Saturday, May 5, 2007


Woohoo! I got out of school on Friday to watch Spiderman 3 with some of my best friends! Okay, since some of you haven't seen it yet and it's way too good to spoil, I won't talk about much here. But let me say this. It's the BEST one of the series! My favorite character was Harry. He was great. But the entire movie was great. Hey, if you have seen it, pleeeeease comment me. I'm dying to talk about this amazing flick!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Cool Facts

Thank goodness it’s Friday. I was actually thinking about skipping school today because I really didn’t want to wake up today…but guess what? I did, because my mom would’ve tripped out about it (tripped: freaked). Anyways I think I’ll blog about random stuff. For an example I think I have a two-way personality, because I act differently towards my cousins and differently towards my friends at school. And another thing is that the kind of music I like is hip-hop and R&B.

Here are some random facts I found on google:
1. Thinking about your muscles can make you stronger
2. If left alone, 70% of birthmarks gradually go away.
3. Grapefruit scent will make middle aged women appear six years younger to men. The perception is not reciprocal and the grapefruit scent on men has no effect on women's perception.
4.Women blink twice as many times as men do.
5. Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.
6. There are approx. 550 hairs in the eyebrow.
7. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.
8. The life span of a taste bud is 10 days.
9. The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910.
10. The average human produces 10,000 gallons of saliva in a lifetime.
11. If you ate too many carrots you would turn orange.
12. A baby is born every seven seconds.
13. The colder the room you sleep in, the better the chances are that you'll have a bad dream.
14. The human body weighs 40 times more than the brain.
15. After eating too much, your hearing is less sharp.

And here is the link I got the facts from:

And if you want some more weird facts just go to “” and type in “cool facts.”

Have a grest weeekend.

A song about romeo and juliet

This is a really cute video!
check it out and follow along with the words. =]

The seduction
by he is legend

Where did she go I do not know
And which direction was it snowing?
I'll turn around again
Paint over pictures of the world
I can't believe she gave me alcohol
I thought of Jessebell

I hung from a wrecking ball to see a fashion show
I think you know me well

Juliet! You know you want it!

I've been receiving strange phone calls from the city
I will not extend my hand to the general
And I do not think the people will remember us

I hung from a wrecking ball to view a fashion show
I think you know me well

I've been jumping over buildings
I've been sleeping in the street
"Mr. Jones" will be right with you, if you just have a seat
Well I'll meet you at the river where we both can clear our heads
I think we would look great dead

I've got to find, to find the princess, she's in another castle
and dancing with the Capulets
We're so "crazy in love"

Juliet! You know you want it!


YEAH! I just went to the library and got it. I guess it's written like a bunch of journal entries by a girl who was strung out on heroin and stuff. But she's clean now! I am still going to read "Because I'm Worth it" But I think I am just going to read this one first because it seems exciting and gooood:). Also I just saw a book that looks good. It's called The Torn Skirt by Rebecca Godfrey. I only saw the cover, but it's a picture of a girl and she's all bruised up and her make-up is smeared. Maybe it's a rape story?? I don't know, it just look interesting! I have sooo many books that I need and want to read. Well hope you all have a grrreat weekend!

If you have any book suggestions: LET ME KNOW!

♥Gettin Good♥

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My book is getting good now. So this is the update Darren's friends have played a prank on there english teacher who gives them bad grades. They gathered alot of bad pictures of little boys and said that their teacher Mr. Tracy has hurt them in 'bad' ways if you know what i mean. So now Mr. Tracy is on a leave of absence and local detectives are asking boys at the highschool questions. Now Darren is in the room getting questions and the memory of his ride home with Mr. Tracy pops up and he denies it. VERY INTERESTING!!!!♥


It's very windy
and my family gathers together
under the clear sapphire skies.
The hot sand squishes in between my toes
and the water makes us all want to run.
We stand still,
wet up to our knees.
Everyone is hugging.
The rounding of the earth is visible on the horizon
it looks like the end of a CD curve.
The wind is blowing,
chilly, yet warm.
The sun makes up for the cold.
It's like upside down gravity,
the inability to frown,
I hear the fake snapshot from our camera
as my father softly spoke,
"I love you guys."

