Saturday, May 26, 2007


an 11 year old boy killed this 1,051 lb. wild Feral hog, The pig was over 10' 7" long. it was in Alabama. that link has more on the story and more pictures if you would like to look. ( if i was that kid i would be way to scared to be in the woods with that HUGE hog.) ......................... check out my link =]

50 things i wanna do before i die.

here is my first list of things to do before i die.
i dont wanna sound depressed or feel like i am gonna die soon, i just thought this would be a fun blog.
i tried to link you to as many websites as i could think of.
the picture goes with one of 50 things.
So anyways you should show me your top 50. =]

1. Experience zero gravity.

2. Kiss in Paris.

3. Open your home to the needy.

4. Rescue at least one animal.

5. Be an extra in a movie.

6. Have children

7. Adopt

8. Learn to like everything about my self.

9. Travel overseas.

10. Draw up a will.

11. Invent something that will help the world.

12. Live overseas.

13. Rise 100,000 dollars for invisible children.

14. Get married.

15. Walk around New York City with a sign that says "free hugs".

16. Overcome a phobia.

17. Run a marathon.

18. Run a KFC out of buisness.

19 Build a house.

20. Fly in a plane.

21. Meet someone online and become very good friends with them.

22. Lend your energy to a campaign you deem worthy.

23. Fall in love. ♥

24. Make a pop song-
Digitally combine the music and vocals of songs from different genres to produce one of pop's sons, also known as bootlegs, mash-ups or cut-ups.

25. Eat truffles and find out what it is.

26. Protect or improve the environment ina very large way.

27. Make a Vegetarian Lasagne From Scratch.

28. Stand out in the middle of a hugh clearing in the lashing rain pouring down on top of you.

29. Write and record your own song in a professional recording studio.

30. learn to ride a pushbike.

31. Try regular volunteer work.

32. Start my own blog. (Do need to link you anywhere) =]

33. Learn to dance.

34. Try scuba diving off Bondi. - only costs $85

35. Learn to surf.

36. Ride a jetski.

37. Get a Mac.

38. Get a tattoo.

39. Be In A 'Live' T.V. Audience.

40. Drive A Porsche 911.

41. Watch An Opera.

42. Fly In A Hot Air Balloon.

43. Skinny Dip In The Sea Or A Lake Somewhere.

44. makeout with a random person.

45. sleep under the stars.

46. grow a garden.

47. Get snake bites.

48. Meet my heros.

49. find out the cure to heart brake.

50. Find out what it's like to Live in a concentartion camp For like a week.

Friday, May 25, 2007


What is with you people take "R" word out who's ever post and get over it. Stop "flaming" and at like adults. well at Carson's house so I got to go by. Thought you might like this picture.

The Last Scene

Well we just got done with Romeo and Juliet and it was very dramatic in the last scene. Romeo doesn't get the clue that Juliet wasn't really dead so he goes to the graveyard and fights Paris and kills him. Then he kills himself, then Juliet wakes up and stabs herself.... THE END.

Well not impressed with this but it was good never the less. Comment me sometime.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Did you know that the U.S is the fattest country in the world? Well it is, and are you concern about your weight? Or what you should eat? This is one of the biggest problems in the United States for the past decade or so and we need to do something about it. When I hear the word obese, I think of kids who can’t help themselves from food. And it makes me sad because my little sister is close to having obesity. And this is a really serious problem because some kids. Some of the causes are from stress, and other depressing stuff. And the number of people who are obese is rising. About 1.2 billion people in the world are overweight and at least 300 million of them are obese, even though obesity is one of the 10 most preventable health risks, according to the World Health Organization. In the United States, more than 97 million adults - that's more than half - are overweight and almost one in five adults is obese. Among teenagers and kids 6 years and older, more than 15% are overweight - that's more than three times the number of young people who were overweight in the 1970s. At least 300,000 deaths every year in the United States can be linked to obesity. This is why we should stop fast-food places like McDonalds or Wendy’s. Here is a link that I found on the net.

Reading great books 5 is blogging about us

oh wow i am soooo sleepy.
Check it out
it's kinda funny to see what they think about us. =]


Well today we acted out complete acts in class and my group we did Act 2. I was Juliet and was pretty much beautiful if you ask me. It was a lot of fun trying to put it together in only 60 seconds. I think Romeo and Juliet was hard but it helps alot when we do the activities in class. Let me know what you guys thought about Romeo and Juliet.

