Sunday, May 20, 2007

Act IV

Act IV is about making plans for the wedding of Paris and Juliet. Paris goes to Friar Lawrence, to plan the wedding, and at the same time Juliet is there to ask the friar what to do with the current situation that's going on. Friar Lawrence dismisses Paris, and tells Juliet to take the vial of a potion which will make her appear dead.

Juliet goes home and tells her parents that she is sorry about not liking the idea of her and Paris getting married. Her parents then make the arrangements for the wedding which is going to happen tomorrow.

When Juliet goes to bed, she worries about if the vial will kill her, or if she will wake up in a coffin, and not be able to breath. She also worries about if the potion will not work at all, to where she will have to marry Paris. But, then she decides to drink to thee (Romeo)

The next morning the nurse goes to wake up Juliet, but then realizes that she is dead. Everyone makes a big fuss. Capulet says that all of the wedding arrangements, like the food, and music, will be changed for a funeral. Everyone is very sad at this point in time, because Juliet is "dead."