Friday, March 2, 2007

25 Things About Me

1~I was born with blond, straight hair, then it went brown and wavy
2~I've owned too many pets to count
3~I had a sixth grade reading level in second grade
4~I'm able to read over 400 pages in a day
5~I'm a flute and piccolo player, but I want to play the trumpet
6~I get headaches almost every day at the same time every day
7~My name came from a soap opera character, and my name originated in Shakespeare's time
8~I'm a writer, and working on a trilogy at the moment
9~One of my favorite bands with the strangest name is Barenaked Ladies
10~I have the most and thickest hair out of anyone in my family
11~I was the smallest baby out of four, the youngest pre-mee, and the oldest child in my family
12~I used to think my Gramma was a vampire
13~I think I have partial OCD since I have to have some things perfect, I'm terrified of touching dish rags in sinks, etc.
14~I've moved 17 times in 14 years and been to 10 new schools before (only finishing 3rd, 5th, 8th, and soon to be 9th at the same school)
15~Almost all the babies in my family like me
16~I'm left-handed
17~My nickname and my friend's I came up with last school year (Mine's Fluffy and her's Biskithead)
18~My favorite elementary school teacher was the strangest one and also the son-in-law of Greeley, Colorado's first millionaire
19~I've been to 13 states and lived in only four
20~I have had a llama try and eat my hair before
21~I cross-stitch, read, write, practice flute and piccolo, and get online when I'm bored
22~I used to be able to say my alphabet faster backwards than forwards
23~My initials make up my nickname
24~I was knocked unconscious before riding a bike. I almost slid into the Boise River, but my Gramma saved me
25~I don't believe in "Love at first sight"

That's my 25 things!



omgzitsjenkins said...

I don't belive in 'love at first sight' either.
it's more like 'lust at first sight'.

MyFallOutRomance said...

i believe in love at first sight because i have experienced it. We haven't really told each other yet, but everytime i see him, i have this... wierd experience. if you don't have that feeling, then it's lust. and that why most people don't believe in lvoe at first sight.

A_Band_Geek said...

No kidding. I don't believe in it because you can't know the person's personality the moment you glance at them, or why they'd be a perfect match for you. You don't know anything about them the first time you look at them. If you do, then it's a crush. Nothing more. It takes awhile before you know how that person works, and why they're perfect for you!

Technolover said...

I agree about the "lust at first sight" thing. I also agree that its impossible to know everything about that person. I'm kind of chuckling at myfalloutromance's comment. ^-^ "A weird experience" Ha! Sounds like he's reading your mind or something. Tee-hee.
On another note, Fluffy, you never told me your book was going to end up a trilogy. Or is that some other book plan you haven't shared? Hmm? I'm planning a sequel for my own book I just finished. Isn't writing awesome? ^-^