Tootise Roll

One of the sweetest candies,
one of the sweetest dogs.
They both brought joy into my life.
Tootise was an awesome dog.
The day she left us was a very sad day.
My favorite memory of her was her bark,
just like mine,
Ahe also had the cutest little ears.
when my mom would sing "Tootise Roll"
Thay popped up
and she knew she was loved.
She always had an innocent look yo her face,
even when she went potty in the house.
Sometimes she seemed like the loner out of our dogs.
They never really included her
but she never seemed to mind.
Maybe that's why i feel so connected


here is my poem


The whistle blows as you step up on the blocks.
Your heart is pounding like a drum at an Indian pow wow.
You look at the water and imagine yourself sliding through it like butter.
The second whistle blows, and you bend down and get ready to pounce.

You hear a beep and hurl yourself into the air
Flying through the air like an eagle soaring above the clouds,
You take one last breath before you plunge
Into the cold, icy water that rushes all around you.

Arms tight against your ears, you kick with all your might.
Finally reaching the surface, your arms start
To spin and pull faster than the propellers of an airplane.
The only place you look is forward, getting closer to the wall.

The roars above the water are deafening, but all you can hear
Is the peaceful sound of water as you glide through it.
The end is near, and it is all heart and determination from this point on
Your body aches, and you want to quit, but you push forward, knowing the prize is within reach

You take one final stroke and kick your heart out.
Your hand thrusts into the wall and a sigh of relief overcomes your body.
Cheers erupt from the stands, but you can’t tell if they’re for you
Looking up to the scoreboard, you let out a scream of joy
You have won the race

My Amazing Poem!!!


Near Dana Point, California.
I am alongside my brother and cousins.
The sun is shining bright,
Casting our shadows on the cement below.
Palm trees sway gently in the background.
On vacation I am having a great time.
The family huddles together for a picture.
The twins stay close more to the left,
As they can’t resist the smell of hot pizza.
We enter the parlor hungry, like a pack or wolves ready to devour its prey.
Our smiles still glimmering from the group photo.
I exit the restaurant stuffed full.
One more picture is taken.
My cousins and I leave,
as the sun’s rays radiate through the city.


I feel like going skiing right now.

My Poem. It Has No Name.

Alright, here's my poem. Sorry I couldn't load up my picture, but I don't have a scanner and it's 5 till 2 at school... Well, here goes nothin...

Down by the road it sat with patience,
Waiting for the moment to pounce,
My Grandpa calls my name,
And I respond like an obediant puppy,
The doors open and I enter,
Intentionarlly the interior is like an ice cube,
The leather is worn of its country smell,
I see the black in front of me and I feel my heart race,
A roaring, deep and might, fills my ears,
As loud as a lion, but as soft as a kitty my Grandpa told me,
I feel the vibrations, soft and low, beneath me,
The ice interior sparkles, the silver pain glistens,
Grandpa's done a lot of hard work on the Porsche,
And now it runs absolutely beautiful,
Like a puppy's patience practically passing on,
Onward to the afterlife,
I sit back and smell the crisp air as we gain speed,
Knowing that I could soon drive this car, the Porsche,
Since when he stopped driving it,
It would be mine.

Alright, be totally honest. Tell me how I can improve or how bad I sucked at it. I only conferenced with two people, but it would be nice to get ideas from the whole class. Ya know? Please comment back!

oh my @#$

Have you noticed how when people say that, people get mad?

Even if they say gosh, it's like, saying the Eff word, or something.

anyways, here's a poem:

Be brave.
Nothing is like this
when you feel like falling down.
Get back on the horse
and just keep riding.

That's all i got.
I'm a smart cookie!


Fall out boy

With this week being like the worst week ever im even more excited about next weekend because im going to the fall out boy concert with my best frienddd. :)) its going to be to much fun. its next saturday night in kansas city. :))))))))))))

Evening Ride

The night is young
My body giddy with anticipation.
Those baby blues see through me - he knows.
Te earth fresh and sound
The air filled with laughter and genuine enjoyment.
I touch his face, his ears twitch.
I speak low and soft.
The gentle rhythm of his nostrils against my fingertips;
He takes me in.
The white painted shapes on his chesnut coat quiver beneath the brush.
He's ready.
Even as he waits
The muscles in his hindquarters ripple with power
Just waiting to be unleashed
I fasten the girth beneath his belly
And slide the bridle across his face.
His eyes close for a moment
But they open, and he is willing.
My foot in the stirrup, I mount.
Impatiently waiting for my cue, he dances beneath me.
I gently squeeze against him and we fly across the field.
Our bodies blurring together.
We'll be back.

