Saturday, April 21, 2007

Company Shall Come in 6 1/2 Hours

Hey you all! This may seem of like no importance, but I am so bored and I needed to write something. Well, my grandparents are coming down here from Colorado and they'll be here at 8! I absolutely love them and I haven't seen them in almost a year! Yeah...

Alright, I have to go do more chores so talk to ya'll later!

Friday, April 20, 2007


Yea I know that everyone knows already, but a student attending Virginia Tech went in with a gun and killed 31 people on campus. I just want to say what a tragedy that is. As we learn more details we understand that this student had problems. I still can't understand why drove him to do this. I can not imagine a student attending my school would bringing a gun and shooting up the place. It just doesn't seem like it could happen. But obviously it can. What I also wondered is why the student was not apprended earlier or sent to a counselor. This is because there were past occurences of attempting to light the library on fire I think and something. Couldn't college leaders or whatever see there was something wrong?

Well that's just what I have to say.
What do you think?

Amur Leopard =[

this is an Amur Leopard. there are only 25 to 34 of them still living in the world. Logging, building, farming and poaching are blamed for the animals' decline in population.The Amur leopard usually lives here: Korean peninsula, northeast China and Russia. at least 100 would be needed for this species to survive. The Amur leopard has longer legs and fur than other leopard species, allowing it to prowl and hunt with ease in the snowy eastern fringe of Siberia. It's very sad that the cause of the Amur leopard to be almost all gone is because of people. i wish we could do something for them, it would be extremely sad to loose them...

Strut Your Stuff!

Oh Man, it's turkey season again and I already know I going to get a big TOM (male turkey). I'm going to go to my Dad's house here in about five minutes so I gotta make this quick. I already have a perfect turkey picked out, he has been rousting (sleeping) about 300 yards from the house so he shouldn't be AS hard to get, but you never know. He has about a 9-10 inch beard(The thing that looks like hair in between its chest). I also got a back up turkey SHE is a white hen so I don't even need a tag for her because the conservation doesn't want inbred turkeys in the FLOCK. lol(inside joke) Sorry got to go I'll tell you if I get one this weekend or next. Later!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Island of the Blue Dolphins

This book is about Karana, who is a young Indian girl who is left on the Island of the Blue Dolphins. Everyone from her village was taken East to another place by white men, but Karana and her brother were left behind on the island. Karana and her brother are to wait for another ship to come and take them to where the others are. Soon after the others leave, Karana’s brother is killed by a pack of wild dogs.
Karana has to survive on her own, while she waits for the other ship to pick her up. The only real threat on the island is the pack of wild dogs, which killed her brother. She plans to take care of that problem by killing them one by one.


Okay so this post is about stereotyping. And how people easily stereotype other races other than there race. First the most commonly one, blonds. Not all blonds are stupid and I actually no someone who is very intelligent and has extremely good grades. And I think that some might even act like that because they are easily mistaken for being the stupid one and they might think that it is there roll in school (just a guess). Then there’s the Asians. Some Asians are not all that smart and there are some that are like you and me. And I think they want to have good grades because they want to make there parents proud by being on the top of their classes. And not all Asians are CHEAP!!! And then there’s the one about young teens who live in the ghetto are all gangstas, but there are actually some that are not involved in gangs whatsoever.

Then there’s the one about emo people. But who are really emo people and how can you tell? First of all you can’t tell if they are emo or not unless you actually know the person or not, or if that person told you. And you can’t assume that guys with eyeliner are emo. And after that there is the nerd stereotyping, which most people who think people who wear glasses, play on the computer a lot, read a lot are nerd, or play videogames 24/7 are nerds. This is not a true statement. And last but not least, there is another about red-necks and how do you know if that person is a red-neck or not, just because they have a little accent? And just exactly how can you tell if that person is a what they are or not?

I found this really funny thing about Asian stereotype (it is really hilarious). Sorry if I offended you.
Asian stereotype and more.

♥I Found It♥

I just founa new book by Terri Farley. So far i read the back and i think it is going to be a good book. I found the summary online and here it is:At the age of ten, Gwen Cooke had a strange encounter with a boy with dark, slightly tilted eyes. He came to her on the beach, whispered strange words in her ear, and then disappeared. Shortly thereafter, her family moved away from their seaside home and Gwen never saw the boy again.
Now seventeen, Gwen is returning to her childhood home. Her nana asked her to come. But Gwen knows it's time to go back for another reason: She yearns for the sea. Perhaps the sea itself is calling to her. Perhaps the memory of the boy and his haunting words are drawing her back to the place they met. Perhaps it's time for her to face her destiny.
I think the book is going to be amazing. So leave me some comments and tell me what you think♥

Baby Steps

Ok, so Mrs. James wanted some us to post our stories on the blog so that is what I am doing, my story is really long, so I am sorry.

