Tuesday, June 5, 2007

angels and demons

have you ever thought about your religion? Ever really looked deep into it? some of you may have, some of you may not of yet. the book i am currently reading is about Christianity and science. many people might not agree with my beliefs, but they are mine so please respect them. I'm not posting this blog to start a major controversy in our class. so, with that said if you offended by what you are about to read please don't take it out on me. thank you.

my book is Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, it is the prequel of the Da Vinci code. The reason i started reading this book is because of my beliefs, I am agnostic. i don't consider it a religion because i don't follow one god, one book, or one belief.

to me it is very confusing, so i am sure it will be hard for you to understand, but I'll do my best to explain. I have many different beliefs, and i think I'm going to share them with you. I believe in god, but i also believe in Evolution. I believe that you can be reincarnated, and that you can go to heaven. yes, i know i am contradicting myself, but i can't help it. part of me just thinks it is impossible to know if there is anyone or anything else out there. (if you are wondering what an agnostic is this website can explain it a little.) Angels and Demons really helps me understand why i feel this way.

Some people do not know how to accept the beliefs of others, but i always have. that is another reason why it has been so hard for me to live here, because in California everyone is fine with hearing other opinions, but here in the bible belt of America...its much different. i never tell someone that their beliefs are wrong, or that they need to follow another religion. Angels and Demons is about how scientists are trying to reveal to the world about afterlife, and the catholic/christian religion, but the church will not allow it.

i don't want you guys to think i am an atheist, because there is a GREAT difference between atheist and agnostics. to me an atheist believes that god does not exist, and they don't want to believe in one. My beliefs as an agnostic is that there might be a god, but there might not be. i also believe in more than one religion. i don't want to get to far into this subject, since it is a very sensitive one, but i just can't get it off my mind. most people inherit their beliefs and opinions, but as a have grown up i decided for myself what i believe in. i like it that way, and i also find it perfectly fine if you choose to follow in your parents foot steps. i wish it could all just be explained to me, but the world as we know it is still a mystery.

if for some reason you are upset with my post I'm sorry, but this is who i am and i can not change for anyone.

p.s here are some more websites if you would like to check them out, they are about agnostics and such... one, two(this site is my FAVORITE it tells you how every person is agnostic),and three.
note that these websites are peoples opinion not facts about agnostics.


1 comment:

glamorousnpink said...

i luv u jessica oops i mean student lalalala i like your opinion on religion and i think a lot of people really dont know their true religion but soon find out.♥