Friday, May 18, 2007


Ok, I absolutely love this song, and I decided to share it with you all. If you notice the time, I'm awfully bored as well. Anyway, I posted the lyrics down below, so feel free to say what you think! I love this song! =]

What I thought wasn't mine
In the light
Was one of a kind,
A precious pearl
When I wanted to cry
I couldn't cause
I Wasn't allowed

Gomennasai for everything
Gomennasai, I know I let you down
Gomennasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do now

What I thought wasn't all
So innocent
Was a delicate doll
Of porcelain
When I wanted to call you
And ask you for help
I stopped myself

Gomennasai for everything
Gomennasai, I know I let you down
Gomennasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do now

What I thought was a dream
A mirage
Was as real as it seemed
A privilege
When I wanted to tell you
I made a mistake
I walked away

Gomennasai, for everything
Gomennasai, Gomennasai,
I never needed a friend,
Like I do now
Gomennasai, I let you down
Gomennasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do now

California breaking off???

So is California really breaking off of the continent? Well statistics say that there is a chance for it to really break off because of the tides under the ground that is slowly chipping away from the warm sea tides. But then again I may be wrong depending on the information on which you believe. I just heard from my mother about the news. And then I read a site leading to my question. And it had said that California will not be breaking off.

Here's a link.

Comment it

I made a big long post called Global warming, abortion, and political parties. Go comment it.

British assasins ROCK

i'm reading this sweet new book called Eagle Strike. It is about a 14 year old british kid who works for MI6, but is on vacation. But a hit man comes looking for him to kill him and kills his friends. It is really intense so far, and it is awesome, because it is in France and has lots of cool suspense scenes after just the second chapter!

so far I really like it, and I'll give you an update when I get further along.

Beefy Manwich.


i finially finished A Million Little Pieces. wow, it's about time!


NBA Playoffs 2007!

Alright so my two teams are out, but here is what's going on. Detroit beat the Bulls in six last night so they go on to the Eastern Conference Finals to play the winner of the Cavaliers-Nets series which the Cavs lead 3-2. Game 6 is tonight! In the West, the Jazz already advanced to the Western Conference Finals and will play the winner of the San Antonio Spurs-Phoenix Suns game. So now I'm going for the Suns (all though I do like Duncan and Parker) in that series and I like Cleveland in the East. You guys should watch all the games!!! There's an update.


peace =]

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace” ~ Jimi Hendrix

Is he totally right or what?

Die to Live

That sound really wierd but that is the situation that Juliet seems to be in. She has to drink the liquid in the vial and die to call off the wedding and then be able to stay with the banished Romeo. Back then is just like now....DRAMA. One person or family doesnt like another person or family and then bad things happen and people die and get banished. Well it doesnt usually go that far but it does in the play.

Can't Wait

I can't wait until Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix comes out in July. I absolutely love the books and the movies. Rupert Grint (Ron) is my favorite actor in the movies. You either love the Harry Potter books, or you don't. I really like the books because you don't realize how much you are reading at a time. I can easily read 100 pages, and have it feel like the amount of time it takes to read 10. These books are very good, and the movies are just the same. I'm also very excited about the 7th book to come out.

Does anyone know when the 7th book is coming out?
I really want to know; because I can't wait!

♥New and Improved♥

So yeah we have been watching the new romeo and juliet. well if it was me i would make a whole new one of this generation. Romeo would be my man Chris Breezy and Juliet would be Rihanna. I think this would be a perfect match and my gurls Ki and Jess helped me pick. So guys tell me what you think and comment me plz♥

Welll, hi :D

So, I just checked out a new book from the library yesterday, then lost it! haha
Then just a few minutes ago, I found it again. WHEWW! Thats a relief. But anywaysm, it is called You're teh one that I want. It is one of the gossip girl novels i guess? BJ told me to read them and a few other people! But anyways,

We watched the two movies yesterday. The old version is really squashy and hard to understand! It seems like everything is really just to run together for me to watch. So, I like the new version a lot better!!!