Baby Step’s
The first game of Kat’s high school career came and she was almost more nervous about their “warm-up” dance than for the game. They didn’t have a routine, but she was scared that she was going to be the only on the field standing around not dancing. A couple of the upper classmen came up to her and told her that she was to lead everyone out on the field, she felt like she was going to be sick. The music went on and everyone waited. Kat finally went out and she began to just move to the rhythm. She was so excited; of course she wasn’t as good as the rest of the s, but she could at least keep up with the beat. All fears about dancing were gone, she knew there was still room for improvement, but she would deal with that later. Right now she was going to enjoy herself and win a game!
Kat McMillan was an amazing athlete. She could play any sport and play it as if she had been playing it her whole life. She was even good enough for the boys to let her play with them. They would actually fight for who got her on their team. She loved being a tomboy, she didn’t have to worry about what she wore or anything and no one seemed to care. The only thing she couldn’t do was dance.
Dancing for her was like playing basketball with a football. It not only looked wrong but also was impossible. Her friends at school had been trying to teach her for years, but were unsuccessful. In middle school she didn’t care about not being able to dance because there were not a lot of dances, but now that she is in high school she really wants to learn. She is afraid that she is going to go to a dance and make a fool out of herself and get the whole school body laughing at her.
She went to a couple of dances at the beginning of her freshman year. The first dance she didn’t really dance, but she got an idea of what it looked like. So, the next dance she went to she actually danced. It was a site to see. She realized that dancing is much harder than it looks and truly takes some skill. She really wanted to get into a dance class to learn to move a little, but since she was so busy with her sports she didn’t have any time. She didn’t necessarily care what the other kids called her, but being as competitive as she is she had a real drive to learn how to dance.
Soccer season came and she forgot about wanting to dance and began to focus on her favorite sport. She really wanted to make the varsity soccer team and to start. She knew she was going to have to work hard for it and that she would not just be handed a spot on the team. When tryouts came she was so nervous, that she knew she was not playing her best. Susie would go home after tryouts and sulk and think of all that she did wrong during the tryouts. She would think, “why did I pass right into the pressure instead of into space,” or “why did I let that get past me?” She would get mad at herself and couldn’t think of what she needed to do. She would even remember that while she was playing she would think, “ok, I need to pass it here and then make this run,” but for some reason she did not do that. At the end of the tryouts she was so afraid that she had failed, that when the coaches were saying who was on varsity, she almost didn’t listen fearing she would be disappointed. She was glad that she did listen because she heard the coaches say Kat McMillan and she jumped up and screamed. Her hard work had paid off.
She thought that anything she faced now she could handle. Until her teammates told her what they do to get themselves pumped up before a game. They said they dance to the latest songs before they start their warm-up. Susie thought her life was over. She could not dance and they all knew that. Her team told her they already had a plan on how to teach her to dance. Kat was grateful for their effort, but said they were just wasting their time. The team did not give up so easily, they had her practicing every weekend and the older s had her over and would help her with some extra practice.
Kat McMillan took baby steps in learning how to dance. She first watched to see how it should look. She then tried it, but hit a few speed bumps and was unsuccessful. After that Kat kept practicing and got help from teammates and soon was dancing just like everyone else. This reminded me of babies first learning to walk. They would first watch, then they would experiment and try it on their own, and then they would usually get a little help from their parents. Then pretty soon they would be running all over the place and impossible to catch. All it took was patients and a few baby steps.

♥New Book♥

I just started a new book called a child called it. You may know the book because everybody says it very good so i finally had to read it. I got the book yesterday and i just finished it. If you havent read the book it is very good. I think the book was very amazing but it was so horribly sad. i could barely read all the details it was so treacherous. well i just wanted to inform you on a great book so comment and give me some new book ideas. c- ya lata♥


Eight years ago from today the Columbine shooting happened.Two kids in highschool opened fire and killed 12 student plus one teacher.Here is a link to find out more about what happened

I think this was tragic and on April 16 or Monday the Virgina Tech shootings happend.The Virginia Tech shooting was even more deadly since 32 people plus the shooter were killed.I don't understand why these people went in school and killed so many people but it is terrible what they did.And on the news they said that a girl ,i don't know her name,was a freshman at the time of the columbine shooting and witnessed the people being killed and then eight years later she was a student at Virginia Tech when the shooting happened.I think that is a weird coincidence or she is just really unlucky and whatever school she goes to shootings occur.