This sunday...

This Sunday a guy from this baseball team is moving into my house, he will be arriving with his parents to live with my family for two months. I don't want it. All I know about him is that his name is Cole, he is going to be playing baseball at drury for the two months he is here, and that he is 19. My dad volunteered to do this, and really have no idea why. Has anyone ever had someone like this move in with them for a period of time? I'll blog again after i meet him to tell you guys what he's like...i hope he's not a serial killer or anything like that ha ha.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

So what did you think of both the movies?

Was it good? Or was it bad? I thought that they we kind of on the same level as one another. The present day version was a little too dramatic and the old one was a little too…cheesy for the likes of me. But both of them we’re okay…I guess. I preferred the book because the scenes were running the way I like it and not crammed like the ones in the movie. What I found that was quite fascinating was that back then they believed that a crush was actually “love at first sight.” I think that if we hadn’t seen the movie first we would have had our own little fun on what actually happened. But that’s just my opinion, I’d like to hear yours.

Bullfight, Anyone?

So My book is going really good so far. The main character got forced into being a matador, because otherwise he would have been killed by his arch enemy. It was really cool, and after he survived the bullfight he killed one of the people who was trying to kill him. It ws awesome. Now he is trying to hunt the man who tried to kill him and stop him from hurting anybody else. This book is good so far, and you guys should read it.

And Thus With A Kiss, He Dies.

Oh my gosh, the way that this film ends is sad! It would be horrid for you to be in either one of their positions... Especially the way that the director made that movie. Wouldn't that just be terrible? But I have to admit, I loved the new version! The ending was kinda funny, but it was really, really good! I applaude it.

I've gotta put up the computer, so I'll talk to ya'll later!

More School For Us

You know...all the other schools are getting out today. That makes me so mad. But i dont understand why really. i mean, what did springfield do??
anyway...if anyone knows why we're the only people having school right now tell me. :)


has anyone noticed how much the media tells girls to be skinny? I don't understand why celebrities knowing that young girls look up to them think its alright to look the way they do. What do you think the girls in these pictures are thinking?When i look at magazines i hate seeing how beautiful all the girls are, but i think that's normal. The only difference in me than some girls is that i would never starve myself to look like that... i hope that some day everyone will be happy with their appearance
anorexia-an eating disorder where people starve themselves. Anorexia usually begins in young people around the onset of puberty. Individuals suffering from anorexia have extreme weight loss. Weight loss is usually 15% below the person's normal body weight. People suffering from anorexia are very skinny but are convinced that they are overweight. Weight loss is obtained by many ways. Some of the common techniques used are excessive exercise, intake of laxatives and not eating. People that are anorexic have a fear of being fat.

On to Quarterfinals!!!

Ok, so this really has nothing to do with English, but it is such as exciting moment that I thought I would share it with all of you. The other night the our soccer team won sectionals and are goiong to the quarterfinals. This is such an exilirating moment, because no one even expected us to make it to districts and we are now on to compete for the top 8 teams in the state! Here is a link that you can go to, to see how good we did:


So i am a vegetarian and i dont know what your views are on eating animals but i think it's terrible.
So i decided to blog about it.
my 10 reasons for being vegetarian:
1. saving the animals
2. Super healthy
3. more energy
4. weight loss (fer bigger people, not me)
5. lesser chances of getting cancer
6. You dont need to drink as much water to break down fat
7. live longer
8. there's less of a risk of parasitic diseases such as hook worms, and things that make your intestines go byebye
9. more food for the hungry people. (Cows and othe animals eat 1/2 of the U.S.'s food production. that food could be going to the people that need it.)
10. Helps the environment

If you wanna know more reasons just comment and i will answer all your questions.

Also i checked out the health concerns you find out if vegetarianism is safe and the only problem i found was "that feeding infants soy-based formula can disrupt normal development and cause early puberty". And you can always breast feed anyways. =]

i Also found that "One observational study in British Medical Journal found that high childhood IQ was associated with vegetarianism in later life. According to the study, "Higher IQ at age 10 years was associated with an increased likelihood of being vegetarian at age 30. IQ remained a statistically significant predictor of being vegetarian as an adult after adjustment for social class (both in childhood and currently), academic or vocational qualifications, and sex". Haha.

There are some great bands that support vegetarians too.
just check out this cd:
Liberation: Songs to Benefit PETA.
it's great

ALso check out these awesome sites fer more info:
safe way fer kids

If none of this changed your mind watch this video

"I'm havin' a thought here."

