Friday, March 2, 2007


1) I cracked my head open due to my imaginary friends.

2) My head was super glued together.

3) My favorite sport is volleyball.

4) I used to be our English teacher's neighbor.

5) My cat got ran over on my brother’s 18th birthday by my sister.

6) My favorite color is purple.

7) I have blue eyes.

8) My siblings and I were all born in the summer, on Wednesday, in the morning.

9) My favorite college volleyball team is Nebraska Huskers!!!

10) My lucky number is 10.

11) I sleep with my fan on every night.

12) I love High School Musical.

13) I’m Catholic.

14) My grandpa is the funniest person I know.

15) My sister has brown hair, my brother has red, and I am a
16) Dried cow pies make the best frisbees.
18)And just so you know I would rather be a fish than a snail.
19) I've only been on a plane once in my life and I would prefer to eat glass than ride in a plane again.

1 comment:

Beefy Manwich said...

mmmmmmmm. glass, sounds tasty. Let me know how that works out.