Romeo and Juliet

The play is kind of confuzing me.The words are really weird like doth and hath.Plus the questions for the scene I don't really get.If anyone out there is good at this Shakespear stuff help me!!!I need help with answers #35 on scene 1,and almost all of scene 4.And what is the name of the site for the modern text????


I am still reading the book Twilight i got over the weekend.I am only on page 197 since i don't have time to read at home but so far I like the book alot.It is really interesting and when I start to read it I don't want to put it down.It is about this girl named Bella who goes to live with her dad in Forks Arizona.She meets this mysterious guy at school and strange things start happening.She has theories as to what he why he can do these unexplainable things.He saved her from getting hit by a car when there was no possible way he could have been at the scene,and he saved her from some guys on a dark alley .Her suspicions are confirmed when he tells her what he really is.I won't tell exactly what he is because you will have to read it for yourself and find out.If you have not read this book by Stephenie Meyer i suggest you do beacuse it is really good!!!

Super Serial...Killer

I'm reading this book by Dean Koontz called Velocity. It's really good so far.

It's about this bartender named Billy who starts getting these strange notes. The first one said that if he took the note to the police and got them involved, an elderly woman involved in charity work would be killed, but if he didn't take the note to the police, then a lovely blonde schoolteacher would be killed.

Billy of course didn't take the note seriously, but now he's thinking he should have because his best friend is dead, his fiance is in a coma, he has a dead guy propped up at his computer, and he got fish hooks put through his face. And the worst thing is that he can't tell the police NOW because all of the evidence makes him the prime suspect. What is Billy gonna do??? I don't know, I haven't read that far yet.


Well this isnt the greatest topic, but i just want to remember all of the victims of the Virginia Tech Massacre. There was a gun man named Cho Seung-hui and he took the lives of 32 people and then took his own life. He also injured another 29 people. He is a site if you wanna see more about it.

virginia tech killer... this is a link to the massacre at Virginia tech. the picture above is the killer. i think what happened to the people there is horrible. i also think that there is something very wrong with Cho Seung-Hui... very, very, wrong. i feel bad for all the people he killed and their families.... this link tells what happened and shows his videos and pictures he sent to CNN... this was a tragedy...

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

The whole idea of an arranged marriage makes me really mad because no one can help who it is they love - they're not supposed to. I think that it is insensitive of the parents also, because they are not thinking of their child's feelings, but then again they must think about what is best for
their family.

In Romeo and Juliet, Paris wants to marry Juliet, who is not even 14 yet, and he is of a noble family. In Shakespeare in Love, she was referred to as a "donkey with rubies in her saddle bags", which is completely degrading. Not to mention the fact that he is at least 15 years older than she is, I just couldn't even imagine being married and having kids at my age. But thankfully, her father is thinking of her and wants to wait for her to get married until she's 15.

I looked up arranged marriages, and it seems that there are varying degrees of the "arranged" part. The most intense degree is a "forced marriage", where the parents choose the spouse with no input from their child. The next is the "traditional arranged marriage", where the parents choose the spouse with some input, and if the child does not like their choice, then the parents usually respect the child's wishes and choose another suitor. A "modern arranged marriage" is where the parents choose several possible candidates and allow the two to go on a short unsupervised date, and then the child makes their decision. A "modern arranged marriage with courtship" is the same as the above, except the kids have a considerably longer amount of time to get to know each other. And finally, an "introduction only" arranged marriage is where the parents introduce each other's kids, and then the kids are in charge of the relationship from then on.

My personal favorite is the traditional wedding, where people get to choose their own spouse from whoever they want. I think marriage is such a special bond that God created between a man and a woman, and shouldn't be forced. Every girl dreams of her wedding day from the time when she was first able to understand what a wedding was, and I think that this vision that is created within us girls' heads can only be complete with someone who we truly love and are in love with.

Arranged Marriages

What do you think it would be like to be forced to marry someone you didnt even choose? Well this it how it was back in the time of Romeo and Juliet and even in some countries in the Middle East and Asia. Usually the marriages were chosen by the parents of the individuals with out any input from them. If the son or daughter refuses they would be punished and in some cases killed. Other times the marriage would still go on despite the bride and bridesmates objections. I think it would be terrible to not be able to choose your spouse and not get the chance to truly fall in love with the person of your choice. The parents would usually arrange it with another person of the same wealth. Plus we all know that parents shouldnt have a say in our relationships. It always seems to be true that parents dont know much about there children and would choose he total opposite person for you. Whats your thought about arranged marriages?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


What murder? Well the mass murder that made a nation wide record or what I heard so far was the one I heard on the news and saw on the internet. And since we’re talking about Shakespeare in the class, I thought that we could talk about something else, and that is all about the murder case in Virginia Tech.