Okay, the above quote is by Captain Jack Sparrow in the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. But I really am having a thought. We're watching the old movie right now and it occured to me that if Romeo was more of the sulky woe-is-me types, rather than the impulsively suicidal types, nothing would have gone wrong. He would've sat down next to Juliet's pyre and been numb and in shock, crying a little. Then the friar would've come in, explained everything and Juliet would've woken up. The end. But I suppose it has to be painful. Also, do you think you'd have enough nerve to stab yourself? I wouldn't. That'd be a bad way to go.

We are finally done!

I personally am so happy we finished Romeo and Juliet.I thought it was boring and pretty hard to understand.What did you guys think about it?The ending is pretty sad though because if the letter had gotten to Romeo then him and Juliet could have lived.It is terrible the price the Montagues and Capulets had to pay for their fighting and hating each other.Mercutio,Tybalt,Lady Montague,Paris,Romeo,and Juliet all died.

This Sound...!!!

Ok, I just had to post that I cannot stand this noise!!! Ahh! It's driving me insane!! Make it stop! Out of tune and staticky!! Eek! Besides this, how is every one else doing? I can not concentrate because of the horrible noise...

Code Talker

I just started a new book. What I said about it earlier was wrong information. It is not about American soldiers, but Navajo Indians who created a code in WWII. The book follows a six year old boy who is sent off to a boarding school from him Navajo reservation. While there he is taught by white men and told to forget his native Navajo language. By the end of boarding school the kid is doing well so he goes to high school. Eventually WWII to happens when the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor succeeds. Marines come to his high school asking specifically for Navajos. A year later the kid signs up and goes to boot camp. After the boot camp he, along with other Navajos are sent to a second camp. Here is where they will create a secret code that the Japanese can not break, it is based on their own Navajo language. So far this is all I've read, but the I think the book is interesting so far. At first I thought I wouldn't like it, but now I do.

Tell me what you think!

my own countdown.

54 days, and counting.

the end of Romeo and Juliet was really sad to me. But i guess it was supposed to be.

I'm reading IMPULSE by Ellen Hopkins. It's really good so far.

Ugh..i'm not really in the blogging mood ):


thats the book im reading right now. so far its really good. The author is Ellen Hopkins. It's nothing like a expected it to be but i like it. Here's a little summary of the book for you. :)

the yearnings and emotions of a teenage girl trapped in tragic circumstances. Poems in varied formats captivate readers as they describe a teen's immobilizing fear of her abusive father, disgust with a church hierarchy that looks the other way, hope that new relationships can counteract despair, joy in the awakening of romance, and sorrow when demons ultimately prevail. Pattyn Von Stratten is the eldest of eight sisters in a stern Mormon household where women are relegated to servitude and silence. She has a glimpse of normal teenage life when Derek takes an interest in her, but her father stalks them in the desert and frightens him away. Unable to stifle her rage, Pattyn acts out as never before and is suspended from school. Sent to live with an aunt on a remote Nevada ranch, she meets Ethan and discovers forever love. Woven into the story of a teen's struggle to find her destiny is the story of her aunt's barrenness following government mismanagement of atomic testing and protests over nuclear waste disposal.

Blaire, Serena & Nate

Well, in my book that i am reading, the main character has only been excepted to two colleges.. right? So, her best friend Serena is apparently hitting on her boyfriend, and it makes her even more mad. She is just always in a bad mood now, and no one likes her anymore. I think Nate wants to break up with her.. but idk?
These books are so real. Like, they totally cover how life really is now and what people are like and what they do. There is no cheese-coating or pretending something is what is isn't. It is really good. I suggest everyone read it!!!

Okie doke
We are watching Romeo and Juliet (the old version) It isn't that good, the sounds are fuzzy and hard to hear, and the language just already seems more complicated with they old filming. I don't like it. The new verysion is awsome though, I really like that one.

