Monday, May 21, 2007

monday, monday, monday

Am I the only one who doesn't think that it feel likes a monday? Hm..feels like wednesday, or someday later in the week. Weird, lol.

Well, on Friday, i finish A Million Little Pieces. About time, i know. lol. I'm waiting for someone to finish My Friend Leonard, so i can read that next; it's the sequal to A Million Little Pieces. I might read Impluse while I'm waiting for her to finish it. I've had the book for awhile, and i'm not really sure what it's about. I think it's going to be good, though, because it's by Ellen Hopkins, who wrote my favoirte book, BURNED. I really recomend that one (:

Anyone else have any other book recomendations? I'm not too sure of what to read about those.

1 comment:

blondie said...

you know impulse is like 600 pages. you think your gonna read that before she finishes with my friend leonard? lol