Friday, May 18, 2007

3 more weeks!!

Why do the Seniors get to leave today but the younger class-men have to stay three more weeks I really think it is unfair but I can't do anything about it. We have already cleaned out our lockers and have to carry our book around for the remanding of the school year. I heard we are not doing anything the last week anyways. So why even come. Some kids are doing the smart thing and taking their finals a week ahead so they have a longer summer. I know for a fact Ash Grove and Willard are already out of school because the ice storm was an naturally disaster so why not us!


Micaela said...

we are not yournger class men, we are UNDER class men. I hate having to carry all of my books around when we still have 2 1/2 weeks left of school. I think it's stupid that we have to be in school makeing up the ice storm days...especially when we were told that we don't have to have school because they are considering them a natural disaster. Who was the person who decided to make us come to school longer? I really don't like that person very much.

m1012 said...

No kidding! I was so mad when I heard that we were still going to have to go to school for that week even though the Governor Blunt passed a bill saying we didn't have to because it was a natural disaster. I wish I could be done with school now as well, but I am taking my finals early becasue I am going to be gone the last week of school. :)haha. But when we are seniors we will get to get out of school early then the rest of the school as well.

Colten said...

If the ice storm wasn't a natural disaster, then what is? But come on, we still have almost 3 weeks left? The memories assembly and movie got me all worked up thinking it was the last day of school, but it isn't.

m1012 said...

Oh Micaela the person who decided to have us go to school that last week when we didn't have to was our superintendent, who is from Colorado. haha

Phasma said...

Why not us? Greed, my friend. The schools get money for everyday that we are in class. And, if this works anything like the general fund that money garnered from the gambling industries is put into (which, surprise, is supposed to go towards education), not a dime of it will be put to good use... it will slip unnoticed into some big-wig's bank account. (F.Y.I. Money put into a general fund is extremely difficult to trace, thus extremely convenient in some circles.)