Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Finallllly.. A mockingbird!!

So after reading all this way, i finally found the first mention of a mockingbird! It was on page 90. Scout was talking to Atticus about their new gun set they got for the holidays. Atticus told Scout that it would be pleasant not to shoot birds, but if she had to, to kill off the bluejays. He warned her never to kill a mockingbird, they serve no discontent, all they do is bring pleasure to our lives. I thought this was so soothing, to know how we felt. Usually men back in that time did not care about nature, but Atticus does.

Then a few pages later, Scout gets into a lot of trouble. They go to have a nice meal with her relatives. One of which is Francis, the most annoying jerk of a cousin that you could meet. He goes on to call Atticus a nigger-lover and a threat to the rest of the family! Scout replies with her knuckles in his teeth. After everyone heard the fighting, they all come running out, and of course they blame Scout.

Later that night, Unckle Jack gives her time to explain her side of the story and finds that it is not her fault. I really love Uncle Jack, he seems like the guy that can be rough at times, but has a sensitive caring side.

This is where i am... i know its pathetic. But i am a very very slow reader.


Welpp, later

1 comment:

theBEST_bj said...

Awww I haven't read that yet. Well I haven't really read any of the book because I don't understand it. But I like that Atticus said that about mockingbirds. I looove you :)!