Monday, April 9, 2007

Turn to the dark side, it is your DESTINY!!!!!!!!!!!!

just a small blurb from Star Wars. Well, my post is about the freewrite we had today . Alot of people think that our live is already set in stone, and that our destinies will always be fuffilled the way they were predicted. But I think that we can make our own destinies.

We live in America, the land of the red white and blue, the worlds most beastly army, and freedom to be whatever you want. If you want to sit on your bums and do nothing with your life, then you can do that. But if we want to suceed in life, then it is our hard work that makes us succeed, not the fact that it is our destiny.

I think that God knows what we'll be when we grow up and all of the decisions we will make, but he doesn't controll them, and lets us controll our own destiny and decide where we want to go with our life.

I also think that people say the "It is your destiny " thing just to give that person confidence. If you told a good skateboarder that he will never go anywhere with his life and just end up flipping patties at Burger Buddie, then he will probably get discouraged and end up there. But if you put confidence in him by saying that " It is his destiny to pull off the 1080, and that he will be better than Tony Hawk" because it is his destiny, then he will feel good, and maybe go out and do that and become the next world phenom in skateboarding.

Destiny is only controlled by you and not set in stone, but it is a good helper in giving somebody confidence, so we should still use the phrase and tell people that it is their "destiny", even though it might not, because who knows, maybe they'll be the next Tony Hawk.

Im out

Ballin' !!!!!!!!!

Beefy Manwich

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