On the other part of my world.
I bought six little chicks!
Their names are:
Sadie, Dude, Chick, Solitaire, Paris and Alfonzo
I liked them for the first day i had them. Now i totally hate them! They won't shut up at night and cause so much drama with eachother! It is for a science fair project! Otherwise i would throw them in the dumpster!
haha don't get me wrong, i love them like a mother would, they just get super annoying!

Well, thats all for now :D
bye bye

P.s. My brother's last day of highschool was today :( im gonna miss him sooo much.


This weekend I have a soccer tournament. It is gonna be straight-up bawl3r. We get to play some older teams and kick some you know what. If I don't make it to final game or whatever than I'm probably going to go to U-16's game on sunday. It is their last game and their pretty crazy awsome so idk thats my plans.

What are YOU doing this weekend.

Johnny the Homicidal Maniac

Hey every one! I know that Technolover just posted about this, but I'm posting it again. So ha. In your face, Techy.

Anyway, I just had to tell you all about this hilarious book I finished reading this morning! It's the director's cut of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. If you haven't read it, I suggest you do. If you haven't read it and have a weak stomach, I suggest you don't. It's the most graphic, gorey, over all disgusting book I have ever finished in my lifetime. I'm dead serious! Ok, Johnny, who we shall call Nny, is, as the title says, a homicidal maniac. He kills and he honestly doesn't know why he continues on with this murdering madness. He's just scared of the creature that lives in his basement. It told him if he didn't cover the wall in blood, it'll get out and kill more people. He started killing because of that, but soon he lost his reason why. He just liked to. Sounds like the coolest thing in the world to me, but I'm just insane! Pay attention to me! Heehee!!!

Anyway, I thought this book was absolutely hilarious and I fell in love with the characters, especially Nny and Squee. His real name is Todd, but he makes this noise when he gets scared (which is a lot of the time) and he was granted the nickname of Squee. Nny, of course, is just short for Johnny. If you liked the imaging of Invader Zim, then you'd like the drawings in this book. Yes, same artist. For those of you who are lucky enough not to know what Invader Zim is, please avoid the name at all costs. It's... so... STUPID...

But back to telling you about JTHM! It does, in fact, have a storyline in it, which you find about close to 3/4 of the way into it. The first half has to be the most hilarious part of it. I can't even tell you about it. You have to read it and see it for yourself!

Basically it's just the story of Johnny C, Nailbunny, Mr. Eff, Psycho-doughboy, Devi, Tess, Anne, and Squee! You really just have to read it to get it. It's too confusing to explain to you. But besides their stories, there's also Happy Noodle Boy, the comic that Nny draws in his free time (all the time), apart from his killing. Don't let the cover fool you though! You have to see for yourself!!! =]

warning: graphic violence & foul language abundant

Who likes a lot of blood and gore, morbid comedy, tons of cursing, and comic books? If you answered yes to any of the above, you'll like Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. It's the story of Johnny (nickname: Nny) as he struggles to maintain sanity. This is quite difficult actually because he is in fact losing his mind, he's a multiple murderer, and there's this nasty beast living behind his basement wall and if he doesn't cover the wall with blood, then the demon thing gets out and kills even more people. It's very bloody, but theres a lot of funny stuff because since Nny is so crazy, he's a little like a kid at times. And I think the grand record is ten F-words on one page. Heh, little excessive I know, but its funny.

Yay its Friday!

I am happy the week is over because this weekend I have regionals for skating!
I think the newer version of Romeo and Juliet is so much better than the older one because the old one is really boring!I did think the fight scene was better in the old version because it was with swords and was just alot better than in the new version.Do we have to read all of scene 4 or what?Anyways off of the Romeo and Juliet subject the book im reading called New Moon just got better!I am so happy because it was boring but then something actually happened.Well I am going to read it now because it is in the middle of a really exciting part!