This weekend is Memorial weekend. I am going to have a lot of funnnn :D
What is everyone else doin?

bye now

My Best Blog Yet

The Stadium Renovations!!
I'm a big Royals fan, and yesterday I heard about the renovating they are going to do to Kauffman Stadium. It's one of the coolest ballparks in the major leaguew with a crescent moon sort of shape. To find out more go to
On Tuesday we were supposed to go back and find our best blog. I think mine was the one I wrote about backgrounds. If you didn't read it, this is the basic jist of it:
Does the background of our blog affect the mood of what we write. Do we tend to write about darker subjects because we have a black background? Or if our blog had a white background, would what we wrote about be more lighthearted? This would be a cool thing to research.
Everyone have a good afternoon, and leave me comments. :)

100 favorite books

Hey guys, I thank you for the amazing comments you guys commented me, I hadn't ever thought of that many fishes, such as mrs.valo's "poor blow fish" which absolutely made me laugh.

so now, I must make a post just for books, like book suggestions because Romeo and Juliet is over.

I liked romeo and juliet.

So I will start with my favorite book and it's author.

Where The Heart Is by Billie Letts

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Pirates Count-down!

Ok, so who all is excited about Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End?! I know I am! I can't believe that it's finally here! Just so close... This Friday... Ah! It's unbearable! (Isn't he cute up there?)

By the way, isn't that just a great picture? I loved it...

Anyway, I just wanted to share that little bit of information with you all! Heehee! I still can't believe that it's almost here. How many of you are going to see it opening night? On Thursday at 8? I think I'm going to see it twice... I'm not sure just yet. But oh well! Talk to you all later!

On an even brighter note, who's happy we finished Romeo and Juliet? I kinda am. I liked watching all of the movies...


So, who here just absolutely hates music? Anyone..? EXACTLY. Everyone loves music! I was thinking about this today, and I decided it would be a good topic to blog about, haha. Music is so amazing. It can put you in a better mood, boost your energy, make you cry, make you laugh, make you tired, hyper.. anything! What's your favorite type of music? I personally like all types, I'm pretty open with my music choices I would like to think. Music is everywhere we go (except for school sometimes.. hah) but I bet you have it on in your room..? In restraunts, on TV, on the computer, in your car. Does anyone else get what I'm saying? If I didn't have music, I wouldn't be me. I simply love it. If it feels like everyone has turned on me, I always have my music to listen to, if I don't feel like listening to anyone else, haha. It's really hard for me to listen to a song also, and not dance or bob my head or something, haha. Music is so fun, and expressive:) The end. Comment if you have anything to say please!

who is Phasma?

Well I don't know if any of you have noticed but all of the sudden a blogger named 'Phasma' has started blogging. At first I just thought someone in our class got a new name, but i was looking at the other classrooms blogs and Phasma posts on theirs too... hmm i wonder who it could be. does anyone know? you don't have to tell me who because they probably don't want everyone to know who they are. Does anyone else know what I'm talking about? Or am i just crazy? =/

HEROES Finale!

Maybe I'm the only fan of the new hit series Heroes in this class, but I don't care. I LOVE this show and the finale last night was the best episode of the series. If you watch the show, puhhhleeeeeeze comment me. I really want to talk about it and I know if I try to type everything in here, there will be much rolling of eyes. If you comment: Who's your favorite character? Who's superpower would you want? What did you think of the ending?

Mob Prince and FBI princess

Think that's a weird match? Well, its the couple in the book I just finished. Son of the Mob. Okay, granted it was a stupid book (don't read it) but I thought it was interesting how the story was sort of like Romeo and Juliet. (On a sidebar, who's glad we finally finished that?) Anyway, the main character, Vince Luca, is the son of this kingpin of the mob in New York City. He falls in love with Kendra Bightly, the daughter of the FBI agent who's sole ambition in life is to get Vince's dad put away for life. That's basically the plot of the whole story, but as I said before, I'm only blogging about it because it ties to Romeo and Juliet. There's even a counterpart to Mercutio. Except in Son of the Mob his name is Alex Tarkanian and he's nowhere near as funny. He's just pathetic and annoying. Vince isn't too bright, Kendra is annoyingly shallow, and the so-called "surprising twists" in the plot, weren't so surprising. You could see them coming a mile away. Anyway, stupid book, but I followed it through to the end, so I guess I'm stupid. ^-^ Rock out, kids.

Finally It's Over!!!!!!!!

Ha ha. Romeo and Juliet is done! I actually thought it was an ok story. As we read more of the story I understood the dialogue better. But still it's not the type of story I would enjoy reading because it's obviously romance. I liked To Kill A Mockingbird more to be honest, but Romeo and Juliet was still a good story. Shakespeare is a great writer and really knows how to make his poetry flow. I also did like some of his analogies throughout the story. Well that's what I think!

What did you guys think of Romeo and Juliet?

I Ask of You...


