Friday, May 18, 2007

Act on your impulse,

swallow the bottle,
cut a little deeper,
put the gun to your chest.

Those are some of the opening in Impulse. I'm so excited I'm finally reading it:) I love the way Ellen Hopkins writes. She chooses her words so carefully and the entire book is almost like poetry. I love it! I also got a book called The Diary of A Teenage Girl. It looks really interesting. here are so many books I want to read and so little time!

WELL today is the last day our senior class will ever be at Kickapoo! I am so sad:( I am really close with a few seniors and I don't want them to leave! Whenever they played the memories video, I wanted to cry but that would have been totally pointless since it had NOTHING to do with me. I'm just really emotional when it comes to goodbyes and the future. and to think I only have 2 more years and I'm outta here! A lot of my friends are upset with me because I'm graduating early and don't think I will do it. But that's just how much I can't stand highschool! I know you're supposed to 'cherish' your teenage years, but I'm so over the highschool scene and ready to get out! I wouldn't mind it so much if highschool was like middle school because I loved middle school.. but it's not! It's drama drama drama! SO I talked to my conselour and I am graduating early:)!!

Anyway I hope everyone has a good weekend, and seniors have a great life!


Technolover said...

I know what you mean. It seems like a lot of kids here are like whiny little emotional kids. The last time I ribbed people for being too emotional I caught a lotta flak so I'll just say this. At least be a little mature, please?

kaybee395 said...

Lame, you're graduating early and you're going to miss out on our graduation:/ You're going to be in a completely different world than all of us in 2 years.

I don't like this BJ.

AIR JORDAN 23 said...

Well that stinks but if that what you want to do then i think thats what you should do. I just hope you dont regret it. And i completely know what you mean bout the whiny kids and the drama thats why im moving and i hope it isnt as bad there. Well I will miss you and i hope we will talk after i move.

glamorousnpink said...

there are alot of freshman that are graduating early so dont be sad plus if your friends are so mad then tell them to step there game up and they can be with you.♥ plus i really like the book by ellen hopkins she writes really good!♥