The topic that I’m discussing though is one of how he must’ve felt and what might’ve provoked him to do such things. What I think that might’ve have caused the incident to happen was al the cruel people who had teased him and might’ve hurt his feelings during the process. And the things that I learned to day (from my mom again) took a lot of thinking of how that person might have been going through. My mom told me to never hurt anybody’s feelings even when it is the slightest comment because it can set that person on the edge of destruction. The person could have been bullied badly already and then you have come to tease him/her in the slightest bit of action could have set that person off.

Then there’s to always be careful because if you make the slightest wrong bad comment you could be on that person’s hit list (somebody who wants payback for doing a wrong deed). And people at school really do have a hit list because I know some people who are really sensitive and just want to fit in. and it’s really sad that people make fun of you or anybody if you make the slightest wrong movement to them. So don’t hurt other people’s feelings even if it is your friend because a word can go a long way. And this just to shows that it’s a really cruel world out there so treat others as you would want to be treated.

Books, Books, Books......

So I finished Bookends and it turned out even better than I expected. I loved it! It was a happy romantic comedy. It turned out just the way I would have wanted it to.

Now I am reading The Notebook, I have already seen the movie, more than once, and I love it. So, I am hoping the book will be just as good if not better. I have always been told that books are better than the movie, so I am hoping I have been told right.

This book started off really weird though. The old Noah begins the book by saying why he is reading it and to whom. After that, in the next chapter, the younger Noah and Allie, give a summary of what their life has been so far. Everything seems pretty good so far, so I hope it continues to get better.

The Lake!!!

Summer is coming up!!! It is getting close to the time that every weekend is spent at the lake! I can’t wait; I am so excited, because I love everything about it. Especially the part that all you do is hang out with friends and family, relax, play in the water, and wakeboard and tube! I am getting even more excited just talking about it. This summer especially I am going to get to be down at the lake even more. I love to camp, which is great because where we dock our boat there is a campground right beside it.

Last summer, I wasn’t able to go to the lake that much, we were to busy moving. So, this summer I’m excited because I will pretty much spend my whole summer there. Memories are made at the lake all the time. They are probably the best place to make memories. Whether it be tubing with college guys or landing a back flip on the wakeboard. When you go to the lake and you camp out, the best part is telling all the stories of the day and reminiscing on the past lake trips and being with friends and family. Talking about the day is probably one of the best parts, especially around the campfire while eating a s’more or hotdog or just sitting around enjoying the cool, fresh night air.

Road Trips

Road trips, how boring are road trips? They can be fun, too. The worst trips are coming back from games and leaving a vacation, because everyone is tried and they want to get home. Though when you are heading to the place for your vacation everyone is so excited and they all want to get there as quickly as possible.

My family and I go on lots of road trips, whether it be for fun or for sports, it just seems that we are always on the road. Which is where I am while I am writing this and how I got the idea for my blog. When I am on the road, I often read, watch movies, listen to music, and sleep. One thing that I like about road trips is it creates lots of memories. One time that my family and I were going skiing, we were all watching a movie, I had a real bad cold and was really congested. (This probably won’t be very funny to all of you guys, but it was at the time). So, I was congested and had to get some stuff out of my throat and I leaned out the window with my earphones on, because we were watching a movie, and all of a sudden we heard a loud noise that sounded like something hitting the ground really hard. The next thing that everyone heard was me saying, “I think my earphones just flew out the window.” My dad then had to turn around and back track and I had to get out on a highway and go find the earphones. Thankfully they were on the side of the road so I didn’t have to face any cars, but there was snow and some ice on the street and I fell in front of all the cars on the road and everyone in my car, it was so embarrassing. Road trips are great for telling stories.

this is the website that i use to see what new books have come out and just look for a book. You can go to a list of authors a-z and see all the new books and read what they are about...since a lot of people ask our class on the blog for books to read, i thought this could be a lot easier! =] If you have any questions about this website i can probably answer them for you ♥

But wait! It gets worse...

Okay, so that new war book I'm reading, Guadalcanal Diary is really good. But the cheerfulness of the first chapter completely vanishes in the second. They got onto Guadalcanal diary and took it without a problem. The Japanese forces were totally surprised to see American and Australian troops landing on their beach and they ran. But the fighting's getting thicker and an American ship was just sunk in an air attack. Things are slowly getting more suspenseful and one quote sums it up.

