Wednesday, May 23, 2007

"I'm havin' a thought here."

Okay, the above quote is by Captain Jack Sparrow in the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. But I really am having a thought. We're watching the old movie right now and it occured to me that if Romeo was more of the sulky woe-is-me types, rather than the impulsively suicidal types, nothing would have gone wrong. He would've sat down next to Juliet's pyre and been numb and in shock, crying a little. Then the friar would've come in, explained everything and Juliet would've woken up. The end. But I suppose it has to be painful. Also, do you think you'd have enough nerve to stab yourself? I wouldn't. That'd be a bad way to go.


A_Band_Geek said...

Too painful. Too slow. But I'm not suicidal, so don't freak out lol.

Colten said...

I feel sorry for Juliet and the Friar at the end of the movie. And Paris. Juliet hadn't really done anything wrong until she killed herself. Romeo never seemed to have his head on straight during the whole play. And how would killing yourself next to Juliet solve anything? Even if he didn't kill himself before Juliet woke up, the guards would still probably have noticed. (Remember when Paris's man went off to call the watch?) So if they both lived past that, people probably would have figured out about the secret marriage. But they still would have had a better chance...

m1012 said...

I agree, I was thinking about that myself, if Romeo only would have waited just a couple of minutes more to drink the potion, Juliet would have waken up and the Friar would have come to explain everything and no would have died, except for Paris, Tybalt, and Mercutio. I have to say that the Friar in the new version of Romeo and Juliet scares me.

Technolover said...

Oh my gosh! I can't figure out how to edit my post so I'm gonna comment myself. The new one is horrible! Juliet actualy wakes up just as Romeo takes the poison. Come on! This one REALLY needed a few seconds delay.