Fox News

Last night, my friend sent me a link to this video that Fox News had shot. It was about the "Emo Scene" and I thought it was a really werid topic to chose to make a film undercover story thing about. Seriously. Why would parents want to know about the harcore metal bands that they listen to? Or that they wear girl pants? It's nothing but a sterotype, and a really stupid thing to do a report on. But I guess there's nothing I can do about, obviously. Lol.

Anyone agree with me?

could you cut off your OWN ARM to save your life?

lately i have been reading the left behind kids again, and they are awesome. In my most recent one, on of the main characters had a huge boulder land on his arm and crush it, and he was stuck with the bad guys about to catch him. He decided that in order to escape and stay alive, he would have to cut off his own arm.

How hard would it be to have to cut off your own arm to save your life. Personally, i don't think i would have the guts to do it. but he did, and got away safely. In the past week, i have read like 800 pages, which is equivalent to 4 of those books, so you can tell im obsessed with them. They are going really good so far, so it pretty much owns. I only have 3 books left in the series, so im almost done. w00t!

thats all for now

adios muchachos

beefy manwich

Day at the Beach[my poem]

Waves crashed against the shores
while an ocean of deep blue sparkled in the sun.
People swam in the shallow shores,
children sprinted across the beach.
Thier feet were scorched on the glistening sand.
Families happy and together
as they watch the beautiful body of water.
Everything seeming perfect
even if it were only for the time being.
Magical colors to stare at over the horizon .
Sea shells washed on shore by the roaring tide,
were soon to be thrown back
out to the blue by the waves.
Buckets grab left behind shells.
Now it is time to leave ,
sad and unhappy.
Left longing to come back
back to the seemingly perfect world.


We are getting our poems back right as I type. I am going to write mine down for you...

(I wasn't sure what to call it.. Any suggestions?)

The bell rings
Excited kids race out of a nightmare
that has lasted all year long
Two catch our eyes, hands united,
In love? Yes,
Or so they think.
Barefoot, they race down the sun stricken cement
Jumping to try to lessen the burn
Shaded by old blossoming dogwoods
And through sprinklers and new gardened flowers
Nothing seemed more real
Still holding hands, they run, and they laugh
And dream of the summer they have waited so long for
If only life was this easy.

And let me explain
This isn't saying that love is real... it is saying that the dumb highschoolers think they are bound for life, but will realize that it won't even last the summer :D

kay, tell me whatcha thinkkk :DD

google earth

here is a link to the website to download google earth. i think it is really fun. you can search for what ever building on earth you want to look at. well if you download it tell me what you think of it, and if you do it before what do you think about it?

I got proved WRONG.

I definetly didn't think I liked the Uglies that much. But I ended up not being able to put it down, and then I finished the Pretties the next day, (in one day!). Now I'm going to read the Specials and I'm pretty sure I'll like it. It's not in the library right now so I just went back to my Gossip Girls books and I'm reading 'Because I'm worth it' Also, I think I am going to read Beauty Queen. KAYBEE said it was a good book:) I've been reading SO much lately, I'm glad though. I like to read:). You know what else I like? WEEKENDS!

Weekends are nice especially weekends when my boyfriend comes home for good:)!!

Also, I stilll haven't turned my poem in:( I miss a bunch of days so I'm really really behind. Another student in this class is behind too so he & I are conferencing together. He took my poem home yesterday and now he isn't here today! That could be bad, hopefully my grade will go up though:). That is all for today. GOODBYE!

True Believer

Soo I finished Beauty Queen, and it was really sad:/ I have a friend that likes to read Nicholas Sparks books, and I've read one of his books already, The Notebook, SO I decided to read True Believer. I don't really know if I like it that much so far, because it seems like it's going to be a harder book to read because it has alot bigger words and it's kindof more of an adult level of reading? Haha I don't know. BUT, I'm going to give it a chance:) I hope all of you are enjoying your books and such:)
Have a great weekend mkayy?

Ok, I finally finished up the book "Story Time" and I highly recommend that book! It's involved with demons and stuff, so if you like that stuff, then I suggest you find it!