Today we finished Romeo and Juliet and like we all know they died. Some things that I didn't know was that Paris recognized Romeo at the funeral as a Montague and he thought that the reason Juliet had died was because of Tybalt's , whom Romeo killed. Paris says, "Can vengeance be pursued further than ?" Which by this he means is there anything else he (Romeo a Montague) can do than cause another more .

The two of them begin to fight and Romeo ends up Paris. The last thing Paris asks of Romeo to do, is to take him to Juliet's tomb, so he can die beside her. Here is a website that has a picture of what Juliet's tomb might have been like back then. There are also pictures of what Romeo's house and Juliet's house could have been as well.

(this is my first time to try using a link, hopefully it will work)

At the end of this play I really had some respect for Friar Laurence. He took a risk in giving Juliet the sleeping potion and it was really sad when he found out that Romeo had not gotten his letter and he rushed to Juliet's tomb and was only seconds late. He literally got to the tomb right after Romeo had drank the poison and died and right as Juliet was waking up. When the Prince came to figure out what was happening, I thought it was very noble of the Friar to take the blame for the whole thing and to confess everything.

I thought it was pretty cool how Romeo, Juliet, and Paris all ended up in dying in the same tomb.

terrorism has no religion

The pictures you see above are from the website The Islamic community is putting up a fight to tell the world that not all Islamic people are terrorist. Their website tells their mission which is
"Our mission is to expose the fallacy of the distorted and politicized Islamic teachings used by ungodly extremists to sanctify and justify terrorism.It has become crucial to inform the Muslim and Arab people -particularly the Iraqi people- about the deceptions terrorists employ in distorting the peaceful teachings of Islam. These terrorists, who claim to follow the Islamic Faith, are in truth only drowning in an abyss of mistaken beliefs."
their campaign is...
"All religions, human codes and ethics, and even our most primitive intuition regard terrorism to be villainous. True Islam also rejects and condemns terrorism. ‘Terrorism has no religion’ is our on-going communication campaign against extremist ideology that breeds terrorism, and we use Quranic Verses in their true Islamic meaning; free of the distortion committed by the misguided malicious terrorists."
On the website it has more information. I know that to a lot of you this is just another blog, but i really think it must be hard to be in their position. They have many people look down upon on them because of the people that the Islamic community doesn't even support.... If this sounds interesting to you at all you can go to this link. =]


Well im sorry that i wasnt here yesterday and participate, but my great grandmother passed away last friday and i was at the funeral. I was not very close to her because she had very bad health and was older so she didnt talk or do much so she is in a better place. Just thought that you guys should know why i wasnt here. Thanks for your time.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Gas Prices?

Why are the gas prices so high and then get back low again? Well I’ve done a little research and found out that there’s no REAL reason to it and that the company just decided to put at that price. There is a reason to it but the reason is just ridiculous. The reason is because the manager of the oil gas company just decided to raise it. This is probably concerning many of your parents as well as mine and that’s one of the reasons why I decided to post it. And another reason added to why I am not a big fan of society or more in particular business. Life in America is just a monopoly and sometimes its fair and sometimes its not. If any of you find a good reason why the gas prices are so high please comment me about it and I would like to know.


That's me lately. I've been reading a lot. Actually a lot this year. I just finished The road of the dead. Today I'm going to start this book called Code Talker. It's about a kid who enlists in the military during WWII and becomes a Navajo code talkers. They were the ones who decifphered the Japanese code which really helped us in the war. So pretty much this book sounds interesting. I think it will be another really good book to read. Tell me what you think and if you like to read war books.

Also do you have any suggestions of good war books to read?


How our world has changed..

Look how different our world is today... A long time ago everyone used to be so classy and upright and proud. Now, we have skeezed like Paris Hilton posing for a classic like Audrey Hepburn. I don't know about you all, but I take that offensively...

Sometimes, It hurts

I feel like my heart has been crushed. There's this guy I like, and yes, I know I shouldn't stress over something so little, but seriously, I really liked this guy and i was just his bad comeback to a burn.

Ever been through this?

I have been reading Chicken Soup For The Teenage Souls and it makes me cry, but now, i really can relate and it bites.


How was your weekend?

Here's a song I wrote to my dad about when I moved. And that's another thing i read about in Chicken Soup. People moving away from family and friends, and sometimes family and friends dying. This is for my dad because I left him and I only see him every summer.
And this is rare that I share my songs. I'm too shy for this.