Romeo and Juliet


When we first started this play, it seemed like it would be fun to read, but after the sword fight, everything is going downhill. Its depressing to watch all of this happening when you know that at the end they are going to kill themselves. At any point they could have turned back, but they never did. It's just not fun to read anymore. All that happens now is people arguing and threatening to commit suicide. Well, that's all I have to say.

I wrote this song last night...

So i am gonna post it here on the blog.
But i am really self-conscious about things like that,
so don't make fun of me or anything.
Just lemme know if you like it or not.
By the way it's not completley done so it's kinda short.
I ont mind talking about the meaning of the song, just ask me if you wanna know.
What matters to me is what you get out of it.
ok here it is:

IT really hurts when being me,
is like a sin to you.
When someone special comes along,
you just think it's cute.
If cameras steal our souls,
then her's is long gone.
Did you really believe
I wouldn't point this finger at you?
When you showed me how it feels to be unexcepted
by the people who shouldn't care.
I'm the EP to you album Collection,
No point, just a few extra song
that we could all just live without.

3 more weeks!!

Why do the Seniors get to leave today but the younger class-men have to stay three more weeks I really think it is unfair but I can't do anything about it. We have already cleaned out our lockers and have to carry our book around for the remanding of the school year. I heard we are not doing anything the last week anyways. So why even come. Some kids are doing the smart thing and taking their finals a week ahead so they have a longer summer. I know for a fact Ash Grove and Willard are already out of school because the ice storm was an naturally disaster so why not us!

summer time

I'm excited for the summer to start. When i lived in California my whole family would go to this beach and stay in a beach house. It was so much fun, so this summer I'm going back to California, and doing it again. I think living near the beach is a lot different than just visiting, because this year I'm so excited to see the beach again... too bad Missouri doesn't have a beach... =]

Carter Says 'Ello.

Pigs are food and back in Shakespearean times, it would be really popular among rich people. Pork and ham meant fat, and fat meant beauty. I have a little toy pig named Carter. I think it's sad to kill animals. I agree with PETA, and you an go to their site here. Go ahead and browse there. I feel like killing animals is wrong, but the Montagueas and Capulets probably ate plenty of meat in an every day meal. Me, if I was back in that time, I would probably love to get a piece of meat every once in a while, but I wouldn't eat it half as much as them because I'm one of the poverish families in the city.

I have been thinking lately about the cultures of the time that Romeo and Juliet was based and what kind of stuff they did for liesure or work or just to live. If you were to compare Shakespearean and the 21st Century, you'd get a LOT of differences. Now, wikipedia isn't the best source, but i had about 5 minutes to do this. Think about it. Things we whine to our parents about:
Not getting to go hang out with friends
Not being able to check your myspace or facebook in over a day
or even Not getting everything you want.

Then, they whined about:
Hard tasks
and other people's fights.

What's the deal?
Check it out for yourselves. Maybe you, too, will be amazed.

Act on your impulse,

swallow the bottle,
cut a little deeper,
put the gun to your chest.

Those are some of the opening in Impulse. I'm so excited I'm finally reading it:) I love the way Ellen Hopkins writes. She chooses her words so carefully and the entire book is almost like poetry. I love it! I also got a book called The Diary of A Teenage Girl. It looks really interesting. here are so many books I want to read and so little time!

WELL today is the last day our senior class will ever be at Kickapoo! I am so sad:( I am really close with a few seniors and I don't want them to leave! Whenever they played the memories video, I wanted to cry but that would have been totally pointless since it had NOTHING to do with me. I'm just really emotional when it comes to goodbyes and the future. and to think I only have 2 more years and I'm outta here! A lot of my friends are upset with me because I'm graduating early and don't think I will do it. But that's just how much I can't stand highschool! I know you're supposed to 'cherish' your teenage years, but I'm so over the highschool scene and ready to get out! I wouldn't mind it so much if highschool was like middle school because I loved middle school.. but it's not! It's drama drama drama! SO I talked to my conselour and I am graduating early:)!!

