Saturday, May 12, 2007


I'm done with another book. It was called After. It was cool. The book started out when these kids at a high school found out about a school shooting 50 miles away at a school. So for their school, a guidance counselor is brought in incase kids need helping coping with the tradegy at the school 50 miles away. That's understandable. The rest of what happens it not. This guidance counselor dude basically takes over the school. Soon the priniciple supposably retires, and all these new rules are made. Like you cannot wear red, also they install medal detectors, they search backpacks daily and even ask for random drug tests because the school "wants to be extra careful so a school shooting doesn't happen there. The story follows mostly these four friends who all play on the basketball team. The get curious and start figuring out what's going on. Well I won't tell you what happens, so read it!! The only kind of bad thing about the book is how it ends. I don't really like the ending.



Friday, May 11, 2007

The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.

This is a quote form Albert Einstein. And here is a website for funny Quotes from famous people. And here is another one from Arnold Schwarzenegger on his running for California Governor: “It's the most important decision I've had to make since 1978 when I decided to get a bikini wax.” Well here is a link leading to a website about funny quotes from famous people. Although some aren’t really funny. Funny Quotes. The picture is just funny that's why I posted it. But I definitely think that it is not true. LOL.

28 weeks later

The film starts six months after the Rage virus has spread throughout the city of London. The United States Army has restored order and is repopulating the quarantined city, when a carrier of the Rage virus enters London and unknowingly re-ignites the spread of the deadly infection, wreaking havoc on the entire population. Written by thegiantcookie

I got that review thingy from this site It kinda seems like one of those wierd sci-fi movies, but I heard that it is supposed to be pretty good. At least better than Spider Man 3. ha ha

Our Performance

My group and I are going to be performing a skit on Romeo and Juliet from Act III, scene 4 and part of 5.

At the beginning Lord Capulet, Lady Capulet, and Paris are talking about wedding plans for Juliet and Paris. As you know Lord Capulet wasn't that crazy about his daughter getting married just yet when Paris asked earlier. Now that Tybalt has died, he thinks what his daughter needs is to get married and as soon as possible so he plans a wedding for Paris and Juliet on Thursday of that week. Wow, not much time for any planning.

While those three were talking Juliet and Romeo were up in Juliet's room having their honeymoon. Pretty funny, huh?

I can't wait until Monday, because I personally think our pictures and skit is going to be hilarious.

future books im going to read

Before school gets out i hope to read a few of these books, I'm not going to go through and say what they're all about, so if they look interesting to you too, I'm sure i wouldn't mind telling you a little of what they're about =]

The Rules Of Survival

I found the top 10 new books of 2007.

Anderson, M.T. The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, Volume 1: The Pox Party.
Gratz, Alan. Samurai Shortstop.
Hartnett, Sonya. Surrender.
McCormick, Patricia. Sold.
Sayres, Meghan Nuttall. Anahita’s Woven Riddle.
Smelcer, John. The Trap.
Turner, Megan Whalen. The King of Attolia.
Werlin, Nancy. The Rules of Survival.
Yang, Gene Luen. American Born Chinese.
Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief.

The book which seems the most interesting to me is The Rules Of Survival.
I think that this book sounds really good because...

It all starts when
Matthew... I also think that it sounds really good because the plot for the book seems to be a very complex one. Here is another site which I found that includes all the answers to anything about the book witch you might have.

You can also read part of the book at that site. This site is really cool because you get to learn all about the book before even opening the first page.

Caribbean School

Hey everyone. I just thought i'd show you guys my school that i went to in Puerto Rico. Thats the front of it right there in the pic. Its a very small school. It was a private english speaking school too so there was around 450 people pre K-12th grade. i think there was only like 35 people in my 8th grade class. So yea, extremely small, but i loved it. The only bad thing was that we had to wear uniforms. I'm gonna give you the link to the website of the school. its really cheesy looking. lol. but oh well. and if you go to "headmasters newsletter" and pan down you'll find a picture and the two girls on the right were two of my best friends from Puerto Rico. :) Check it out!!!

Colorado v. Salt Lake

Did anyone see the game last night? It was kinda weak like most MLS games. The only goals that were scored were own goals. The first goal was in the fourth minute. A player for Colorado hit in a cross, the goalie blocked it, but then a defender that was trying to hit the ball out knocked it into their own goal. The second goal came in the eleventh minute. Freddy Adu was hitting in a cross and a defender tried to block it but just ended up making it harder for the goalie to make the save. So the score ended up being 1-1. What made it really stupid was the announcers were all excited because it was the first time in "MLS history" that, that had happended. The announcers were also pretty much obsessed with Freddy Adu the whole time. The whole game they were talking about wether Freddy Adu is actually good or if the "Hype" just makes him seem good. The MLS is pretty much retarded. : )