Temporary Goodbye

just wonderful
I'm still hurt
couging up
every dime and quarter you spent
living up
every second of every hour you spent

away from me
don't want to help me out
I'm drowning
in the tears I've cried
from leaving you
leaving you

a thousand miles away
maybe two or three
I just don't want you to forget
to remember me
I can't remember what it's like
to be near you

away from me
don't want to help me out
I'm drowning
in the tears I've cried
from leaving you
leaving you

a thousand miles away
or two
times get rough
i think of you
taken away
to a home where no one cares
a million miles away
don't forget

a thousand miles
is a million tears
there's no such thing as love
when you're not here
you're away from me
don't want to help me out
i'm drowning
in the tears i've cried
from leaving you
leaving you

leaving you


and you can post mean things. I like it. It helps me make art better.

Mucho amor!

MyFallOut Romance




i pretty much just hate mondays. They're really just not fun for me. Because im always so tired. You know you stay up really late all weekend then you have to go to bed earlier for school except you dont. so your even more tired. its really just not good. does anyone else hate mondays????


"Public Display of Affection"
The definition is the public demonstration of affection for another person in the view of others, such as holding hands or kissing; Anything more could be considered indecent exposure. If the partners enjoy being seen affectionate towards each other in public, it may be considered a mild form of exhibitionism. Alternatively, the partners may be indifferent to what others can see, and therefore are not inhibited by it. Finally, the partners may prefer more privacy, but may simply tolerate being seen by others.


In Europe, it is normal to see people holding hands or kissing in public places and public events. Petting (or even heavy petting) is often seen as normal in parks, and certainly in nightclubs.
Many junior and senior high schools in the United States prohibit displays of affection, in an effort that many school administrators believe allows students to focus on learning. Such efforts may also be geared towards promoting prudence among students.
Indonesia has a proposed law outlawing kissing in public places.
The Supreme Court of India has described public displays of affection to be in bad taste and have defined such behavior as unacceptable. The public display of affection may even be considered an act of public nuisance, subjecting individuals to conviction and fine. Despite legal and societal views, the Indian film industry does utilize marketing imagery of individuals display mutual affection as a means of promoting many films.
Retrieved from ""

I personally don't feel the need to use PDA with my significant other, because I think that your relationship should be between you and that person; not you, that person, and the rest of the world. I think that the more you "display" in public, the more people tend to judge your relationship, even though they don't have a right to. Being affectionate is nice, but if you have a different "flavor" every week, what is that really saying about the relationship? I don't mean to judge, but making out in the hallways (and whatever else) isn't really necessary. Just my opinion...

New life.. :( (sad face)

My dearest chick... Sadie, died. It made me very upset. I had notice that she weight three ounces lighter than the rest of the chicks, so im guessing she died from malnourishment. I came home and she had collasped in the corner of the box. I almost felt a tear coming, but i had to fight it... :(( I am guessing/wishing/hoping she went to heaven and will have a new life there.
And it doesn't help that she was a part of my science fair project.. hm, hope i dont fail because my chick was being annerexic...???

R.I.P Sadie Chickly

I like my new book. It is one of the Gossip Girl books. This girl named Blaire has applied to almost seven colleges, and was only received into one. She took it way to seriously and got really emtional. It didn't help that her best friend and boyfriend and half her senior class were excepted into almost every college they applied to. I like these books because they are very blunt and up-to-date woth how the times are right now.

Bridge to Terabithia!

If you have a big imagination and you've ever gone into a natural area with your best friend who equals your imagination and you've created an entire world, you will love this movie. It's amazing because Leslie Burke and Jess Aarons are so creative that they literally create an entire land that they must save. They have incredible abilities and they end up dealing with their own problems at school and stuff. It's well made and I really liked it. If you value your imagination, go see it!


Sorry, I just need a catchy title:). But that is my topic today. Yes, marijuana.

