Wednesday, May 9, 2007


When Mrs.James started class by talking about motivation it made me think about speed skating.It takes alot of motivation and determination to win or even to keep going.During a race your legs will ache you feel like just giving up and collapsing but you cant you have to be determined and and just keep going and push it even harder.You may feel like throwing up and breaking down but you have to just work harder than ever.Even if you fall down you have to get back up and keep going.Sometimes the races are so close that you win only by one wheel which is very small.My favorite video to show determination and perserverance is on youtube called till i collapse!the link is .It motivates me to not give up and to keep going no matter what.I watch it alot to motivate me.My favorite skater is Colin Thomas!He is so determined and works really hard!He is the only 14 but is on the world team and is wining!Here is a link to read more about him .This stuff probably isnt exciting to you guys because you don't skate and don't know what it is like but for me skating is my life and all this is very intersting.

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