Anyway I hope everyone has a good weekend, and seniors have a great life!

wow..strange town

So in my book, The Road of the Dead, the two brothers head back to the town where their sister was murdered. As they enter town, the locals at the small gas station give them weird looks and Cole, the older brother, punches one of the guys out. It seems like no one in the town wants them here, either because they are hiding something or they just don't like newcomers. Anyway the younger brother meets a gypsy girl who knows a lot about the town and now they are walking back to the spot where her sister was killed to get any clue about what happened. So far the book is good.



Today is the senior's last dayyy! I'm kindof jealous of them, but then again I'm happy that I'm not in that position just yet. I personally don't mind high school that much, because I try to avoid as much drama as possible, that way I can hopefully have alot more happy days throughout the rest of my highschool career. I'm really going to miss a few seniors, but I'm happy that they're graduating and starting another chapter of their lives. I think I'll be scared to go to college though, I mean i'm not 100% positive about that as of now, but when I think about it in the present time, all I can picture is how the first day of high school was for me. I was really scared the first day, but then I realized that Kickapoo really isn't that big if you think about it. Once you get used to where your classes are, and where the main parts are of the building, then you're okay:)! This is about all that's going on today that I could think of to blog about. Comment me if you have anything to sayyyy!

The sequel to Hangman's Curse!

Does anyone recall that movie in 2003 called Hangman's Curse? Well, if you do, did you know it was a book first? If you knew that, did you know that Frank Peretti (the author) finally wrote a sequel? Yes, Peretti has finally written the next adventure of Elisha and Elijah Springfield, the crime fighting twins that have the most unusual adventures. I'll admit, Hangman's Curse creeped me out because of the spiders, but not to worry, Nightmare Acadamey (the sequel) is totally insect free. It's a let down on the creepy factor as well. Nightmare Academy isn't creepy at all, but it is very interesting. If you liked Hangman's Curse, you should read the sequel, but don't get your hopes up.

No if, ands, or BUTTS about it

That thing with the old version of Romeo and Juiet was really nasty(although I think some girls liked it). The new version was cool when tybalt killed mercutio with the shard of glass and then Romeo shot him a bunch. That is my favorite part of the movie so far. Although I did like the fight scene in the older one better, because it was longer and like a real fight. It was awesome when they were joking, and then they fought, but were still kindof joking around. It was all a big joke until somebody gets hurt. After Romeo found out that mercutio was actually hurt, he got really mad, and it was cool to see Romeo's mad side, because normally you just see his wimpy kissy, mushy, love stuff. It is nice to see him man up and take revenge like he did.

I didn't like how they had to show Romeo's behind, but overall both movies were good. I still like the new version, but with the sweet fight scene, the older one is catching up.

That is all for my romeo/juliet comments

Beefy Manwich

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Summer and stuff!

I'm so happy that school is going to be out in about a week and a half:)) Each day we're getting closer to finishing Romeo and Juliet thankfully. Although, I do understand it now ALOT better than I did when we first began. I think it's really interesting how different the modern film, and the old film differ. Time's have really changed, haha. Well, on a different note, I'm so excited for summer, and to be able to go swimming again and just have fuuun! I'm dreading finals though:/ Have a good night!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The road of the dead.

This is the book I'm reading. It starts out strange. A 14 year-old kid is talking about the murder of his sister. Later on his older brother and him head back to the town where she lived to find out what happened. That's about all I know so far, but I hope it gets better. I've only read about 32 pages. It's supposed to be a suspenseful story. I hope it gets really good.


yey yey yey

i'm almost finished with my book. I'm reading My friend leonard by james frey by the wayy. and its amazing. the only problem is that in the back of a million little pieces is a little page with what happened to everyone that was in the book. and i read it, but i only read it because i didnt know that there was another book. anyway, the point is that it totally ruined it for me because i knew what was coming. and i know what's still coming. so yea...that kinda sucks. but oh well because its still an amazing book. :) guys should read it because i really want to talk about the spoilers but i cant cuz i know to many people that are reading a million little pieces and since i''m suchhh a nice person i wont give it away for you guys. :)
My brother suggested I read this book. It is about the fall of some civilizations, like the vikings and mayans. Jared Diamond is the author of the book. In the books he explains why civilizations fail or succeed. I think it looks pretty interesting. I probably won't have time to read it until this summer though. Its like 500 pages long.