Now I went to this website and read all the issues, the arguement for why marijuana should or should not be legalized. I don't completely agree with all these statements. One of those statements being, "By legalizing marijuana, more people will use the drug and as a result, become addicted." Marijuana is not addictive! It's a plant, it's natural. Now alcohol, or pills on the other hand, are not natural. You have to add chemicals and crap, but it's all legal? Asprin, cloriciden, delsym, dramamine are all types of medicines you can get at practically any grocery store or gas station that will give you a major high of some sort, or kill you, but they are all legal. That makes no sense to me. Another issue is that it will raise the violence and crime level. Now I have a test for you. Send a really drunk person and a really high person into a bar, restaraunt, or any other public place. Tell me which of the two is first to start a fight or become destructive. It will be the drunk person. When you're high, you're just chill.The side effects are: hungry, happy, sleepy! (Katt Williams) Now please don't read this and think I'm just a no life stoner because that's not it. But my best friend has gone completely downhill because of stupid over the counter pills, but he's on probation and in rehab and all kinds of stuff because of weed. His familly, his probation officer and everyone else think that weed is ruining his life. It's not, but that's not how anyone will look at it. I've told him he needs to stop smoking because it doesn't matter what he thinks about marijauna, its what the law thinks. See, whenever you're underage, your parents or the government can do WHATEVER they want with you. But he keeps choosing to fight the system and what he believes is right. I agree with him though. I've done the research, looked it all up, smoking marijauna may no be the healthiest thing. It IS better on your body than smoking ciggarettes, drinking alcohol, or taking pills. I guess this is a really touchy subject because A LOT of people will disagree with me. That is my opinion though. I think marijauna should be legalized and pills should be locked up!

ALSO! It is not fair that be people who have cancer get to smoke but no one else can. If it's legal for them, than it should be for us!

TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! Because I know a lot of you are gonna have something to say about it:!

monday, monday, monday

Am I the only one who doesn't think that it feel likes a monday? Hm..feels like wednesday, or someday later in the week. Weird, lol.

Well, on Friday, i finish A Million Little Pieces. About time, i know. lol. I'm waiting for someone to finish My Friend Leonard, so i can read that next; it's the sequal to A Million Little Pieces. I might read Impluse while I'm waiting for her to finish it. I've had the book for awhile, and i'm not really sure what it's about. I think it's going to be good, though, because it's by Ellen Hopkins, who wrote my favoirte book, BURNED. I really recomend that one (:

Anyone else have any other book recomendations? I'm not too sure of what to read about those.

Sunday, May 20, 2007


So The Road of the Dead got a lot better. I finished it! Basically Cole and Ruben, the younger brother, are still trying to find out what really happened to their sister. The story contains lots of suspense. The characters you meet throughout are not who they seem to be, and appear later. I found out the story starts out slow but from the middle to the end, their is a lot of suspense and violence. Mostly guns because Cole is a tough dude who does whatever it takes to save his brother or complete his objective. It's too hard to explain all what happens because their is too many characters, but basically Cole and Ruben are want dead after a while and events happen which lead to the end. Well all I can say is that you should go out and pick this book up!


I"m a Lifeguard :))

On friday right after school i had to go to this bootcamp for lifeguarding and it wasnt fun!!!! We had to spend the night and got back Saturday night. But on friday we had to swim outside till like 10:00 at night and the water was sooooooooooooooooooooo cold. i mean hypothermia. lol. and then we had to do cpr and didnt go to bed till like 1:30. and it took me forever to sleep because there was girl who was snoring!! very loudly might i add. it was NOT good. then we had to get up at 6:00 and do more stuff on saving peoples lives. and swim for like 6 more hours in the freezing water. the only good thing out of this is that i met alot of kool people and i get to work at meadors which is where i wanted to lifeguard. YEYYY!!! so this summer come see me save some lives. lol.

PS: oh yea and i got the worst sunburn on my back and its like in a shape of a huge X on my back. but the rest of my body didnt get burned so now only my back is going to be tan. :(


i finallyyyyy finished my book "my friend leonard" by james frey. and omg omg omg!!! it was amazing. i cried at the ending. i want to tell you guys the ending so baddd!!! but i wontt..cuz i dont want to ruin it for anyone thats going to read it. all i have to say is i almost think that this book is better than "A Million little pieces". I'm still not sure though. If your not into the whole gruesome stuff then you'll defintily like My Friend Leonard because its more sad and emotional. Well, right now its my new favorite book. :)

♥The Movie♥

So yeah the other day we watched most of Act 3 and it was pretty good! We watched the part were Mercutio and Tybalt died then when Romeo was banished from Verona he met with Friar and the nurse then eventually him and Juliet had their 'Honeymoon NIght'. It was pretty ood i wish that we could watch the movie all at one time! What do you guys think plz leave me comments!♥

Who Would You Want?