This is got to be one of the best trailers I've ever seen for a movie. If this is the only movie I will see all year I want this to be the one. Bill Engvall, DJ Qualls, and Larry the Cable Guy.
When a hard-luck blue-collar worker and his two best friends are mistaken for Army Reservists by a tough-talking Army Sergeant, the plane set to fly them to the front lines of Iraq mistakenly drops them in the middle of Mexico to disastrous results in a freewheeling military. Larry (the Cable Guy) has lost his job and his woman in the short span of twenty-four hours. Convinced that some suds and target shooting are just the right remedies for a broken, jobless heart, Larry sets out with his next door neighbor Bill (Engvall) and their trigger-happy pal Everett (Qualls) in order to blast off some rounds and down some brews. Their relaxing weekend soon takes an unexpected turn, however, when hard case Army Sergeant Kilgrove (Keith David) mistakes the trio as slacking army reservists and load them in a plane bound for Fallujah. Subsequently air-dropped over Mexico due to pilot error, the clueless, wannabe war heroes become convinced that they're actually in the Middle East and set out to save a rural village from what they assume to be an insurgent uprising. Though the thankful locals champion the noble but dimwitted trio for their heroism, the celebration is short-lived as ruthless warlord Carlos Santana (Danny Trejo) pays a personal visit to the town with a plan to confront the fearless warriors who dared to challenge his iron-fist rule.


My Book

I have not been blogging about what I have been reading. I completely forgot that we were blogging about what we are reading for points.

So I have read The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks and Thorn in My Heart by Liz Curtis Higgs.

The Notebook is pretty much exactly like the movie except that there is more detail in the book than in the movie. The book doesn't go into great detail about how they grew up and the Summer they fell in love, which was my favorite part of the movie, but it does go into a lot detail for when Allie comes back to Noah when she sees his picture in the paper with the house. Something else that I wish the book would have gone into greater detail for was how Allie and Lon met. The movie shows how Allie and Lon met and everything, but the book doesn't really say anything about how they met, just that it was during the war and then they got engaged. Over all though I think I liked the book more than the movie, a little bit anyways. At the end of the book there is the first chapter of the sequel to The Notebook, called The Wedding. I haven't read that yet but I am going to and then I will be reading Thorn in My Heart.

Thorn in My Heart is about two sisters who love the same guy and one sister is willing to give up the man who she has been looking for all her life just to make sure that her sister is happy. I can't wait to read it, because I have already read one of the fourth book of this series by mistake and it ended up to be probably one of my favorite books.

Important Events on May the 11th

0330 - Constantinople founded
1752 - 1st US fire insurance policy is issued - in Philadelphia
1792 - Columbia River discovered & named by American Capt Robert Gray
1850 - Work starts on 1st brick building in SF
1858 - Minnesota becomes 32nd state
1871 - John Herschel - cataloguer of southern hemisphere stars - dies at 79
1897 - Wash Senator Charlie Farrell throws out 8 attempted stealers
1907 - Bank of SF incorporated
1916 - Einstein's Theory of General Relativity presented
1919 - Yanks Jack Quinn & Senator Walter Johnson - 12 inning 0-0 tie
1929 - 1st regularly scheduled TV broadcasts (3 nights per week)
1947 - BF Goodrich manufactures 1st tubeless tire - Akron - Oh
1949 - By a vote of 37-12 Israel became 59th member of UN
1951 - Jay Forrester patents computer core memory
1960 - Israelli soldiers capture Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires
1975 - Flyers 1-Isles 2 - Semi Finals- Series tied at 3 games
1975 - Israel signs an agreement with European Economic Market
1982 - Canucks 4-Isles 6 - Stanley Cup- Isles hold 2-0 lead

Animal Testing

I know that animal testing is a touchy subject, but I felt the need to post about it since shortie posted about the controversial topic of global warming, and also because I am strongly against it.
Animal testing refers to the use of animals in experiments. Vivisection refers to the act or practice of cutting into or otherwise injuring live animals, especially for the use of scientific research. I don't believe that either of these things should occur, because animals have just as much right to live as we do, and test results are often misleading.
Animals have different reactions to substances than humans do. For example, Tylenol is deadly poison to cats, but okay for humans. Chocolate is a favorite candy for a lot of people, a lot of people like onions, and a lot of people like seeded fruits. However, these can all cause paralysis, comas, seizures, or even death in dogs.
Animal tests include, but are not limited to, LD50 and acute toxicity tests. Lethal Dose 50 tests are where a group of animals are fed (or force fed) a substance and are monitored until 50% of the group dies (hence the name, Lethal Dose 50). Acute toxicity tests are most commonly used with rabbits, who are restrained to where there can be absolutely no movement...the rabbits often breaks their necks or backs to escape the pain. A substance (such as liquid, flake, granule, or powdered substance) is then put into the eyes of these rabbits, which are then monitored for 72 hours to see the reactions. When results are recorded, the rabbits are disposed of.
The animals used in experiments range from fruit flies to non-human primates. Commonly used animals are Beagles, because of their sweet disposition and lack of resistance. The people who test on these animals are taught to "desensitize" themselves by not forming relationships with the animals they are testing on. I forget where the place was, but somewhere some scientists decided to desensitize themselves by tattoing a monkey's name on the monkey's forehead...the monkey's name was "CRAP". How sweet...not.
There have been several movies that have tried to raise awareness about the cruelty of animal testing. My personal favortie is Legally Blonde 2, where Elle is trying to get this cosmetic company to release Bruiser's mom so she can come to Elle's wedding. It might sound silly, but the movie actually has a great moral. You should watch it.