Well we just had a celebration of our knowledge over Romeo and Juliet Act 3. I was a little worried cause some of it confused me and the plays were great but scene 3 completely lost me. I was just glad that it didnt seem to hard once i got it and we got to use our study guides. Acutally i only used it once though so... Well hope it wasnt to hard for anyone.


do parents act like the Montagues and capulets?
i hate this so much.

New Moon

I am still reading New Moon.It is definently not as good as Twilight from what I have read.It is kinda slow and boring right now unlike Twilight which was always so good and interesting.I hope it gets better because all that is going on right now is just her life after Edward Cullen and his family leave town and her forever.She becomes in a deep depression and doesnt ever do much because she misses him.Yeah its pretty boring but I guess I am going to keep reading it.My friend says it gets really good and she loved it.Has anyone else read New Moon?What did you think about the book?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Garfield: Shakespeare!

This is a really funny little comic strip that I found in a book and I just wanted to post to you guys about it. And this has something to relate about what were doing in class too. LOL. Well I hope that you guys like it. Its hilarious. And yes I scanned the picture, that is why there are wrinkles on the paper. If it's a little blury or if you can't see, just click on the picture.

Life, Shakespeare, books books books

My dance competition went pretty well!
On the other hand, Shakespeare! My group did Act one, it was quite amusing! We did star wars for our "theme" haha
I loved how no one can understand shakespeare, or the edited version that we made! It was quite funny!
If anyone has any informatioon about the study guide, help a girl out!!

I just finished my totally crazy book! The ending was very sad, it just sort of ended, right as he came out of his coma. It was depressing, but next I think i am going to read Crank, but i am not quite sure! Any suggestions?!

Ok, well that is all I have or tonight :D goodbye!

Bombin' Safari

So yesterday we had a "bomb threat", which actually turned out to be a box of makeup. Everybody evacuated, and my class happened to be on the soccer field and was the first class out there because we had drama 2nd block.

I was taking pictures like crazy, and when everybody started swarming out of the school, it reminded me of a herd of elephants going to the water hole. My friends and I were taking pictures of the "herd" as news correspondents, and I even made a video about the "animals" going to the "water hole". The video didn't turn out very well because the only thing you could here from the "news correspondent" was BOMB, but other than that, it was really funny when we made it.

I had lots of fun yesterday, even though the bomb threat wasn't that funny. Anything exciting happen to anyone during the evacuation???


So some of you may have heard me talking to Ms. James in class about my older brother. He's in the army and what happened was that he was at a bar talking to i girl he used to date and a complete stranger came up to him and hit him with brass knuckles. Steve(my brother) was knocked out and his friends took him to the hospital. when he got there he was unconscious and the cat-scan said that he had bad bleeding in his brain, i was going to go to Kentucky this week where he is staying , but the past week he has got better, so my family decided not to go. I just think it its wrong the way some people choose to act. I'm just glad that just all that happened to him.

I'm back!

Wow i went to Vegas this weekend and missed school on friday but im back. I had a ton of fun in Vegas and bought a ton of clothes and stuff. I took Cole and we walked the strip by ourselves which was kinda of a suprise but i was so much fun. We chilled at the pool and i got my tan on and then there were definatly some fine ladies out there...anyways! We had a ton of fun got to shop, swim, eat, and chill in Vegas. What more could i ask for? Well let me know if you got any questions bout Vegas or the trip. Thanks.

Monday, May 14, 2007


Bomb Threat
My drama classroom was the room with the "bomb" in it. The room was broken into over the weekend and vandalized. Someone took laptops, messed up the room, glued the door shut, and left a make-up box.

By the time I got to 2nd block the door was open, and there was a scare that the box our teacher found, had a bomb inside of it.

All of this that I am positive of is that the room was vandalized, and that there was a box left in the classroom.

Did you guys hear the same thing?
If not; What did you hear?

Sunday, May 13, 2007


four more weeks left! Which means a lot of time to read more books. Any suggestions? I want to read velocity, but its been checked out. I hope I find another book. Well I will see you all tomorrow. Be ready for your presentation thing over Romeo and Juliet!

I am!


Spam stands for Shoulder Pork and Ham

A black cow is a chocolate soda with chocolate ice cream. The term dates from the Roaring Twenties, although it also came to be used to describe a root beer float. Another term for a black cow was a mud fizz.

The cashew is part of a fruit that grows in tropical regions called 'a cashew apple'. After harvesting, the cashew apple keeps for only 24 hours before the soft fruit deteriorates. The cashew apple is not commercially important since it spoils quickly, but local people love the fruit. To harvest the nut, the ripe apple is allowed to fall to the ground where natives easily gather it. The apple and nut are separated.

South Pittsburgh, Tennessee, better known as "The Cornbread Capitol of the World," has an old ordinance pertaining to the cooking of this southern staple. The law declares: "Cornbread isn't cornbread unless it be made correctly. Therefore, all cornbread must be hereby made in nothing other then a cast iron skillet." Those found in violation of this ordinance are to be fined one dollar.

The fortune cookie was invented in 1916 by George Jung, a Los Angeles noodlemaker.

A man named Ed Peterson is the inventor of the Egg McMuffin.

Although the combination of chili peppers and oregano for seasoning has been traced to the ancient Aztecs, the present blend is said to be the invention of early Texans. Chili powder today is typically a blend of dried chilies, garlic powder, red peppers, oregano, and cumin.

Americans eat an average of 18 pounds of fresh apples each year. The most popular variety in the United States is the Red Delicious.

An apple, onion, and potato all have the same taste. The differences in flavor are caused by their smell. To prove this - pinch your nose and take a bite from each. They will all taste sweet.

Mr. Peanut was invented in 1916 by a Suffolk, Virginia schoolchild who won $5 in a design contest sponsored by Planters Peanuts.

John Kellogg invented corn flakes, for a patient with bad teeth. Charles Post invented Grape Nuts. Dr. Kellogg was the manager of a Michigan health spa and Post was a patient. The spa was founded by Sylvester Graham...inventor of the Graham cracker and pioneer of the early 1800s movement to eat more bran.

The secret recipe for Coca Cola, code-named "Merchandise 7X" is kept under lock and key in a vault in the SunTrust Bank Building in Atlanta, Georgia, the home of Coke inventor Dr. John S. Pemberton and current world headquarters of Coca Cola International.

In South Africa, termites are often roasted and eaten by the handful, like pretzels or popcorn.

Table salt is the only commodity that hasn’t risen dramatically in price in the last 150 years.

Ice cream was originally made without sugar and eggs.

Native Americans never actually ate turkey; killing such a timid bird was thought to indicate laziness.

Pigturducken is a pig, stuffed with a turkey, which is stuffed with a chicken, deep fried in oil, which is usually put into something similar to a horse trough over propane burners.

Carbonated water, with nothing else in it, can dissolve limestone, talc, and many other low-Moh's hardness minerals. Coincidentally, carbonated water is the main ingredient in soda.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Americans eat more than 22 pounds of tomatoes every year. More than half this amount is eaten in the form of ketchup and tomato sauce.

In Bavaria, beer isn't considered an alcoholic drink but rather a staple food.Beer is made by fermentation cause by bacteria feeding on yeast cells and then defecating. In other words, it's a nice tall glass of bacteria doo-doo.

Spam stands for Shoulder Pork and Ham.