Friday, March 16, 2007

What I like and What I don't Understand!

What I have found out last night while reading the book made me curious of why anybody would chose such a bad judge (in my opinion) for the trial of Mr. Tom Robinson? What I have read last night got me concluding that maybe people back in society then were afraid to be seen with African Americans like how Mr. Dolphus Raymond pretends to be drunk to keep his reputation up for the white people so that he won’t disgrace them.
I was wondering why travelers would call somebody to go to h3ll just because they had a really nice garden. I was also wondering why Lula was so against the Finches being at their churches. I think that Reverend Sykes is a good man who wants to help the Robinson family by raising money to give to them so that they can buy a house. I especially enjoy how Atticus wants everyone to hear the truth behind the Robinson case even if he does not win the jury.

I have a couple of questions about the book and I would be glad if you helped me answer them!

1. Could anybody define what shinny or shinnied is in the book?

2. And why did they have Aunt Alexandra over if they didn’t want her?

3. Why would Mr. Cunningham not speak to Scout when she was asking him a question in front of the jail?

That would be all of my questions and if you answer me I thank you. Have a good weekend!!! :)


omgzitsjenkins said...

Number two:

Aunt Alexandra just showed up, i guess, because she figured that Scout could us a 'mother figure'.

but it you ask me, i think Calpurnia would do a better job :]

Technolover said...

Okay, my opinion is that Judge Taylor is really intelligent and so alert that he can pretend to be asleep and still be paying attention. He knows Atticus is smart enough to win and Miss Maudie puts him in a list of the "good people". I think he's a great judge.
As for your questions: 1. Shinny is alcohol. 2. Atticus is the one who is letting Aunt Alexandra stay. He gets annoyed with her, I think, but she's still his sister and he's too polite to make her get out. 3. Mr. Cunningham was ashamed to answer a little girl asking him a blunt question because it made him realize that what he was doing was wrong. He's a good man, I think, but he was caught up in tradition.
Have a good weekend!^-^

Ashley said...

Hey guys, I really appreciate your comments becuase they help me understand more about the story. I didn't know what shinny was but thank you for telling me what it was.