The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp

Okay, so the picture is a little blurry, but anyways this is the book I"m currently reading. My friend loaned it to me and I thought it was going to be a bore, but I'm already caught up in it. This kid, Alfred Kropp, has had really bad luck and he's intelligent, but his logic is really different from anyone elses so some people think he's stupid. He's reclusive and honorable and can usually figure out a situation pretty fast.
Main character aside, the plot is amazing. Alfred is sucked into a money-making plot by his uncle. The only catch is that they have to steal a sword from this guy. It turns out to be Excalibur and the guy they stole it for is the bad guy.
Alfred comes to find out that there is still an order of knights, direct descendents from the original Knights of the Round Table. Except now, the knights drive hot cars and fight thugs on motercycles.
It's funny and adventurous and I love it. Definitely think about reading this one if you like adventure books and if you've always believed that King Arthur really did exist.

James Frey

I love James Frey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's my favorite author. i know that alot of people dont like him because of some of his opinions about life and the fact that he's all around a very opinionated person but i like the fact that he's opinionted, thats what i like most about him. Now i dont agree with everything he says but he the right to believe in that. I love both of his books that i've read: A Million Little Pieces, and My Friend Leonard. :)

Goodbye Mercutio!

"A plaque a' both your houses!"

Our group is acting out Act III, Scene 1. It's the best fight scene in the play. I get to act as Mercutio. Tybalt wants to fight Romeo, but Romeo won't, because he knows that Tybalt is now his cousin-in-law. So Mercutio starts to fight Tybalt, Romeo steps in to stop it. But when Romeo goes in to stop it, Mercutio is stabbed under his arm. Mercutio dies while cracking jokes and repeating the phrase," A plague a' both your houses!" Romeo, realizing that Mercutio was killed when he went in to stop it, gets revenge and kills Tybalt in a fight. After this, he knows they will come after him and try to arrest him, so he flees. Benvolio, who was there all along, but chose not to fight, tells the Prince what happened.

This scene has one of the funniest lines in the play. Benvolio is telling Mercutio not to start a fight. Mercutio replies by saying that Benvolio would start a quarrel for any little reason. "Thous wilt quarrel with a man for cracking nuts, having no other reason but because thou hast hazel eyes!" Very funny.

That's the summary of Act 3, scene 1 for you.

VADER, Mercutio, and Romeo

Hokay, here is how it's gunna go.

Tybalt is Vader(me)

colten is Mercutio

Katie is Romeo

Laura is Benvolio

This is the layout for our reenactment of act 3 scene 1.

Basically what we did was translate the original text into modern terms, with little snippits of star wars in it. The reason we did a star wars theme was because we needed swords for our fight scene, and we only had lightsabers at our houses, so we decided to use them and throw in a little star wars flare along with it. This is the scene where both mercutio and tybalt die, and where romeo is banished from verona. it is a major turning point in the play, because it increases the hatred between the families, and it also foreshadowes what will happen in the future(" a curse, o both your houses!").

here is a link to the star wars web site, where you can see sweet star wars stuff.

That's all for now, hope you enjoy our skit on monday!

Beefy Manwich


I have the solution for anyone who needs a new book!!! This website has a ton of books that sound really interesting and its easy to find what you want. Check it out!


Twisted by laurie halse anderson is my current reading book.
this is what it is about...
High school senior Tyler Miller used to be the kind of guy who faded into the background--average student, average looks, average dysfunctional family. But since he got busted for doing graffiti on the school, and spent the summer doing outdoor work to pay for it, he stands out like you wouldn't believe. His new physique attracts the attention of queen bee Bethany Milbury, who just so happens to be his father's boss's daughter, the sister of his biggest enemy--and Tyler's secret crush. And that sets off a string of events and changes that have Tyler questioning his place in the school, in his family, and in the world. In Twisted, the acclaimed Laurie Halse Anderson tackles a very controversial subject: what it means to be a man today. Fans and new readers alike will be captured by Tyler's pitchperfect, funny voice, the surprising narrative arc, and the thoughtful moral dilemmas that are at the heart of all of the author's award-winning, widely read work.
so far i like it i haven't gotten very far though =]

The Family Fight Scene

My reaction to the family fight scene is that Lord Capulet is being way too mean to Juliet. Just because she doesn't want to marry Paris, I mean, COME ON! I know it was the father's choice back then, but she is way to young to marry. If Lord Capulet wanted her to be married, he wouldn't have tried to prevent it in the first place. My mom tried to tell me who to date, and boy oh boy did she get it back. I don't care about the way they are, but the words her father says are vile, even for Shakespeare.


Haha, thank goodness it's friday. I thought I was going to die. This week has been soooo long. No joke. Haha.

I couldn't find a good book at the library, so I guess I'll have to find one when I finish A Million Little Peices. Yes, I'm still reading that. Hahah.
Anyone have book suggestions?

Romeo and Juliet Act 4 Scene 1

In class my group have picked Act IV Scene 1 and it is about Paris going to the Friar's place and making plans for the wedding. The scene is about when Paris and Friar Laurence enter his cell and discuss the wedding plans for Thursday. Paris talk to the friar about Tybalt's death. Paris leaves and Juliet tells the friar that if he doesn't have a plan to cancel the wedding between Paris and herself that she will commit suicide. So the friar tells her to take a vial that will put her in a dead like state for 42 hours. Her heart will stop and her face will turn pail... you get the picture. The Friar will get the message to Romeo and they can live happily ever after or so it seems.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Global Warming???