Anyway, I hardly had any time this morning so I grabbed the one that seemed interesting to me. It was called The Road Of The Dead by Kevin Brooks. Since we're in class and she's about to talk, I'll sum it up pretty pathetically!

There's two sons of an incarcerated gypsy and they go off in search of the murderer of their sister.

There. Haha. Anyway, I finally got my playlist on to work on the school computers! I'm listening to music that I know and like instead of Pandora. I like Pandora, but I love my playlist more!

On to a new topic! I know you're all probably sick of my talking about Shakespeare, so do you guys have any books to read? I'm randomly grabbing some off the shelves as I patiently wait for New Moon to come back! I need some help!

New verses Old

This week, one day that Ms. James was gone and we had a sub, we watched the two versions of Romeo and Juliet. They were really different!

The old or original version definitely was more of what I would have expected from that time period. The new version, I have to say was not what I expected at all.

I personally liked the old version more, but I also I like older movies. I liked this one more than the other because I could follow where it was in the script. This version also helped me understand the play better, whereas in the new version I got lost and confused easily. Since the original version's costumes and settings showed more of how everything looked and how people dressed in Shakespeare's time, I think this helped in understanding the play and everything that was happening. The newer version I think almost tries to much to be modern and it all just confuses me. I didn't think that the newer version followed the script that well either. I hadn't been able to watch much of the movie before this so I don't know if this version followed the script that well earlier in the play.

I have to say that I liked Romeo better in the newer version than in the older version. But I liked Juliet in the older version more than the Juliet in the newer version.

I hope I will be here to finish the rest of the movies.

poems (:

So we've been doing some poetry stuff in class.
I don't really know how i feel about it.
I mean, I like poetry, a lot. And I like writing it.
I write when I'm really stressed or upset.
But I don't always like doing it at school when we
have to share what we're writing. For me, my poetry
is really personal, and I don't always feel comfterable sharing
something that I might get judged on, even if it's a personal experience.
(That's why I don't plan on posting mine on the blog today.)
Anyone else feel that way about what they write?
I'm stilling reading A Million Little Peices. Haha, it's taking me
a long time to finish it. Too bad Liz spoiled part of the ending for me.
Hah, it's okay. It's still really good.
I think the next book I'm going to read is My Friend Leonard.
It's like a sequal to AMLP. Anyone read it?
Is it any good?

Silent Spring

I started reading this book today. It is called Silent Spring. It is by Rachel Carson. Here is a quote by Peter Matthiessen, about the book, "The cornerstone of the new environmentalism... well crafted, fearless, and succinct." It was made in the 1960's during the vietnam war. It is pretty much the first big book about human's affects on the environment. I am reading it for general biology. I have to write a big thing about it so its probably going to ruin the book for me. Its supposed to be really good though.

Another Sweet Book!

I am reading a book called Jude. It starts out with a bam! Sitting at a dinner table with his dad, two guys break into the apartment and gun down his dad. They take the drugs and leave Jude alone. The cops come later and the DA (district attorney) comes by. Soon Jude realizes that this is his mom! His dad left with Jude when he was born. At least that's what's said in the beginning. Anyway the story goes on from there when Jude starts going to a prive school on the other side of town and living with his new found mom. Things start to happen that I won't mention and Jude gets into trouble. It is all very interesting so I don't want to ruin it. I know I always say the book is awesome and you should read it, but this book really is that good. I'm not done yet but I might explain more later, I just don't want to give too much away.

Everyone have a good weekend.


Thursday, May 3, 2007


So, i am still reading that book that is totally crazy...
But in the meantime i have decided to start another one!

Help me out :D

I was thinking about reading Crank, it looks really good! And everyone who has read says it is amazing! I just don't like how it is written in those little poems!
O well, i might as well!

This weekend should be fun :D whos going to the arts fest?

Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe
In Lake Tahoe
swim in the water
from the snowy ice covered mountains,
but down below
in the warm summer sand
you can sit with your best friend,
not even realizing hours had gone by.
People in every lounge chair,
but as time goes by
you don't even notice it,
because you finally figure out
the amazing time you both are having.
When the day is gone and done
you know it was one of those days
that would stick with you for a lifetime...
All because of your best friend.
So, what did you guys think of my poem?

