Tuesday, May 22, 2007

terrorism has no religion

The pictures you see above are from the website http://noterror.info/. The Islamic community is putting up a fight to tell the world that not all Islamic people are terrorist. Their website tells their mission which is
"Our mission is to expose the fallacy of the distorted and politicized Islamic teachings used by ungodly extremists to sanctify and justify terrorism.It has become crucial to inform the Muslim and Arab people -particularly the Iraqi people- about the deceptions terrorists employ in distorting the peaceful teachings of Islam. These terrorists, who claim to follow the Islamic Faith, are in truth only drowning in an abyss of mistaken beliefs."
their campaign is...
"All religions, human codes and ethics, and even our most primitive intuition regard terrorism to be villainous. True Islam also rejects and condemns terrorism. ‘Terrorism has no religion’ is our on-going communication campaign against extremist ideology that breeds terrorism, and we use Quranic Verses in their true Islamic meaning; free of the distortion committed by the misguided malicious terrorists."
On the website it has more information. I know that to a lot of you this is just another blog, but i really think it must be hard to be in their position. They have many people look down upon on them because of the people that the Islamic community doesn't even support.... If this sounds interesting to you at all you can go to this link. =]


kdizzle16 said...

I completely agree. I think that ever since 9/11, and even before, it's so easy for people to blame all terrorism on one group of people. But the mafia is a form of terrorism, and there are a lot of those (Italian, Russian, etc). There are even American terrorists, such as the Oklahoma bombing.

Phasma said...

Excellent post, my friend. I wish that it was possible for all of us to see past the unkind images the media or the government proliferates, and instead focus on acceptance and respect. I feel badly for the people of Islamic faith who have to see their culture stereotyped based upon the misguided actions of a few extremists. The fact is, there are plenty of extremists in every religioin, ethical stance, organization, etc. It is unfortunate that many of us do not seem to realize that and instead use one group of people as scapegoats (If that is the right term?) for all of our problems. I think it is important to remember that those overseas (and here in the States) are our brothers and sisters as well, regardless of their religion.

Peace and Love.

Technolover said...

Those pictures are so moving. Is it just me, or does the media, news, etc., seem to only focus on the bad stuff? There's plenty of accomplishments going on in the Middle East and this post is proof of that.