Tuesday, June 5, 2007


This is Dr. Jack Kevorkian, nicknamed "Dr. Death", for the practice of Euthanasia.

Euthanasia is also called 'mercy killing' and it's the act of putting to death painlessly or allowing to die, as by withholding extreme medical measures, a person or animal suffering from an incurable disease. Right now, it's illegal to practice Assisted Suicide, and Kevorkian was put in jail for 10-25 year sentence, only serving 8. This site here tells about what he promised to do/not do now that he's out of prison.

The book that I just got done reading is called Impulse, by Ellen Hopkins. It's about three kids who all try to commit suicide, and fail, and end up getting sent to a place, kind of like a rehabilitation center. It helps them cope with the reasons that they were trying to kill themselves. They also all meet each other, and bond in many different ways. Reading that book really made my perspective of suicide change.

The other night, I saw Kevorkian on the news for when he was released, and I made some of my own opinions on the topic of mercy killing.

(I don't know if this will be counted as another kind of final blog post, because this is a lot of opinion, but I have some strong opinions about this topic that I'd like to share)

I think that there should be certain terms to decide who can and cannot be euthanized. If you're diagnosed with a terminal illness, such as cancer, or is in an un-wakeable state, such a being in a coma, I think that whoever is the one who is ill, should have the choice of being euthanized because it is their own life. A lot of people think that it should be the family's decision, but if the person who is ill is an adult, they have the right to make their own decisions. So I personally think that if the person with the terminal illness is 18 or older, then they have the right to make up their own life about ending their life, or living with the terminal illness that they've been diagnosed with.

Another thing with this topic that comes up is the fact that animals are euthanized to make room in humane societies to make room for more incoming animals. How is that fair at all compared to euthanizing humans? Animals don't get to decide if they want to be killed or not, so what gives the veterinarians the right to kill them themselves? At least with euthanizing humans, they can decide for themselves about wanting to be killed or not. Giving them that choice it can generally make their lives easier because they don't have to live with the terminal illness anymore. I think that's a good thing to look forward to.

Here's an article talking about an interview with Dr. Death himself, and some of his views on euthanasia. What are yours?

Okay, I think I'm done now (:

And Mrs. James: If at all possible, can this be counted for my final blog, and not my other one? Haha, thank you (:


A_Band_Geek said...

That's really cool. This also ties into the topic of Suicide that Blondie posted. I think you did a really good job, and I think that he had good intentions at heart, it was merely against the law, don't you?

Also, what was the order of those books? Isn't it Crank, Burn, then Impulse?

omgzitsjenkins said...

thanks (:

there isn't really a certaind order for the books, because they don't tie in together.
but yeah, Crank, then Burned, then Impulse (that's the order that she published them).

personally, Burned is my favoirte (: