Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Dark Angel

I just finished a book called Dark Angel. It sounds weird, but its not. It is about a high school kid who has a girlfriend and plays on the soccer team. Then his life changes when his brother, a convicted murder, is let off his life sentence, on a technicality. His brother is coming to live at home with his brother and family. He wants to start over. But things spiral out of control when the kid gets in a fight with the soccer captain and his brother, watching on the sidelines, takes out the soccer caption while defending his brother. They both go home after that. Then at their house they get a call saying that the team soccer caption is missing. The authorities think Troy, (the older brother) has something to do with it because he had just kind of got in a fight with him. So anyways the story is very suspenseful, and I'm not going to tell you what happens. ITS A GREAT READ!

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