I always like the sarcastic one...

Okay, so my favorite character is definitely Mercutio. I'd love to be his friend because he's always so blunt and there would never be a dull moment with him around. He gets a little perverted but he's still funny and fearless. But if he was my friend, I think I'd need Benvolio to balance out Mercutio's insanity. Benvolio's always calm and polite and seems like the only one holding his friends together. With Romeo's emotions and Mercutio's recklessness, anyone else would have gone to the loony bin long ago. I admire Benvolio for that.
On a side note, I'm ticked off. I just read the first scene of Act III. And Mercutio--sarcastic, lovable Mercutio--dies!!! Oh my gosh! What the bloody heck! He's the witty comic relief! He's not supposed to die!!! Hmph. I don't like this play anymore...

Bad Day

So today was one of the worst days of my life. Last night i found out that my cousin had passed away. I dont know why but it seems this year there has been alot of deaths in my family but this one would have to be the worst. One because i was very close to him and two because he died the worst way a person can die and that is he took his own life. None of us know why he would do such a thing. Last night i was just in shock. i didnt really know what to do or think but today it all hit me when i had to go to the funeral home with my whole family to help them this morning. He was always there for me and he was always the jokester of the family. He could make anyone laugh and out of all of my family i would have never thought of him to do that. He baby sat me alot when i was little and i only saw him a couple of days ago. i saw him on Friday April 27th. He seemed totally normal. He asked how i was and said he was doing good. He didnt leave a note or anything. My cousin hung himself in his shed yesterday and i still cant get over that.


Wow. I just read this book in one day! It is called Runner by Carl Deuker. It's about a kid named Chance Taylor who lives with his dad on a small sailboat. His dad is a drunk and life is hard. He attends high school and he is a senior. Anyways he has a bad job that he doesn't like. One day this fat guy comes up to him and and offers him a job for easy money. Eventually Chance accepts it. When his dad is busy getting drunk Chance runs. He runs around the city, on the pier, and the beach. The fat guy tells him that for his job he will be running. He will go to these rocks near the beach that he always goes to and look for a package hidden in the rocks. Chance then will put the package in the box and bring it back to the locker room/shower area where all the boats are stored near the beach. Then someone anonymous will pick it up. The job is easy and the money is awesome. I read the whole book so I'm not going to say what happens except that the packages and the job have to do with illegal activity. Once again the book is filled with suspense.

It's an awesome book!

Now I'm reading Jude which is good so far.

Tell me what you think!

False Memory

I liked the last book that I read by Dean Koontz, so I looked for another one by him. This book is about a woman named Martie who starts developing autophobia, or fear of one's self. She has to take her best friend of 18 years to therapy twice a week because Susan (bff) has a fear of open spaces. Martie's condition becomes so bad that she is even afraid of her own shadow and afraid to look in the mirror.

Martie's husband, Dusty, is trying to figure out why she has such strange behavior and how it came about, but he develops some sort of disorder too (I'm not for sure on that part cuz I haven't gotten that far yet).

Autophobia is derived from two Greek words "autos" (self) and "phobos" (fear) = literally, fear of one's self. It includes fear of being conceited, fear of being alone, and the rarest is fear of one's self.



Well usually i hate writing poems because i am never good at them and they dont come easy to me. I dont feel like this one was much better, but it was a lot more fun to write because it was something that i love and can relate to. What did you guys think about the conferencing? I personally thought it was a really good thing cause it made my poem better. Well i would love to hear some poeams if you feel like typing them.


Well im still reading The Jump cause i have been trying to find the time to get it finished, but every time that i read it i love it. I was reading this weekend and it was about when he got hurt in his senior season. He hurt his ankle and had to sit out for a couple games, but them came back for a big tournament at UCLA where he dominated. There were two other players that where suppost to be drafted early in the first round and he killed them. He was an amazing player in High School.


