Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What Do We Value Most?

As i thought about this question, i realized that we pretty much value everything we have, or else we wouldn't have it. That makes sense... right? If we really didn't care about something too much, i doubt we would take the time to keep it, clean it or use it. On the side of that, actual things that we value (what seems the most obvious to me) could be money, family, spiritual needs (religion), clothes, grades or even animals.

I value all of these things a lot! Some more than others, but they all have some meaning to me. This question, What do we value the most, is more asking prioities, and if they are in line. For example, if someone put clothes above religion or family. That wouldn't make any sense at all! But if we truly look at how we feel, maybe that is the realy truth. From Mrs. James asking us this question, I believe that we would realize how we set our lives up. Whether that is on earthly things, or God, and believing that there is one.

Now that is something to think about!!!

What do you all value most?
&& do you think you have your values lined up in the right order?

1 comment:

theBEST_bj said...

I love all the stuff I have. But I really only value Abbey, Austin, and Sarah and the most. I mean I guess that is bad because I'm not including my parents.. but I couldn't live without those three things.. people. Everything else (money, clothes, cools stuff) is just a luxury that I'm very thankful to have. And well religion or 'spiritual needs' as you say it, I just don't know anymore. I don't know what I believe or how I feel about God anymore. All I know is that what I value the most are the people that keep me going. The people that I could NOT live with out. Not the cool stuff I have or money I can spend. That is all, I LOVE YOU!