Is anyone concerned about the environment around you? And how it is quickly fading? The reason why I chose this topic to discuss was because I think that it is a very important problem in today’s health globally. I think that the U.S should help a little more because all the countries are helping (including China) are trying to prevent Global Warming. Did you know that there are holes in the atmosphere? They are caused by too much of the ultraviolet radiation (sun’s rays) hitting the atmosphere around us and causing the greenhouse gases and is quickly growing larger. And this is one of the many causes of Global Warming.

So we should try to reduce using vehicles. We could also buy fluorescents light bulbs that reduce your electricity bill and if every American home replaced just one light bulb with an ENERGY STAR, we would save enough energy to light more than 2.5 million homes for a year and prevent greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions of nearly 800,000 cars. And yeah, it does make a big difference to the rest of the world that cares.


For any of you who missed Mr. KHS Thursday night you missed out. It was really funny!

The show started off with the guys all dressed in slacks, a nice shirt, and tie. The canidates were:
Freshmen-Jacob Kenney and Sean Marren
Sophomores-Tyler Bennett and Scott Day
Juniors-Micheal Williams and Nile Forsyth
Senoirs-Adam Peterson and Luke Prater
Teachers-Mr. Wilbur and Mr. Felts

Also in the show there was the swimsuite competion, there were interview questions, and the guys had to "crossdress" which they wore dresses, skirts, heels, and some wore wigs as well. Before the final five were chosen all the guys danced to Shania Twain's "Man I Feel Like a Woman" song and it was so funny, because some guys got really into it and others had no idea what they were doing.

After all this the top five were chosen and both teachers, both seniors, and Nile Forsyth were chosen as the top five. Then the guys showed us what there talent was. All of them were good, but I liked Nile's the most. There was singing, opera singing, lip singing, hair dresser, and Nile playing his drums. After this the guys dressed in their favorite outfit and then were asked one last interview question and then the winner was chosen.

Second Runner Up-Adam Peterson
First Runner Up-Luke Prater
Winner-Nile Forsyth

If you didn't go you missed a lot.

Act IV, Scene I

My group is performing Act IV, Scene I from Romeo and Juliet. Our scene is about when Paris and Friar Laurence enter his cell and discuss the wedding plans for Thursday. Paris tells the friar that Capulet hopes to take away some of Juliet's grief over Tybalt's death by having the wedding so soon.

Juliet arrives and makes small talk with Paris. She says that she has come to confess to the friar. The friar tells Paris to leave, and then Juliet begins to tell the friar what she really is there for. She says that death is her only answer to this horrible situation that has come up.

She would rather kill herself than be married to Paris.

The friar convinces Juliet to not commit suicide by suggesting something else. He gives her a vial of special herbs and tells her to go home and agree to marry Paris. Then, drink the herbs the next night, which is the night before the wedding is. The herbs make her appear as though she is dead for forty-two hours. Her family, thinking she is dead, and will place her in the family vault. The friar will tell Romeo, who is in Mantua, about everything that is to take place. He and the friar will then meet up at the Capulet vault and watch Juliet as she wakes up from the fake death.

Juliet then agrees to take the vial and looks to love for strength to carry out the plans.


So you guys know the black kid's name is Marcus. The white kid's name is Eddie. They are having one of their last basketball games before the playoffs/tournament and they killing the team. At halftime though these cops show up and arrest Marcus. All his teammates are wondering what is going on except Eddie because of course he knows. They play the second half without Marcus and Eddie finishes with35 points! After the game, Eddie talks to college scouts and signs a letter to attend St. Johns on a scholarship. The cops know that someone else was involved in the stick-ups/shooting but they don't know who. Later one Eddie throws the gun away. Then one day the cops come by and question Eddie about his bestfriend Marcus. Then they come back later and arrest him also. So I don't know what's going to happen but so far it's good.


romeo and juliet performance

Well we are doing pretty good on getting all of our stuff ready for Monday. I am kinda sad that I'm not gonna be here on Friday to be with my team to work to get ready but i know i have a great team and they will help me get caught up. I just hope everything goes smooth if we don't have time to practice. I'm going to me Romeo so i don't think my part will be that important. Just kidding.


These are two books that I checked out at the library yesterday! I finished Beauty Queen, and it ended up being pretty sad:(. So I got Friction and My Brother's Keeper. I'm not sure if I'll like either of them but I'm gonna try anyway. I really want to read KAYBEE's book, it looks interesting. She keeps stumblin' across so gooood books. You know, I've started reading SO much more this semester. Well, I've always like to read, but now I just have a lot more oppurtunity to do it.

There are only like 19 days left of school. ACTUALLY 18 and 1/2. WOOOP! I HATE SCHOOOOL!

