Monday, June 4, 2007

The Final Countdown!.........Errr, I mean Post.

For my final post I will talk to you about many things that have to do with my favorite book that I have read this year, Velocity. You guys have probably heard me rant and rave about this book, but annoyed or not, many read it because of my referrals. As we all know it is about a guy who has to follow along with some serial killer’s game and make decisions on whose lives to spare and whose lives not to. In this final post, I will talk to you first about serial killers and why they do what they do.

Serial Killer- a person who kills three or more people in three or more separate events, over a period of time, including an "emotional cooling-off" period in between the homicides. Their cooling off periods may last months, years, but sometimes they only last days. They often kill people of the same race or sex, and have a certain signature way of killing people. Most of these serial killers would be hard to notice in normal situations. They normally come off as charming or very witty and fun, but this is just a manipulation they use to gain the trust of their companions to remove any suspicions.
Many serial killers are psychopaths, and have a personality disorder, which causes them to come off as nice.

Some early warning signs that somebody you know might be a serial killer:

1.Burn things for the thrill of destroying things, or to gain attention of others.
2.Cruelty to animals, such as pulling legs off of insects, or even killing pets such as dogs and cats.
3.Bed wetting past the normal age when kids wet the bed.

Famous Serial Killers: All of the names are links to Bio's of them!

Jack The Ripper

So now we know that serial killers are bad dudes. They are often psychopaths and are really creepy. Their targets are often people of similar race, sex, or occupation. Overall they are really bad people.

So some words of advice if you thinks somebody might be a serial killer:
tell your parents
Be nice to them so that you’re not their next target
if you have to, report them to the police or have them go to a counselor or something.

I guess That's all. I hope you all have a groovy summer and I look forward to seeing you all next year..........NOT!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry, just had to through that in there.

See Ya'll

Beefy Manwich aka


Ashley said...

Lol, thanks for the warning. I like your post about the whole serial killer thing it was really cool and another thanks for adding the pictures on your post, it makes it a lot easier to identify them. I'll consider reading the book "Velocity." Oh and one more thing, not to be mean and all but your supposed to use the word "throw" instead of "through" in the third to last line, just thought that I should point it out to you.

A_Band_Geek said...

Really fascinating post. I love learning about the past of murders and about serial killers. They don't lead normal lives, which really draws me in.

Oh yeah, and you've got really good music on there! Well... you did... Michael Jackson: Good music, creepy guy.