I walked among the troops gathered on the forward deck, and found them silent and nervous--a contrast to the gaiety and song which had filled the few preceding days. There did not seem to be much to say, although a few lads came up with the inevitable, "Well, this is it."

The book is literally the diary of a news correspondant that travels with these marines to take a Japanese held island. It's really cool because the guy is a very descriptive writer--you feel like you're there. Plus he's not a soldier so everything is slightly less depressing than usual first-hand war accounts. It's not very gorey, but its a really good primary source. It's a true story.

Luna (The Cycle's Almost Over)

Hey, ya'll! God gi' go-den! How hath thy souls comprehended with Shakespeare so far? I've found some joy in it so far. Hopefully it'll get somewhat better. I'm not the biggest fan of poetry, so yeah!

Well, for those of you who need a break from Romeo and Juliet, I have a really good and weird book for ya! It's called Luna, and it's by Julie Anne Peters (but you already knew that). And once again, it's time for me to quote the front cover! Also the perfect book for today!

"Regan's brother, Liam, can't stand the person he is during the day. Like the moon from whom Liam has chosen his female namesake, his true self, Luna, reveals herself only at night. For years, Liam has transformed himself into the beautiful girl he longs to be with help from his sister's clothes and makeup in the secrecy of their basement bedrooms. Now everything is about to change-- Luna is preparing to emerge from her cocoon. But are Liam's family and friends ready to welcome Luna into their lives?"

Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds really weird, but I'm almost done and it's such a good novel! Alright, talk to ya guys later!

what i missed

so yesterday i had to go to the dentist so i got to leave early from school. so i wasnt there for english yesterday and was wondering what i missed. i'm no where near done with my photo story. its very complicated. lol.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Well this doesnt have anything to do with english but i have been blogging bout that stuff forever so i wanna talk about something else. I have been so busy lately. This week i have two track meets and a basketball practice. Then this weekend i have a game and practice and that is a non-busy weekend. Then next weekend i go to Dallas, Texas for a basketball tournament, then the next weekend to Lawerence Kansas for a tournament. Then the weekend after that i get a vacation and i get to go to Las Vegas BABY! So much to do so little time!

Photo Story

I, just like everyone else in the class, created a photo story. I did mine about the tornado poem. I think I would of have a really good one, but for some reason mine came out really blurry. It made me mad. I read the Romeo and Juliette Act. 1 Scene 2 today. It is still hard to understand. I hope it gets easier.

As of right now I'm trying to find a book to read for this week. Any suggestions??

Well tomorrow night is the Red-Jumpsuit Apparatus concert!! That should be awesome. I can't wait! I doubt anyone I know is going, but if you are tell me.

That's all I got.

I'm out.

laptop =))))

For my birthday, my parents got me a laptop. I'm on it right now and I'm in love with it. ha ha. now that i have Internet on it I'll get to blog much more. =] I like having a laptop more than a computer because its just easier, and now i get to take my computer and desk out of my room and just get in my bed with my laptop lol.


I'm almost done with my current book, and then I'm going to start the book speak. It's about a girl who called the cops on a party and now her whole school hates her. I don't know if i make it sound too good, but the book sounds good to me.

"This extremely well-written book portrays a large suburban high school with a fresh and authentic eye - all the cliques are there, from the jocks, to the Goths, to the "Marthas" (Martha Stewart wanna-bes)....This powerful story has an important lesson: never be afraid to speak up for yourself." -VOYA

photo story 3

The last couple of days in class we have been working on our photo stories, and i really liked it. i did the poem on the tornado (i think almost everyone did that one), but i liked looking for all the pictures. it was fun to look at everyone elses' photo stories by musical chairs.

chee yuh!

I finished New Moon today:)
I was very happy about that. I love it when you finish a book and you're disappointed that it's over but yet you think "man, I'm pretty proud of myself for reading all of that" haha at least I think that when I finish a book. I'm not sure what to read now though:/ Probably something by Sarah Dessen since Stephenie Meyer has nothing else for me to read & enjoy :(! Ohh welll I want to read something really good again! If you guys could recommend some stuff that would be nice:) haha.

Have a good day!


I went and saw the movie 300 on my birthday with my boyfriend. And, even though its really a complete 'guy' movie. i loved it! lol. If you have been on a different planet I'll explain what the movie is about. 300 is the story of the 300 Spartans that fought the millions of most likely know the story. this link takes you to a photo gallery of the movie, and it has some really neat fight scene pictures!