Viva Las Vegas

Wow im so excited cause im going to Vegas today after school. I found out we were going about a month ago and that i got to take a friend and i was going crazy and have been doing a countdown since i found out. It has went by so fast it seems like yesterday that i was finding out and now im leaving after school. It isnt my first time, actually i have been 3 times but it is so much fun i love goin back. In the picture is the hotel im staying in it is the MGM Grand. It is a great hotel and the pool is incredible. If you ever get the chance to go to vegas...GO! The hotel isnt that big of a deal cause all you do is sleep in it and swim cause you dont go to bed till around 3 to 5 if you go to bed at all. So im taking a friend and we are staying til sunday night and we are gunna party like rockstars. Well if you have ever been let me know some of the stuff you did and i will try to check it out and if you got any questions let me know and i will try to get ya an answer. Thanks!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Black and White

I got a new book I'm reading. It's called Black and White. It's about two kids in high school, one black, one white. It's pretty much a black neighborhood. But the white and black kid become friends and they are really good at basketball. They are the stars of the high school team. Well anyway they need money for senior dues where they get all this stuff for graduating and go to like Bear Mountain and Six Flags. Well they are kind of poor, and the money that they are saving, they spend of the new nike basketball shoes. Now they won't have enough time to get money for the trip because they don't want to work at a mcdonalds, because it might hurt their "image." So they steal one of their uncle's guns and start doing stick-ups. They accidently kill someone I think, they are not sure, so they are in big trouble.

That's what it is about so far.


Shakesphere plays

i'm actually kinda excited about the plays. i think they'll be funny. which im not really gonna be acting which makes it even better but its gonna be funny to see how people act out shakesphere especially since everyone is gonna have their own way of doing it. :DD
fun fun!!!!


Well, I need to post, and I thought of this a while ago, but I just keep forgetting to post it. Is what we write about effected by our backgrounds. Our blog has a black background, so do the topics we write about tend to have a darker mood. We do seem to stick right on the subject, almost all of them are about Shakespeare or books. But would our blog be different if we had a white or blue background? It could subconciously have an affect on what we write. Well, that's my best try at being a pyschiatrist.

Shakespeare Update:
Everything seems to be moving fast. They meet, two hours later they are engaged, and less than 24 hours later they are married!!!! And the next day Mercutio and Tybalt die. Romeo isn't a wimp anymore, but it's too late for Mercutio. Just my thoughts....

The Fellowship of the Ring

I'm starting The Fellowship of the Ring which is the first book in the Lord of the Rings trilogy and it is after the Hobbit. I read the Hobbit a year and a half ago and really liked it but I didn't have this book. It is a little slow to get into and has big pages, small words, and lots of pages. I am hoping that it will be a good book.

Cool sketch of Mercutio's death!

Okay, I didn't like that Mercutio died at all, but I loved his death scene. He's gallantly cracking jokes to the very end and I love him still. ^-^ I know I already mentioned this scene in an earlier post but I need to be commented on this, alright? Comment me! If you dislike Mercutio, who are your favorite characters? How did the deaths in Act III, scene one make you feel? Personally, I'm glad Tybalt is finally gone. I just wish Mercutio could have had the satisfaction of running steel through the freak's heart. And if not that, at least to know that his hated "Prince of Cats" won't bother anyone anymore.
Comment me!
P.S. What do you think of the picture too?


When Mrs.James started class by talking about motivation it made me think about speed skating.It takes alot of motivation and determination to win or even to keep going.During a race your legs will ache you feel like just giving up and collapsing but you cant you have to be determined and and just keep going and push it even harder.You may feel like throwing up and breaking down but you have to just work harder than ever.Even if you fall down you have to get back up and keep going.Sometimes the races are so close that you win only by one wheel which is very small.My favorite video to show determination and perserverance is on youtube called till i collapse!the link is .It motivates me to not give up and to keep going no matter what.I watch it alot to motivate me.My favorite skater is Colin Thomas!He is so determined and works really hard!He is the only 14 but is on the world team and is wining!Here is a link to read more about him .This stuff probably isnt exciting to you guys because you don't skate and don't know what it is like but for me skating is my life and all this is very intersting.

This is the book I'm reading. It's called The Return of the Native. It's by Jane Smiley. It's about an English Man..I'm not realy sure. I'm only on page 28. I'm not going to spoil it for you, so if you want to know what it's about, you're going to have to read it on your own. It's a really good book (:

Hiiiiiiii :D

I am reading Journey to Nowhere

I love this book, a lot of sadness happens. She gets lost in the words for a long time, then gets droven away by these crazy turkey hunters. Finally, a kind old raggid hunter finds her, and then he gets bit by a snake and almost dies. It is rather depressing!


Uhhh, so

WE are starting to get together our plays. My group is doing scene one, I am excited. Actually no, I'm really not. I am horrible in acting, in fact i am getting ready to fail drama D:
No biggy, I know I suck
Its cooo.

Alrighty, well the matinee is going to be on Friday, I think I am leaving school right after it! I am excited, I have competition this weekend! yayyy!

Ok, leave me comments on what you think!

New Moon

New Moon is the second book after Twilight (which is really good!).It is about a girl named Bella Swan. The first one is where she moves to live with her dad in a boring town but finds adventure and great danger when she meets a boy named Edward Cullen.He has to fight against his nature not to kill her and then he has to save her from another like him who wants to kill her also.It wa very exciting and strange but I liked it alot and if you haven't read it you should!Anyways the second book New Moon is about her and Edward still.This time their love presents even more of a challenge even though he saved her from the clutches of an evil vampire.They may think that was the worst but their troubles are just begining.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

What catches your eye?

