted on in class:

  1. No personal information.
  2. No netspeak.
  3. No discrimination.
  4. Be yourself and speak your opinions.
  5. Don't write long or boring posts.
  6. Respect others' space, stories, and opinions.
  7. Use correct grammar.
  8. School rules apply.
  9. No spamming or flaming.
  10. Have SAFE fun.