If you haven't seen this movie i highly suggest you do so. =D


♦Well, we had an assagnment in class the other day as you know. Of course I picked the hunting and fishing poem. I have to say it turned out better than I exspected. I think mine was the best out of my group, but I didn't e-mail it to Ms. James. That's Ok. Right now I'm at my grandma's house and I'm really bored. So I made this picture for the blogg I think it's really cool. So yea, Talk to ya'll later! Keep on Keepin' on!♥


It's still weird.. The book is still not making any sense! Justin had won first place in some track rely. Afterwards, he went over to this girls house and told her that he wish he hadn't won. It reminded him to much of when his name was David, and he felt like he was betraying himself... I was like... O GEEEEZ!

But apart from that, life is good. :D

Shakespeare. Yes, the famous man! We haven't really had time to read a lot of his work lately because of the slideshow thing. (Which we did today, and it was totally funn) Im going to have to agree with a few of the other people. His language doesn't really make any sense. Hopefully, as time progresses, we will start to understand it more!!

photo story

Friday in class we started working on our photo stories that involved poems. Yesterday in class we put in some finishing touches and tried to get them ready to present. I am doing the photo story about the tornado poem. It is about a person driving through a place where a tornado is brewing and then explains how bad the storm has been. It is a really cool poem and i just hope i can pull off the photo story.

Monday, April 16, 2007


Sorry, It’s been a while since I’ve blogged so I’m going to have to make up for it this week. The reason I haven’t blogged is because of my uncle came in to town with three of his daughters to visit. I’ve had my handful with two of them the other one is with her mom. One is four and the other six.

So yea I went to my grandma’s house, where they are staying, with (a friend) yesterday. Of course we went fishing, and might I say (a friend) got SKUNKED. For you people that don’t speak fishing that means he caught 0 and I caught 1. It’s turkey season again and I get to go this weekend. Hope for a good Gobbler!

photo story!

Today in class we made photo stories about a poem off this paper. I did one about tornadoes. My photo story is ok, but not great. I have eight slides though. The poem describes someone who is driving through an area where a tornado is. The person tells about what they see and what their is experience feels like. We also are continueing to read on our own so I need to go to the library and check out a book some time this week soon.

well that's all I got.
Tell me about what you are reading or about your photo stories!!!

photo story!

Today in class we made photo stories about a poem off this paper. I did one about tornadoes. My photo story is ok, but not great. I have eight slides though. The poem describes someone who is driving through an area where a tornado is. The person tells about what they see and what their is experience feels like. We also are continueing to read on our own so I need to go to the library and check out a book some time this week soon.

well that's all I got.
Tell me about what you are reading or about your photo stories!!!


(This is my big brother about twelve years ago :D)
So basically, my new book, Just In Case, is TOTALLY WEIRD! Not only is his imaginary dog his best friend, but he likes a thrity year old girl. He's like what? Fifteen??!
Recently, he stole a three-hundred dollar jacket from a designer store. Technically, he didn't want it. The thirty year-old he was with had a friend working at the store. She convinced him to just give it to her. A few seconds a later, they started telling Justin that he was going to have a hirrible fate.
It isn't that this book is weird, it's more like it doesn't go in chronological order. It skips around and says random things... The monologues that some of these characters have are so weird.

I don't want to stop reading it, because I want to figure out what it is about.

What are ya'll reading? :D

Were about to play musical chairs... can't wait!
I put a picture of me and siblings when we were little on mine!


Finally i finished my book. i finished it last friday and it was kinda suprising. it was a very good book and i would encourage anybody to ready it. I really need a book to read now and i havent been to the library in like 2 weeks so can you help me out and leave me comments about really good books okkk i will talk to you guys later ♥


I finally got the book Twillight by Stephanie Meyer,I doubt I spelled that right.I have been wanting to read that for a while now and everyone I know that has read it loves it.I haven't started reading it yet since I just got it yesturday.Tonight I am hoping to go home and read it for awhile.


Today we are still working on the photostory thing about the poems.The poem I used to make the photo story was THE HAND.I chose this poem because it was hard to understand some things but it had good visualizations like the hand ,apple,and the kid looking out the window.Also because you could draw your own unique conclusion about what you think it means.I have like 6 slides done now but does any one know exactly how many slides we are supposed to have???I think the photostory would be even better if we could pick our own stories and poems.

Almost through!