So what catches your interest? I’m just wondering on what catches your interest or yours in particular because I’m trying to find a way to get you interested that you would even comment me or anybody else back. I’d like you to give me some advice on what gets you to read a post whether it is a question or some advice that you have at home or just a random topic like the one I posted about “Stereotypes” or “Cool Facts.” Well that’s all I have to post for today and I’d like if you could reply back to me so that I could post something that is of interest to you classmates.


This is the book i just got today:) The Rules of Survival it's a really good book so far. It's about this kid (matt) who is now nineteen, and writing a story to his little sister (who is now 9) about how him, her, and their other sister were abused to much by their mother. It's so sad hearing from the boy's point of view and how devious his mother was towards them over stupid things. I kindof just stumbled upon this book in the library soo I think I'm pretty lucky:) Hope you all are enjoying your books!

shooootin' up!

That is what the girl in my book is doing. Her name is Sam and she moves out because she can't deal with living with her perverted step dad and WAY alcoholic mother. She gets an apartment w/ her car, Dinah, and then somehow manages to get a job as a topless dancer. The only problem is she does not want to be topless! So she tries heroin, AND LOVES IT. She feels free, beautiful, and fearless. She starts shooting up several times a day but is also making lotsa $$$! That's about as far as I've gotten so far, but it's a really really good book. Since it's REAL diary entries from a girl who actually went through all this, it makes it more interesting. That is all I have to say abouy my book today.

Now for random topic of the week:

"I love the development of our music, that's what I really dig about the whole thing. How we've tried to develop, y'know? It grows. That's why every day people come forward with new songs. Music goes on forever." - Bob Marley

Update: False Memory

I'm still not very far in this book, but it's really good.
Dusty is a construction worker and his half brother, Skeet, (who is also one of Dusty's employees) tries to commit suicide by jumping off the roof of a house they are working on. Dusty takes Skeet to rehab, this would be his 4th time I think, and Dusty comes home to find that the bathroom mirror has been broken.
Martie(Dusty's wife) took Susan (Martie's bff who has a severe phobia of open spaces) to therapy and they went to get chinese food on the way back to Susan's apartment. Martie starts thinking very strange thoughts about how the fork for the food and her car keys could be a weapon and doesn't understand why she is thinking like this.
This is so weird, but I had a dream about the book last night...someone was trying to murder me at some house (I don't know who's it was). The murderer was supposed to be my best friend, but I actually don't know the person in real life. Then there was this lady I know who was telling the murderer where I was (I was hiding in a tree) and I was getting freaked out, and then I woke up. It doesn't sound like it has anything to do with the book, but there was this feeling I had during the dream that the book had everything to do with it. Weird...

Ski Lift

All you can hear is the creaking of the metal against metal
The stop-and-go motions make your stomach upset
The higher you go the closer you feel to heaven
You try to cover your face with your clothed fingers
As the cold breeze makes your cheeks turn cherry red
You don’t look down to tame your worst fears
For there is only a bar that separates you and the ice covered ground
The pine trees all look so sad and droopy
Their limbs are heavily weighted with the white powder
It is spring time and the snow below is starting to melt
As it forms little streams
You look up at the beautiful snow capped mountains
They catch your breathe every time
You finally feel free again

Monday, May 7, 2007

30 Seconds

It’s dark outside and it’s dark inside, too.
As if the sky had opened its mouth and swallowed my house whole.
It’s New Years’ Eve.
We are 30 seconds away from a new start.
The phone rang.
Someone to wish me a happy new year from the east coast.
My mom wants a picture.
Austin won’t look,
but he’s got his arms around me.
His face is digging into my shoulder,
And I’m laughing like a 5 year old child.
It’s so loud, and I feel like the walls are screaming at me.
No, it’s not the walls. Everyone really is screaming:
Happy New Year!

That is my poem, don't make fun:)!



My family gathers together
under the clear sapphire skies.
The hot sand squishes in between my toes
and the water makes us all want to run.
We stand still, wet up to our knees.
Everyone is hugging.
The rounding of the earth is visible in the horizon
it looks like the end of a CD curve.
The wind is blowing,
chilly, yet warm.
The sun makes up for the cold.
It's like upside down gravity,
the inability to frown.
I hear the fake snapshot from our camera
as my father softly spoke,
"I love you guys."



The commotion around us grabs my attention
The fireplace beside me warms up by the minute
Revealed presents are everywhere your eyes take you
Holiday music fills the surrounding ears
The darkness of the night leaks into every room
Constant flashes, capturing every moment
It feels like you could taste the excitement
Not a vacant chair in sight
An itchy wool sweater rubs against my soft face
All of our bodies becoming one bubble of warmth and joy
The chair beneath me is the lap of my Grandma
My grandpa’s smell of stale coffee fills my nostrils at a sudden
The night never ceases to keep me happy
Christmas Eve

If you didn't get to read my poem in class, welp there it is:)

I hope you enjoyed it, comment me about it if you feel the need!


i just got back from the funeral for my cousin and it was the saddest thing ever. there were 150 people there and about 70% was family. lol. i have a HUGE family. i found out today that i have 40 first cousins. thats way tooo many. we have to post our poems??? and if i want to send mine to ms.james how do i do that???