So on Monday I started the book, Beauty Queen. I know, the cover is really weird looking but it's a really good book. The girl who writes journal entries in the book is a girl named Sam Strausborg. Ever since she can remember her mom has been a drunk, her dad left them and she hasn't heard from him since. Her stepdad, Reed, is a complete creepo jerk who abuses her mom and always hits on Sam because he's creepy. Sam decided that she can't take it anymore and she moves away and finds her own apartment with her cat. She finds a "magic potion" that she decides can cure all of her problems, and she winds up finding a man that she claims she's in love with. This book isn't something I would normally read, just because reading journal entries bothers me, but afterall it's turning out to be really easy to read and understand. I'm almost finished soo any of you can check it out when I'm finished:)
Have a good day!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Still reading Just In Case. He has now moved out of Agnes's house, and moved in with his friend Peter.. Who by the way, he barely knows.
Yep, so he found his imaginary dog who had been lost for a few months. Ya... i know.
And now he is very happy and full of life again. He started to attend school, and found all the girls starting to like him. Only, the way he talks about it is very weird, next time I blog I will show you some of the things he says! Agnes has just called him and Peter to a pick-nick (sp?) And apparently Justin now hates Agnes for some unknown reason.
This is where I am in our book.

I love the up to date version of Romeo and Juliet. They have just gotten married, it was kind of romantic! The only thing i don't like is how UGLY the Juliet is in the newer version. It kinds ruins everything for me...

i hope you all have a good night! See you tomorrow.

What I Am Thinking of Reading

After awhile of not having any books to read I now have three books that I am thinking of reading. One is Code Orange. Matt suggested this book to me. He said it is pretty good. Another book I am thinking of reading is Running With Scissors. I hear that it is really good. I also have the audio book of it if I get lazy. The third book that I pretty much will read is by some scientist. It is about global warming and its affects on like arthropods and fish. Well all animals I guess. I have to read it for Gen. Bio. Honors, well I don't have to read it, its for extra credit, but my dad wants me to because I don't have a very good grade in there. I'm kinda mad about the whole thing cause I only get 20 points and I have to write a 1000 word thingy about the book. But whatever. I guess thats it.

You Stay Classy San Diego?

Comment me


I need some books to read. I want books about mystery, containing suspense, or dealing with adventure or sports somewhat.

Does anyone have any ideas????????


Dark Angel

I just finished a book called Dark Angel. It sounds weird, but its not. It is about a high school kid who has a girlfriend and plays on the soccer team. Then his life changes when his brother, a convicted murder, is let off his life sentence, on a technicality. His brother is coming to live at home with his brother and family. He wants to start over. But things spiral out of control when the kid gets in a fight with the soccer captain and his brother, watching on the sidelines, takes out the soccer caption while defending his brother. They both go home after that. Then at their house they get a call saying that the team soccer caption is missing. The authorities think Troy, (the older brother) has something to do with it because he had just kind of got in a fight with him. So anyways the story is very suspenseful, and I'm not going to tell you what happens. ITS A GREAT READ!

My Picture Poem

I wrote my picture poem about the beach.It is so peaceful and pretty there especially when the sun sets over the horizon.When my family goes we get along and everything is perfect.I wish I could go more but the one we usually go to the beach in Florida which is so far away and with skating I never have much time to do anything like go to the beach.I would put my poem on here but we turned it in to Ms. James yesturday and I don't exactly remember everything I wrote.I thought writing the poem was pretty easy though because I had alot of memories about going there so the words just flowed.The hard part was having some one read it.I hate having to read my writings to some one.especially poetry because it is personal to me.Well that is it and when we get our poems back I might post it on here.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

My Poem

  • On the Other Side of the Line

    The river is moving fast,
    It runs on ahead,
    Not waiting for me to catch up.
    Everything around me is in a hurry.
    Yet somehow I can breathe here.

    I reel in my line.
    The bait at the end is gone.
    As I put on a new grasshopper,
    I take a glance the opposite shore.

    Across the river,
    White water rafters prepare to shove off.
    They load their rafts to the tune of "Lay Down Sally."
    Eric Clapton's voice carries over the roar of the river.

    I cast my line out,
    And let my bobber float downstream.
    My eyes are focused on the small red and yellow float.
    I stand as still as the unmoving mountains.

    Suddenly the bobber dives underwater.
    I spring to life and pull back my rod.
    I feel the unmistakable tug of a fish,
    Swimming with the current, fighting to break my line.

    My reel zizzes and whirs as the line flies out.
    I reel in frantically, but make very little progress.
    Slowly I pull it closer,
    Inch by inch the fish gives way.

    I can almost reach out and grab it now.
    My eyes are fixed on the fish, trying to size it up.
    Finally I pull it onto shore,
    And hold it close to my face.