This weekend I didn't really read out of my free reading book too much (New Moon) but I only have about 30 pages left, s0o0o I'm excited to finish it. It seems like the majority of the action in the book is through by now, but what do I know? haha. I loved the book Twilight, and New Moon. Stephenie Meyer is a great author. I think I'll plan on finishing my book tonight so other people can start reading it that have it on hold. I've had it for so long :/ haha. Well, it's heating up and I'm SO happy. Hot weather makes me kindof miserable at times, but I like it better than freezing my bum off. Haha don't you agree?

I don't know what book to read next though because Stephenie Meyer only has those two books I'm pretty sure:/

Have a GREAT afternoon:)!

Also, I agree SO much with..

SHORTIE'S post. About society, and just everything. One main point was gay marriage. What I have to say about that is: WHO CARES? If a man wants to marry a man, HOW DOES THAT AFFECT YOU?! If a woman wants to marry a woman, HOW DOES THAT AFFECT YOU.. OR THE GOVERNMENT?! It doesn't! So let than be. It just ridiculous that some states have gone as far as to make gay marriage illegal just because of THEIR religon and THEIR beliefs. Ridiculous. Christians are supposed to accept people, not judge them. It's funny that I'm not really even a christian, and I know that.

Next main point was all those fashion models showing off stick models which makes teen girls want to be just like that. I think it ridiculous, and even a little bit gross that models are that skinny. Yeah, I like to be skinny, but when your ribs are sticking 6 inches out of your skin, that's just a little bit icky. But the blame shouldn't all be on the fashion industry. Yes, they display all this stick-thin models. Yes, they encourage people to buy their stuff and get all pretty and skinny. BUT teen girls should also learn to be more comfortable with themselves. No one is making them not eat, or shove their fingers down their throat. So the blame is really on all of us.

Anyway, I just wanted to vent for a while and realy saying GOOD JOB to sHoRtIe for his or her really really good post:).

My first post since before Spring Break

Wow, I haven't posted since before spring break. I am too lazy to post, I just comment. But its probably time for me to post so thats what I'm doing. I need to get working on my photo story.
I have one question for all of you:
What is the air speed velocity of an unladen Europeon swallow?

I love Monty Python and the Holy Grail.


I'm not sure how much I'll like Romeo and Juliet, yet. I could love it! Or maybe not. Doesn't it confuse you all, too? It's so hard to understand the words and language they speak! But maybe this will be an adventure for me. It'll make me think harder, and maybe that's just what I need! I think it's so crazy how the families hate each other SO much. So much that the family's servants even hate each other!

I've been reaeding a lot of different books since I blogged last. I am going to read Impulse soon. I went to Barnes and Noble to get it. It was written by the author of Burned and Crank so it should be a good book:). I started to read The Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore, but I stopped because I didn't really like it that much. Now I'm reading another Gossip Girls book. I can usually rely on those books to be pretty good. If anyone has any book suggestions, let me know! I need a new read.

I GET TO SEE AUSTIN TOMORROW (FOR HIS BIRTHDAY) FOR THE FIRST TIME IN OVER A MONTH :)!!!!!! Ok, had to get out out. Have a nice day.
I don't know if I should be posting, or working on my picture thing. But I'm a little confused on that? Hmm. Oh well.

I haven't been reading out of the Lit. Book, execpt when we're reading in class. I've been busy reading my Driver's Permit Book thing, and my free reading book (yes, I'm still reading A Million Little Peices) Haha.

My weekend was good (: What about yours?
I went to see TMNT. I missed like, half of it, though, because my friend wanted a pizza. Hahaha.

***Anyone know where I can buy PILLAR? (that's a band)

My theory to Romeo and Juliet

Well, there is a person. And his name is Romeo. He is in love with a girl named Juliet. They commit suicide together because they can't be together.

True Story:

Romeo was in love with Juliet, and Juliet with Romeo. But Romeo chated on Juliet wth Rosaline. Juliet caught him and drank sleep potion because she was hurt and sleep was her escape. Romeo came to find her and thought she was dead. Romeo committed suicide because of the pain he thought he caused her. Juliet woke up and killed herself.

That's my theory of what REALLY happened. There is jsut way too much mystery left in Shakespeare's plays.

So what's YOUR theories?

I like war books!

