Thursday, April 19, 2007

Arranged Marriages

What do you think it would be like to be forced to marry someone you didnt even choose? Well this it how it was back in the time of Romeo and Juliet and even in some countries in the Middle East and Asia. Usually the marriages were chosen by the parents of the individuals with out any input from them. If the son or daughter refuses they would be punished and in some cases killed. Other times the marriage would still go on despite the bride and bridesmates objections. I think it would be terrible to not be able to choose your spouse and not get the chance to truly fall in love with the person of your choice. The parents would usually arrange it with another person of the same wealth. Plus we all know that parents shouldnt have a say in our relationships. It always seems to be true that parents dont know much about there children and would choose he total opposite person for you. Whats your thought about arranged marriages?


kdizzle16 said...

Having an arranged marriage would suck! And you're definitely right about how parents should NOT be involved in out relationships (unless they have a really good reason). Things just aren't the same now as they were in Romeo and Juliet's day, or even in our parents' day.

Laura Stevens said...

I would deffinetely be angry about that.
If my parents forced me to marry someone who i didn't even like, or even know?!
Geeez, i might have committed suicide

Im glad we live in the 20th century!!