    It's a brown trout.
    It's speckled sides gleaming,
    As it wriggles on the end of my line.
    This is the best part of fishing.
    When you finally see what's on the end of your line.

I'm Sick!

Sorry, I wasn't as school today I'm really sick with some Allergy/Asthma thing. Some of you probably know I wasn't felling to hot yesterday, what can you do. The doctor has got me on about 7 things of medication. So I'll be over it soon. This gives me time to do school stuff like blogging. I will be at school tomorrow, but I'm not my prime right now so I'll have to rest up. Missed you guys today. I didn't have anything to do. If somebody could fill me in tomorrow that would be great!



Is it just me or do you think Romeo and Juliet is get more confusing by the minute. I get it when I read it along side no fear Shakespeare. If I don't do that I end up thinking the complete opposite of what they are really saying some parts I get, but they throw in so many extra word that confuse me. I like they "play" so far ,but it is so
< to me.

Talk Later, I guess.

Picture Poem!

As you know we had to write a poem from a picture. Well that morning I was running a little late and forgot to get my original picture off the table. When I got to class I remembered, but it was too late. Luckily Ms. James told us if we forgot our picture we could use one that was on our phone so that's what I had to do. I picked a picture of me holding up one of my biggest fish because it was my background and it was special to me. It took me a while to write it all but I did it. I don't like poetry, but I noticed all lot of people like "beefy manwich" wrote almost 2 full pages. So it all worked out in the end.


P.S. here is the picture, sorry had to cut out my face for privacy reasons.

My Sister's Keeper

The book that I'm reading right now is My Sister's Keeper. So far it is really good. It is about a girl Anna who her parents decided to have after her sister Kate got leukemia. Anna and Kate are genetic matches because Anna was specially "made" by scientists so she could donate things to her older sister. This book is very controversial and also very interesting to read. I would recommend it to everyone.

~When you click on the picture you are taken to a site which has the first few pages of the book actually right under where the picture is. Read this part, and trust me, you will want to read the rest of the book.

Talking to Plants

In Act 2, Scene 3, the friar is talking to his plants saying how they can be so wonderful but so poisonous at the same time.
"For this, being smelt, with that part cheers each part;
Being tasted, stays all senses with the heart." He's saying that if you smell some particulare kind of plant, it brings you pleasure, but if you eat it, then you'll die. There is no solid evidence that says that talking to plants benefits them. However, there is some truth to that because when you talk to a plant, you breathe on it, and plants need carbon dioxide to live.
Back in the day (1848), a German professor suggested in his book that plants were capable of feeling emotions, just like humans, and that you could promote healthy growth by showering your plant with attention. Another botanist guy said that plants may not be able to understand the spoken word, but they were capable of telepathically understanding the meaning of speech.
I thought this stuff was kinda weird, but it was still interesting. I just try to stay away from having my own house plants, because they generally end up dying. I guess I don't give them enough


I'm reading the Uglies and it's realy confusing me:(. I like it, but it's still a weird book. It's a really futuristic book with 'hoverboards' and what not. After this book is the Pretties which I heard isn't as good as the Uglies, which I don't even know if I like, so I may not read it. I'm kind of more excited to get back to the Gossip Girls series:).

I'm not sure if I like this new poetry unit:/. I'm not good at writing poetry or anything like that, and I don't really enjoy writing it! I like reading poetry, a lot. Just not writing it. This picture poem has been SO difficult for me! I guess I didn't pick the most interesting picture to write about, but it is a picture I like alot.

That's all for now, BYE!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

missy higgins

I dont know if any of you have heard of a singer called Missy Higgins, but she's pretty amazing. I change favorite singer/band about every week but for like the past 2 weeks she's been my favorite singer. My favorite song from her is They weren't there. It's more slow and sad music but its grrrrreat. so if you like that kind of music you should give her a listen. :)

this weekend

so this weekend was mostly pretty boring so i saw alot of movies. 3 of the movies that i saw i've never seen before. they were disturbia, persuit of happiness, and the hills have eyes. i think my favorite was either the persuit of happiness or disturbia. The persuit of happiness was really sad and happy and disturbia was pretty scary and intense. anyway, today was fun though because i went to silver dollar city. :) hope all of you guys had a greatttt weekend.