OK so I obviously would want Matthew Mcconauhey to play Romeo if there was another Romeo and Juliet movie made. I am really mad because I couldn't get a picture downloaded of the I would want to play Juliet.
I would want Rachel McAdams to play Juliet if there was a new movie made.
I think this actor and actress would do a great job, because every movie that they are in they do great.
I wanted to get two people who have not played in a movie together already, so that is why i choose Matthew Mcconauhey and Rachel McAdams.
I was going to have Kate Hudson instead, but her and Matthew Mcconauhey have already played in a movie together, so I wanted someone new.

Doesn't it feel like the Summer

OMGSH! It feels like Summer already! I that we have three more weeks of school still! I am really mad that we are technically supposed to only have two weeks, but, no, we have to go make up that week of school that we missed because of a natural disaster.

I was so mad when I heard that the bill had been passed saying that we don't have to make up that week, but the Springfield schools are still going to. I know no one is going to want to be in school that last week, not even the teachers. It's crazy!

We are only getting like two and a half months of Summer break too. We are going back to school i think August 23 or 24, maybe even sooner than that. At least with going to school earlier we will be able to get out of school earlier. I think I would rather start school earlier and get out earlier for the Summer. For some reason the Summer feels longer when we get out earlier. Also by the time August comes around, I am kind of ready for school to start and to see all my friends that I didn't see a lot during the Summer.

p.s. I am really sorry that I have two posts back to back, but Friday I spent the time in class commenting and I started a blog but I had to leave and my computer was acting really weird and wouldn't let me save it as a draft. I tried to blog on Saturday but I don't know what happened, but I was trying to put pictures on my blog and I couldn't get them on there and my blog wouldn't make any since with out them. So I am to do a few more blogs than usual.

I Lied

OK, so I said I was going to read a book called Thorn In My Heart, but I decided I didn't want to read that book just yet, so I am the first book of The Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants.

The book is pretty much just like the movie except that Lena has a sister that goes with her to Greece. Lena's sister is definitely the out-going one of the two. Lena's sister meets a waiter in Greece and spends a lot of time with him. She tries to get Lena to go out with them but Lena prefers to be alone, until she meets a guy of her own, Costas. I like how they meet and how Costas knows that their families do not get along, but doesn't tell Lena and she ends up kind of getting into trouble for seeing him. It's funny how Lena's first "love" is very secret and she has to sneak around her grandparents backs to see him.

Bridget's story is very interesting and you can't get bored with it. Bridget kind of strikes me as a who doesn't want to deal with her mothers , so she tries to fill her time with excitement and fun. At the camp she goes to she falls for one of the counselors, or coaches, which of course are completely off limits, but this doesn't stop Bridget, it just makes things even more exciting and makes her want him even more. She ends up making some chooses that she later regrets, but she is stuck with the memories forever.

Carmen planned on spending the Summer with her dad, but has a few extra visitors that she was not planning on. Carmen shows that when someone you love or you want to love them but they have really hurt you, you can't just sit around and do nothing because that is not going to get you anywhere. You have talk to them, it may be hard and you may be afraid that they won't understand or that they might get mad, but not talking will only mess everything up worse and you will be miserable.

Libby on the other hand got to stay home for the Summer and meets someone who she never intended to meet and at first wishes she hadn't. This girt named Bailey, who seems like a pain in the butt and the most annoying kid ever, actually teaches a great lesson about life. She shows that things can't be taken granted for, you have to take some chances in life, and you have to live life to the fullest. You never know what will happen, so the best thing to do is to be curious, learn everything that you can and live the way that you want to, not the way that someone else wants you to.

Act IV

Act IV is about making plans for the wedding of Paris and Juliet. Paris goes to Friar Lawrence, to plan the wedding, and at the same time Juliet is there to ask the friar what to do with the current situation that's going on. Friar Lawrence dismisses Paris, and tells Juliet to take the vial of a potion which will make her appear dead.

Juliet goes home and tells her parents that she is sorry about not liking the idea of her and Paris getting married. Her parents then make the arrangements for the wedding which is going to happen tomorrow.

When Juliet goes to bed, she worries about if the vial will kill her, or if she will wake up in a coffin, and not be able to breath. She also worries about if the potion will not work at all, to where she will have to marry Paris. But, then she decides to drink to thee (Romeo)

The next morning the nurse goes to wake up Juliet, but then realizes that she is dead. Everyone makes a big fuss. Capulet says that all of the wedding arrangements, like the food, and music, will be changed for a funeral. Everyone is very sad at this point in time, because Juliet is "dead."