My poem (no pic, sorry dawgs)

On A Leash

The tree trunk feels like the trunk of a petrified elephant.
Their watchful eyes see my toes leave the dirt ground
Adrenaline pumping, I pull myself up
The thrill
I climb higher
My brother’s jealous eyes, my pride
I climb higher
My grandma’s worried eyes
Not high enough
She grabs my foot, trapped
I break free
I climb higher
Her worried voice
Her worried expression
I feel pity
I climb down from the petrified elephant

Stonehenge Sea

The dull fading sun
Shone through the soft violet clouds.
The vast blue sea,
With the calm rippled reflection of shore and sky,
Gently sweeps the sand and debris
And reveals something hidden.
An ancient place on the banks of stonehenge
Used for worship and,
Hidden for centuries.
Reveals its self where it seams to belong
Over looking the sea.
And it sets as it always has
In the ocean breeze
And the faiding sun.


I don't really like my poem, but people are going to read it soon when we do "Musical Chairs", so I might as well put it on here.

We were on your porch.
The smoke sank into our skin.
Eyes watering,
The moon like fire,
Heating our faces.
Looking into the night,
Dark as ashes,
Ashes from our hearts.
Grieve holding us under,
Mourning from past days.
It all seems so unimaginable,
But yet all so real.
As the sun rises,
And the stars disappear,
We know it’s all the same.
Another day, another hour,
Of being lost and alone,
And being without the one you love.

Thrill and Fear

Alright, my poem now has a title! It's up above, but if you didn't read it before, here it is:

Down by the road it sat with patience,
Waiting for the moment to pounce,
My Grandpa calls my name,
And I respond like an obediant puppy,
The doors open and I enter,
Intentionally the interior is like an ice cube,
The leather is worn of its country smell,
I see the black in front of me and I feel my heart race,
A roaring, deep and might, fills my ears,
As loud as a lion, but as soft as a kitty my Grandpa told me,
I feel the vibrations, soft and low, beneath me,
The ice interior sparkles, the silver pain glistens,
Grandpa's done a lot of hard work on the Porsche,
And now it runs absolutely beautiful,
Like a puppy's patience practically passing on,
Onward to the afterlife,
I sit back and smell the crisp air as we gain speed,
Knowing that I could soon drive this car, the Porsche,
Since when he stopped driving it,
It would be mine.

Corny huh? I hate the title too... But ah well.


If I accept you as you are, I will make you worse; however, if I treat you as though you are what you are capable of becoming, I help you become that.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

When I read this qoute, i thought of one thing... sports.
Look at the coaches you might have in track, dance, basketball, football or soccer.
Do they take the talent you bring to the team in the beginning and not expect you to not get better? No, they push you and push you until you reach the highest goal you can reach. A few days ago during dance, my teacher kept demanding me to plea so I could jump higher. I thought about it for a few minutes and realized that, why would they be our coaches, if they didn't expect us to reach higher potential?
Just something to think about.

My book is starting to get retarted. So, I think I might drop it. Like, at first I ignored how balistic everything was getting. Now, it is just getting to the point where i don't want to read it. Tomorrow, I will show you some of the things that he says. It is sooooo weird!!!!

Ok, well leave me comments :D

Edgar Allen Poe

Is the greatest poet EVVVEEErRRRRRRrrRrRrrrrRRrRR... mhmm..
its a known fact.

Edgar Allan Poe
The Raven
[First published in 1845]

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.`'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, `tapping at my chamber door -Only this, and nothing more.'Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrowFrom my books surcease of sorrow - sorrow for the lost Lenore -For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Lenore -Nameless here for evermore.And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtainThrilled me - filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating`'Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door -Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door; -This it is, and nothing more,'Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,`Sir,' said I, `or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,That I scarce was sure I heard you' - here I opened wide the door; -Darkness there, and nothing more.Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream beforeBut the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token,And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, `Lenore!'This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, `Lenore!'Merely this and nothing more.Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.`Surely,' said I, `surely that is something at my window lattice;Let me see then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore -Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore; -'Tis the wind and nothing more!'Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,In there stepped a stately raven of the saintly days of yore.Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door -Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door -Perched, and sat, and nothing more.Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,`Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,' I said, `art sure no craven.Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore -Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!'Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly,Though its answer little meaning - little relevancy bore;For we cannot help agreeing that no living human beingEver yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber door -Bird or beast above the sculptured bust above his chamber door,With such name as `Nevermore.'But the raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only,That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.Nothing further then he uttered - not a feather then he fluttered -Till I scarcely more than muttered `Other friends have flown before -On the morrow will he leave me, as my hopes have flown before.'Then the bird said, `Nevermore.'Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken,`Doubtless,' said I, `what it utters is its only stock and store,Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful disasterFollowed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore -Till the dirges of his hope that melancholy burden boreOf "Never-nevermore."'But the raven still beguiling all my sad soul into smiling,Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird and bust and door;Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linkingFancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore -What this grim, ungainly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yoreMeant in croaking `Nevermore.'This I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressingTo the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom's core;This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease recliningOn the cushion's velvet lining that the lamp-light gloated o'er,But whose velvet violet lining with the lamp-light gloating o'er,She shall press, ah, nevermore!Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censerSwung by Seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor.`Wretch,' I cried, `thy God hath lent thee - by these angels he has sent theeRespite - respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore!Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe, and forget this lost Lenore!'Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'`Prophet!' said I, `thing of evil! - prophet still, if bird or devil! -Whether tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore,Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted -On this home by horror haunted - tell me truly, I implore -Is there - is there balm in Gilead? - tell me - tell me, I implore!'Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'`Prophet!' said I, `thing of evil! - prophet still, if bird or devil!By that Heaven that bends above us - by that God we both adore -Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels named Lenore -Clasp a rare and radiant maiden, whom the angels named Lenore?'Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'`Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!' I shrieked upstarting -`Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore!Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!Leave my loneliness unbroken! - quit the bust above my door!Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!'Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sittingOn the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floorShall be lifted - nevermore!



