Sunday, March 11, 2007


I finished my book, Twilight!

Oh my gosh, that book is so good. it took me about two weeks to read ( not counting the weekends, just weekdays) and I never wanted to take my eyes off of the pages. Seriously, today (Sunday) I read about 100 pages with no break or intermission for my eyes. Normally I read a certain amount of pages in a book and then I get up and walk around, watch TV, get on the computer, normal stuff. But with this book it felt like my eyes were glued to each page. I think in order to read this book you have to be willing to get lost in your imagination and be able to cling to the large amount of fiction in this book. The book almost made me cry, it made me laugh, and it even made my body hurt just with descriptions of what happens to Bella in the story. Basically, if what I've been describing sounds like something you want to read then you should get started soon because it has 498 pages, but remember those fly by in the blink of an eye:]

I hope every one's weekend was fun, and enjoyable!

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