Okay, just noticing something here. This book I'm reading now is Guadalcanal Diary. It's another war book, but its written by a journalist who tags along with these marines and sailors in the taking of the Guadalcanal island in WWII. Now, in All Quiet on the Western Front the book starts out with a slow sorrowful death of a comrade. In Guadalcanal Diary the book starts out with a lazy Sunday on the ship. The marines are happy and laughing and they actually like their jobs. This huge contrast struck me really hard. I wonder if it's the difference between German forces and American forces in WWII? Or if it's the difference between the E.T.O. and the P.T.O? But anyway, that's my little observation.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Since I have nothing else to talk about, I think I should talk about society. And the cruelty that they put people in. What I really want to talk about is the state of being wrong or right in society. For an example (and don‘t judge me for this): why not let their be gay marriage? I know that there are many religion beliefs that do not accept this, but why let the person merry their love? And why is it strictly forbidden that there be only a straight marriage? Because I know that this is one of the major issues in society today.

And another example is about models today, and how magazines provoke young girls to be skinny just like them. And this is really hurting the big girls who are in society today. Another thing is the fast food that is causing all the obesity all around the world. This makes me think a lot about the ones who can not help them selves. Another thing is how people smoke in the U.S. and how it is killing millions and causing a lot of problems like lung cancer and second-hand smoke. I mean why sell the product if it is only going to kill the customer?

Another thing that bothers me is how in school there is the “Popular,” the “Goth,” the “Skater,” the “Geeks,” and the “Jocks.” I mean why so many different classes for the people who are just people? And even in the past there are classes such as royalty, the all rich and mighty, the mediocre people, and the poor. I mean why put so many classes for the people who are just people? To my main part of this is why separate people? And why can’t we just accept people who are truly them and why act like you’re that person when your not?

Coloring outside the lines

Last week i started this excellent book called Coloring Outside The Lines, a punk rock memoir by Aimee Cooper. It's about a young girl, about 19, looking for adventure in her life. One day she decided to check out this club she came across. The band the had playing was loud and the way the kids there were dancing seemed dangerous. That's when she decided that this punk rock sence was the thing for her.
She goes though all kinds of problems and adventures just like she hoped for. She even got to have the memebers from Black Flag stay at her house!!! They are an incredible band and her life sounded soooo fun. you all gotta read this book. it great weather you are a punk rocker or not. so read it, now. =]

Walden and Civil Disobedience

Here is a picture of the book I am reading.

Walden and Civil Disobedience

Well on Saturday I was at Barnes and Noble looking for a new book and I couldn't find one so my dad suggested Walden and Civil Disobedience. The author is Henry David Thoreau. I haven't started reading it yet but I looked at the summary thingy on the inside cover. It is basically two stories. Actually one of them is an essay or something that the author wrote about civil disobedience. He wrote the essay about his experience of being imprisoned for refusing to pay Concord's poll tax and the citizens duty to watch over the government. The other part was about his experience in Walden. The book is supposed to be a classic so it should be ok

Tom Clancy Books are Too Long

Well.................................200 pages later and im still not convinced im going to finish Red Rabbit. I guess i am 1/3rd of the way there, but there hasn't been much action and im getting kindof bored. I think im gooing to drop the book and look for another book, because i don't think i can take it anymore.

so if anyone has any suggestions for good books that I should read, please tell, because i am not going to finish this book.

Hs anyone seen blades of glory? if so, how was it?

thats all for now, gbye

beefy manwich

Juliet and that Guy

Well, we started the shakespear stuff, and I'm exited about it. Mockingbird was okay, but shakespear looks really cool. Ive read the first two scenes, and it is pretty good so far. The text is kindof weird, but that no fear shakespear thing really worked good. I like the Romeo character, because he is BALLIN' !!!

so basically shakespear rocks, and now im bored, so ill sign off now.

stay classy, San Diego

Beefy Manwich

R & J

This play isn't very interesting so far...but I know that I will like it once we get farther into it. The site that Ms.James told us about is really helpful when I am confused. There isn't really that much else to say about Romeo and Juliet. I would tell you more about the play, but I know lots of you guys haven't read ahead like I have, so I won't tell you guys about it yet. Romeo and Juliet is boring now, but it will get better as we read farther into the play.

Romeo, oh Romeo!

Hmm, so Romeo and Juliet is pretty boring. I've read a little bit of the play in drama, and it seemed pretty simple to interpret. I don't like reading it at all though, it's so hard to understand..! I guess I'll just have to learn to deal with it though, right? Even though it's not my favorite thing to read, I do love the end of the story because it's really romantic and shocking. I haven't blogged in forever.. haha. I hope you all had a great weekend like I did:)!


and Juliet is so confusing. I don't like it too much yet. I mean I understand some parts of the book but, not all of it. I haven't finished all my questions yet for the first act or scene. I don't know. It's just weird how it's all in old english. I'm going to try reading it again today. Hopefully I understand it better. Well that's just my thoughts.