Edward Jones Dome Arena
Ten thousand people
The odd shaped leather football is placed on the two yard line
The lights of the clock flash to ten seconds
I glance at the scoreboard
My team down by six
The fans go crazy
A wave washes over the stands
The smell of hotdogs and popcorn fills the air
I set down my ice cold Dr. Pepper
The ball is snapped and the enormous players collide
The quarterback breaks from the pocket, smooth as a gazelle
The crowd goes silent as he throws the ball
The receiver dives


are we always supposted to blog about?
i dont get it at all. by the time i post this blog, it will be at the very end of the page.
its not even worth the time to post one of these, she probably wont even check half of these.
i hate school so much, NEVER take honors science... becuase they never explain things, and just throw assiagnments in your face, and im failing. it sucks. next year im not taking honors at all.

Sunday, May 6, 2007


Here is my poem , it's called Up.

A girl lays on the ground,
Frozen in time,
She is engulfed in a sea of soft, green grass,
Cool underneath,
Bright flowers stick out their heads with the smell of summer,
Hot wind blows across the field,
The flowers brush against her arms,
A pink T-shirt and jean shorts,
Dirty from the ground upon which she lays,
Summer is passing by,
Vacation, vacation,
Up little girl,
Stand up and play.

did you really believe that this war would end wars?

well memorial day is coming up and i heard this wonderful song yesterday and fell in love with it. It makes me really sad. But it's such a great song!

If you think about it, it kinda relates to Romeo and Juliet. This song and R and J both show why war sucks. Let me know what you think.

"The Green Fields Of France"

By: dropkick Murphy
[Originally by Eric Bogle]

oh how do you do, young willy mcbride
do you mind if i sit here down by your graveside
and rest for a while in the warm summer sun
i've been walking all day, and im nearly done
and i see by your gravestone you were only nineteen
when you joined the great fallen in 1916
well i hope you died quick
and i hope you died clean
oh willy mcbride, was is it slow and obscene

did they beat the drums slowly
did they play the fife lowly
did they sound the death march as they lowered you down
did the band play the last post and chorus
did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

and did you leave a wife or a sweetheart behind
in some loyal heart is your memory enshrined
and though you died back in 1916
to that loyal heart you're forever nineteen
or are you a stranger without even a name
forever enshrined behind some old glass pane
in an old photograph torn, tattered, and stained
and faded to yellow in a brown leather frame

did they beat the drums slowly
did they play the fife lowly
did they sound the death march as they lowered you down
did the band play the last post and chorus
did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

the sun shining down on these green fields of france
the warm wind blows gently and the red poppies dance
the trenches have vanished long under the plow
no gas, no barbed wire, no guns firing now
but here in this graveyard that's still no mans land
the countless white crosses in mute witness stand
till' man's blind indifference to his fellow man
and a whole generation were butchered and damned

did they beat the drums slowly
did they play the fife lowly
did they sound the death march as they lowered you down
did the band play the last post and chorus
did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

and i can't help but wonder oh willy mcbride
do all those who lie here know why they died
did you really believe them when they told you the cause
did you really believe that this war would end wars
well the suffering, the sorrow, the glory, the shame
the killing and dying it was all done in vain
oh willy mcbride it all happened again
and again, and again, and again, and again

did they beat the drums slowly
did they play the fife lowly
did they sound the death march as they lowered you down
did the band play the last post and chorus
did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

To learn more about this song and it's history:

Here is a link about this song.


check out this videos someone made in memory of WWI.

A little late but here it is......

This poem will probably give me away, but i dont really care. The picture I wrote about was a picture of my dad, brother, and I and when I first started to write about it, I didn't really know what to write about, but then everything just came to me. I wish I could write more about times that it has just been my dad, brother, and I.

Flying Feathers

We come here a lot during the year,
It’s chilly but not unbearable.
We all wear orange so we are easily picked out through the trees and brush.
The English Setters run around sniffing
The owner whistles for the dogs not letting them get to far away.
They smell something
They point, tail straight, back straight,
Not moving an inch as if they were .
They wait for their next command.
Then suddenly there’s a sound, in unison, almost like heavy artillery.
The smell of smoke dances around us as the dogs race to retrieve the pheasant.
The somewhat prideful owner rewards his dogs with a pat,
And a promised biscuit when they return home.
A day of fun, joy, and memories is over,
We smile and remember,
And wait for another day like this to come